They just sponsored another Conference on Climate Change in New York City that ended yesterday. Oh, you didn't hear about it? That's kind of strange, isn't it? You would think the media would cover a major conference in New York, especially considering the speakers there, who presumably, spoke willingly and don't mind having their names used. None of them are going to insist their names be taken off the list since we have video of them speaking.
I did know about the conference even though it didn't get much publicity. I do keep my eye on any news or relevant information on the topic. And this goes to why I even posted this thread in the first place. There is a lot of confusion about this topic, even if you try to keep yourself informed.
I have found a few problems concerning this stuff as I've stated, but I don't want to come across as some fundamental religious AGW proponent. And I know that is how I'm coming across. And while I still look at the other side, a few things just continue to bother me. I'm not out for a fight, I'm just trying to weigh the science versus everything else.And it isn't easy.
Let me ask this. Does it bother anyone else that the Heartland Institute misrepresented data by other climate scientists?? Because they did, and that is just a plain lie. I think it is relevant. You saw the quotes from the other scientists. Not just one, but scores of them saying they were misrepresented.
And let me ask this. Lindzen, who appears to be the poster child for the other side. What has he had peer reviewed?? Peer review is the checks and balances for science. And I can't find anything he has had peer reviewed. And further, he has been wrong numerous times. If you do a basic search for him you will discover the things I'm talking about. If he and others would spend more time doing research than writing articles and books it might help. Books don't convince the scientific community, peer review does.
And this. Does it bother anyone that vast majority of the 31,000 people and scientists that signed the petition had no business weighing in on this topic??
I'm just asking if these things bother anyone else?? And I know there are things on the AGW side that bother me as well. Gore being number one.Gore and the IPCC bother a lot of people. But every major science organization around the globe tells us the same thing (that AGW is true to whatever degree). Every one. It's hard to imagine a scenario where they are
all in some conspiracy to ..... what I don't know.
I can't imagine the alarmist doomsday being true. So maybe it is somewhat of a "Lets prepare for the future" mentality.
If AGW is a farce as people have said, then, fine. Lets get the relevant studies
peer reviewed and go from there. Its the only way to go about testing for the truth. And if that is the case, then why aren't people like Lindzen filling hundreds of pages to be reviewed?? Meanwhile, hundreds of peer reviewed studies with CO2 implications have been in this process and have been found to hold true as far as I can tell.
I don't want to make rash decisions for our planet when it is based on a falsehood. For christ sakes, I certainly don't want to pay for it. If it is bunk, it should be simple enough to get the science out there. Until then, and I know I'm gonna sound like a complete ass, this conference is more of a protest or picket line.
Please point out where I've gone off the trail. I know I'm sounding more and more like an alarmist, but I'm not. I'm just a concernist I guess.