I will undoubtedly regret opening this thread.
OK. What we hear are two sides that seem to be screaming at each other. Interestingly they also seem to fall on party lines. The fact is opinion does not matter in the reality of this. It matters in the politics, but science is impervious to opinion.
Either global warming is happening or it is not.
Either we are causing it (To what degree is not known) or we are not.
Either CO2 is largely responsible or it is not.
The problem, of course, are the implications of this thing. Massive amounts of money are on the line. Otherwise no on would give a rats ass.
But why is this a hoax?? I don't get it. Don't like Gore, fine, I can't blame you. Don't like the IPCC, fine. Don't like the scientific consensus, fine. But what about literally every other scientific organization in the world endorsing AGW?? Are they all "in" on this hoax??
Look, it only takes one scientist to be right. Even if millions are wrong. I understand that. I'm also not a climatologist. So I have to take somebody's word for it. And those people seem to be telling me that we are causing it.
I don't really want any kind of drawn out fight. I can accept being wrong. I'm actually good at it. I want to know the truth. And I personally think the absolute truth in this matter is so complex that we might not even understand it in any kind of comprehensive way.
But I do think we treat our planet with little respect. I do think we can have an effect on the planet in numerous ways. We are too busy trying to dominate each other and make money than to critically reflect on the potential consequences of our current actions. We are largely an irresponsible and selfish species.
The consequences of acting and being wrong far outweigh doing nothing and dealing with the aftermath, whatever that might be. Not that we should act "just because", but imagine a scenario where we leave our children and their children in this huge mess because we failed to recognize and act as a species.
I wonder if someday we might be confronted with a global problem (not that this is it) that required global action. If we are ever to reach Kaku's Type I civilization, we may need to overcome certain planetary problems.
Keeping in mind I'm only trying to get at the truth here, .... start your bitching.
OK. What we hear are two sides that seem to be screaming at each other. Interestingly they also seem to fall on party lines. The fact is opinion does not matter in the reality of this. It matters in the politics, but science is impervious to opinion.
Either global warming is happening or it is not.
Either we are causing it (To what degree is not known) or we are not.
Either CO2 is largely responsible or it is not.
The problem, of course, are the implications of this thing. Massive amounts of money are on the line. Otherwise no on would give a rats ass.
But why is this a hoax?? I don't get it. Don't like Gore, fine, I can't blame you. Don't like the IPCC, fine. Don't like the scientific consensus, fine. But what about literally every other scientific organization in the world endorsing AGW?? Are they all "in" on this hoax??
Look, it only takes one scientist to be right. Even if millions are wrong. I understand that. I'm also not a climatologist. So I have to take somebody's word for it. And those people seem to be telling me that we are causing it.
I don't really want any kind of drawn out fight. I can accept being wrong. I'm actually good at it. I want to know the truth. And I personally think the absolute truth in this matter is so complex that we might not even understand it in any kind of comprehensive way.
But I do think we treat our planet with little respect. I do think we can have an effect on the planet in numerous ways. We are too busy trying to dominate each other and make money than to critically reflect on the potential consequences of our current actions. We are largely an irresponsible and selfish species.
The consequences of acting and being wrong far outweigh doing nothing and dealing with the aftermath, whatever that might be. Not that we should act "just because", but imagine a scenario where we leave our children and their children in this huge mess because we failed to recognize and act as a species.
I wonder if someday we might be confronted with a global problem (not that this is it) that required global action. If we are ever to reach Kaku's Type I civilization, we may need to overcome certain planetary problems.
Keeping in mind I'm only trying to get at the truth here, .... start your bitching.