Still Seeking Samantha
I'm 28 with a 4 year long girlfreind and a mortgage (together) but i know i would not cut it as a dad, i think of myself as a 28 year old boy.
Untill that changes(i might never feel like i can cut it) i wont have children.
I will feel like i have missed out on something but im not putting a kid through me being crap.
To start, I can't believe we're fighting over who is "better": parents or non-parents. We all know there are those who long for children but can't have them, and those who could care less but who pop them out left and right. It seems to me a discussion of the nature of family and the vocation of being a parent would be more productive. I'm hearing some forum members whose parents were obviously open to having children arguing forcefully that it's a better choice somehow for people NOT to be open to becoming parents. That doesn't make much sense to me. I suspect in the background there may be some issues with wanting to have plenty of sex while avoiding all natural consequences, but I won't go there ...
Anyway, Brain Matter, I'm getting the impression that your GF is expecting you to pop the question--you're living as though you're hitched already--and that she would like to raise a family. But you're, naturally, a little nervous about that.
So, as we guys typically do, we come up with all sorts of excuses for why we shouldn't go there ... and I'm a dumb ass who could never handle changing a diaper seems to be on the top of your list. (I bet your GF won't buy that one, by the way.)
Speaking as a father who was about as nervous as you can get about this whole baby thing, I'll just say don't count yourself out so quickly. If I can be a dad, a husband, hold down a full-time job, and actually find happiness in those roles and in the midst of the chaos, YOU CAN TOO!!!!!!
Now, if your GF is worth it to you, go buy that ring, get down on one knee, propose, and be open to children!!!!!