The grand attempt to use the term "fundamentalist" on every Christian to paint us all in a negative light. And really the term means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, but usually it has the connotation of an ignorant person. If you see me as ignorant, so be it. But you might be very very surprised one day.
I agree in sum - though you must admit that 'fundamentalism' of a kind - aggressive and 'rabid' in all religions, and even 'rationally' - is causing considerable problems globally right now.
One good place I have found which has a constant banter back and forth from Christian and non Christian people is a program in podcast form on the Premier radio network called " Unbelievable". There are many constructive and respectful discussions there between Atheists and Christians. One recent show addressed the question of alien life and how it would be received by the religious crowd.
Sounds interesting.
I'm Mike's polar opposite when it comes to belief. I don't think two people could be further from each other in terms of world view. Mike you have a lot of info to post about how bad God is. Why not be fair and post the parts about the love the God of the Bible shows? How about all the parts where He planned way in advance to send His only son so we could also have freedom and forgiveness. I know you won't do that, instead what you will do is post about how could a loving God send his son as a sacrifice for our sins. Am I right? I don't have a problem with that in terms of an eternal agenda. I mean, if you believe He rose in three days and sits at the right hand of the Father( I know you don't).
Cards on the table: I am an Esotericist, in some parlance I am an Occultist - which makes me the 'spawn of the devil' for some 'fundamentalists'. However, that said, the Christ Being is central to innumerable streams and is an unavoidable Individuality on the path of inner development - to everyone's great relief. [In fact, it is this Being that can be invoked for protection in any 'psychic' situation that goes awry.] Those who seriously meditate and who reach certain degrees of capacity mention the 'Christ Being' encountered (Dalai Lama - Tibetan Buddhist Stream) or the 'Christ Consciousness' (the late Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan - Sufi Stream) - just two examples. These are not 'spiritually minded' folks trying to be ecumenical and inclusive with embracing language - this is an absolute fact encountered in the progress towards refinement of consciousness.
The Rabbi Jesus aside - believe or don't believe what you will - something extraordinary was set in motion 2,000 years ago, nothing seen before or since. For lack of a better word it is called 'Love Incarnate' - and a new dispensation commenced. Maybe a Rabbi was the only way to cloak the mystery in terms that could be understood - it doesn't matter. [Not saying I believe that, just saying.] There was a definite shattering of the ancient 'old gods' - the pagan world of 'the group' was left and the individual began the ascent into what would be our modern sensibility that 'I' am of significance and matter. I could go on - but won't.
Just to say
that the coming of this Being - this God - was foretold in every religion in the ancient world. It is said that if you stood outside the world in space at that time and watched with 'spiritual eyes' - one would have seen a detonation-like occurrence take place around the world - lighting up the entire world - when this being 'arrived' (in a sense, in the deeper meaning of all of that).
As for good and bad god - we do describe ourselves for the most part when we describe our gods - but foremost, teased out from a world mythos, are two persistent statements: we are beings endowed with free-will - meaning we are free to create our own heaven and hell 'right here in River City' - and we will not be interfered with - except that we came here to learn Love and can do that only with resistance - and therein lies a whole 'nother mythos to capture that exalted truth.
[Incidentally, there is a line of reasoning that posits that - as enticing as ET visits may be - interference into this earthly evolution (until we have reached a certain point of command in total - 'critical mass') is forbidden. A kind of Star-Trekkie 'Prime Directive' but at a profound level with severe consequences to any who breach that line.]
'Died and was buried and on the third day arose' - is a profound statement of initiation. For some this is a matter of belief, or disbelief or un-belief. Irrelevant. It is either so or not so. In order to determine it's veracity, other capacities must be developed in order to understand. Just like with the beginnings of Algebra certain arithmetic skill-sets must be in place for us to develop facility with algebraic thinking. Same here.
For the record, I am not in this to fight, only to highly recommend any seeker look much deeper than just what you read from these guys . As someone who is on the opposite view with most of this the other side needs to be entertained IMO.
Or at the very least that mere thinking is not sufficient to solve the riddle of the universe. It is puzzling how so many can believe they have the tiger-by-the-tail and understand all the ramifications. Till the moment I pass-on, I will always have a healthy dose of skepticism even with my most fond formulations. In the end, we must all be willing to find we not only have been, but are, The Fool.
Ufology you like to say that you like it when people come to your house so you can "set them straight", yet a few months back when I unknowingly started a conversation with you because I thought it was in a public conversation and some of that conversation was religious. You locked me out of that conversation. Who is running from who? I think when you seen I wouldn't back down and buy into your view you pulled the plug. So much for objectivity.
Also, being so unnerved by the saying of the mass speaks to a lack of cosmopolitanism at the very least. As modern people I think we should be totally at ease with other modes of ritual and expression. I am able to attend a Hindu wedding ceremony of my American Hindu friend with perfect equanimity and even understanding. Same when I attend a student's Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Viewing such as being around 'delusional' people strikes me as curiously 'fundamentalist' in fact - an intolerance is being displayed - no different from religious intolerance between religious people.
To any believer who might be tempted to either be drawn into a fight or a long discussion with these guys my advice to you is this - If the enemy can get you all caught up in this it might prevent you from doing something really productive. Don't waste too much of your time here. These guys have their minds made up. Don't let it zap you of good you could do somewhere else.
Here I both agree and slightly don't. I don't believe any human being is 'the enemy' - nor does any line of thinking become 'the enemy'. We all suffer from the same modes at one point or another - be they clothed in religious or scientific or philosophic thought. It's the thinking - the process - that should be observed - and we can observe our thinking - proof that we are not our thoughts - but something 'else'. [Thinking is not the highest capacity a human being can achieve - though one would think that if thinking is as far as one has gone.]
It is important to be able to identify when there is seriousness of intent to have a meaningful conversation. If that is not there, then one's time really is being wasted.
In the end it's every man's decision to make. Believer, skeptic, unbeliever, agnostic, theist, apologist. We all make our own beds.