The opponents of AGW seem to sort their arguments into few categories, but they don't stick with just one reason. They throw all of them out hoping one will stick. And the arguments to morph from one argument to another.
1. It's the suns fault
2. CO2 is good
3. We couldn't possibly cause anything, we are too insignificant
4. Sulfur Dioxide from various sources
5. It isn't happening at all, there is no warming
6. The data is all wrong or too selective
7. It's all natural and there is nothing we can do about it
8. The solar system is warming
9. Whatever other argument I'm missing
When discussing this I see that the opponents throw ALL these arguments out. But they never are at peace with one. I don't have anything to gain having an opinion one way or another, but while we have some scientists, usually backed by some energy company, saying we are not to blame the majority of science says otherwise. This is pretty clear despite any number of various people signing any petitions.
That being said, yes there will be and should always be alternative arguments. This is what science is about. Data collection usually needs revision or different methodologies. Other hypotheses need to be tested. The scientific method doesn't start with a conclusion and get tested from there, or at least it shouldn't. Certainly selective bits of data have been cherry picked by both sides and this is not only dubious, but downright dishonest.
To those that say we can't affect our world, I say that is complete rubbish. We are everywhere on our planet building power plants, factories, cars, etc. We are worse than cockroaches. History gives us several examples of us fucking things up.
Someone said use your common sense. Right,.. use common sense. Maybe the majority of scientists didn't think to use their common sense. I wouldn't be adverse to accepting whatever truth there is, but it has to be more than "Just think about it".
That said, we may still be heading towards another cold spell. Any graph of the last half a million years shows this. I have to seriously wonder if anyone has thought of how we might handle the reverse of global warming. This might be far worse. And as I kind of laugh about it, what if we completely mess up and "force" oursleves into an ice age??
Either way if our species is to make it long term, we will need to overcome large planetary problems. I wonder if this has been the demise of intelligent species on other worlds. Will we be one of the "intelligent" species that couldn't make it because we were too stubborn and power hungry and stupid to come to some global resolutions to our physical planetary problems?? It is quite possible.
1. It's the suns fault
2. CO2 is good
3. We couldn't possibly cause anything, we are too insignificant
4. Sulfur Dioxide from various sources
5. It isn't happening at all, there is no warming
6. The data is all wrong or too selective
7. It's all natural and there is nothing we can do about it
8. The solar system is warming
9. Whatever other argument I'm missing
When discussing this I see that the opponents throw ALL these arguments out. But they never are at peace with one. I don't have anything to gain having an opinion one way or another, but while we have some scientists, usually backed by some energy company, saying we are not to blame the majority of science says otherwise. This is pretty clear despite any number of various people signing any petitions.
That being said, yes there will be and should always be alternative arguments. This is what science is about. Data collection usually needs revision or different methodologies. Other hypotheses need to be tested. The scientific method doesn't start with a conclusion and get tested from there, or at least it shouldn't. Certainly selective bits of data have been cherry picked by both sides and this is not only dubious, but downright dishonest.
To those that say we can't affect our world, I say that is complete rubbish. We are everywhere on our planet building power plants, factories, cars, etc. We are worse than cockroaches. History gives us several examples of us fucking things up.
Someone said use your common sense. Right,.. use common sense. Maybe the majority of scientists didn't think to use their common sense. I wouldn't be adverse to accepting whatever truth there is, but it has to be more than "Just think about it".
That said, we may still be heading towards another cold spell. Any graph of the last half a million years shows this. I have to seriously wonder if anyone has thought of how we might handle the reverse of global warming. This might be far worse. And as I kind of laugh about it, what if we completely mess up and "force" oursleves into an ice age??
Either way if our species is to make it long term, we will need to overcome large planetary problems. I wonder if this has been the demise of intelligent species on other worlds. Will we be one of the "intelligent" species that couldn't make it because we were too stubborn and power hungry and stupid to come to some global resolutions to our physical planetary problems?? It is quite possible.