Skilled Investigator
Will you fuck off please ? And Lance, come back.
Step three... mob thought. when more than one person agrees with you it must be a fact!
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Will you fuck off please ? And Lance, come back.
Interesting how you follow a 'steps' program.
Can anyone give irrefutable evidence for evolution?
I didn't mean that I was leaving the forums...I still enjoy them (even though certain members here do want me banned and it is obvious that skeptical posts endure much more scrutiny than believer posts) but I am through talking with the drunk guy who has the lampshade over his head! It's hilarious when he does it at home, I'm sure.
I see, 'puppet master', eyWank yourself to sleep or continue to entertain.
---------- Post added at 06:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:12 AM ----------
you are alive ?
Trolling is an Art you clearly haven't mastered.
Hmm.. use of "deep seeded" instead of the more conventional (and actually correct) "deep seated".
I'm gonna say Harvard...
Goddamn, why the hell am I feeding this dumbass? Can we each get one last shot him and then let him swing alone--can we all do that for the love of God?
It's not a typo bonehead--typos are forgiven here--you didn't know the correct word until just now which betrays the fact that you are trying to sound like you didn't just get off from the late shift at Best Buy so that you could return to the internet where you are a highly respected scientist (and perhaps also a super hero).
At least I don't have a limited mind that can't accept larger possibilities.
But alas, true believers are always blind to their own faults and bigoted as a protection against accepting new ideas.
Evolution on the other hand is a scientific theory. Scientific theory. Not a guess, not an assumption, a theory... in the same way that gravity is also "just a theory". If you think that "theory" translates to "belief system" then I challenge you to apply the same disregard you seem to hold for evolution to gravity and see how far it gets you. I'm guessing not far (save to the ER... or morgue).
Also: the micro-evolution of viruses and bacteria is effectively proven as they have been shown to be capable of a considerable degree of adaptation throught natural selection to create more and more drug-resistant strains of themselves. Since fractal math shows us that things which occur in nature at small scales/fast rates tend to repeat at larger scales/slower rates, we can therefore extrapolate out from the micro to the macro and add it to the OVERWHELMING PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE that exists to date. We can conclude that evolution is indeed well supported and that the only reason we cannot "prove" it in the standard sense is that we can't actually observe it taking place because we don't live for millions of years.
This guy is funny, lets keep him![]()
Gravity really?
"fractal matter distribution out to such huge scales undermines the standard model of cosmology. According to the accepted story of cosmic evolution, there simply hasn't been enough time since the big bang nearly 14 billion years ago for gravity to build up such large structures."
"If this dissenting view is correct and the Universe doesn't become smoothed out on the very largest scales, the consequences for cosmology are profound. "We're lost," says Coles. "The foundations of the big bang models would crumble away. We'd be left with no explanation for the big bang, or galaxy formation, or the distribution of galaxies in the Universe."
Again CONFIRMATION BIAS and NARRATIVE FALLACY, you are interpreting raw data to bolster your beliefs not the other way around.
I'll leave you to insert a childish remark and pat yourself on the back for being oh-so clever now.