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Gaza Israel bombings

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Lest you are uncertain what they are doing - they are shrinking the Gaza strip by 40% -

Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent
LINK: Israel Creates ‘No Man’s Land’ in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40 Percent - The Daily Beast

TEXT: "To protect itself from Hamas rockets and tunnels, Israel is forcing tens of thousands of people out of their homes, turning their old neighborhoods into a no-man’s land.

BEIT HANOUN, Gaza — This narrow strip of land that used to be called “the Gaza Strip,” already one of the more densely populated places on Earth, is growing dramatically smaller. The Israeli military, relentlessly and methodically, is driving people out of the 3-kilometer (1.8 mile) buffer zone it says it needs to protect against Hamas rockets and tunnels. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the buffer zone eats up about 44 percent of Gaza’s territory.

What that means on the ground is scenes of extraordinary devastation in places like the Al Shajaya district approaching Gaza’s eastern frontier, and Beit Hanoun in the north. These were crowded neighborhoods less than three weeks ago. Now they have been literally depopulated, the residents joining more than 160,000 internally displaced people in refuges and makeshift shelters. Apartment blocks are fields of rubble, and as I move through this hostile landscape the phrase that keeps ringing in my head is “scorched earth.”

It’s not like Israel didn’t plan this. It told tens of thousands of Palestinians to flee so its air force, artillery and tanks could create this uninhabitable no-man’s land of half-standing, burned-out buildings, broken concrete and twisted metal. During a brief humanitarian ceasefire some Gazans were able to come back to get their first glimpse of the destruction this war has brought to their communities, and to sift through their demolished homes to gather clothes or other scattered bits of their past lives. But many were not even able to do that.

When Rania Haels got within 60 feet of the debris that was once her family home in Al Shajaya on Saturday, a machine-gun on top of a nearby Israeli Merkava tank started firing. Probably these were warning shots pumped in her direction, but the 42-year-old mother of seven ran for her life. Now she stays with her family in an overcrowded parking garage in Gaza City and spends her days sitting in a public park full of refugees displaced by the Israeli push. Normally these would be festive times, the end of Ramadan is at hand and celebrations akin in spirit to Christmas festivities are beginning. But holidays have a way of intensifying tragedy. There is no place for Haels’ family to gather to give gifts and eat Palestinian sweets. There is, in fact, no place for them at all.

“We lost our homes and so now we live in the streets,” said Haels, holding a toddler in her arms who clings to her pastel-patterned hejab. “This war has destroyed me.” She says at least she knew where her home was. Some of her neighbors could not find their homes as they walked down streets made unrecognizable by the wreckage and horrifying by the presence of death.

Rashid al Delo and his 11 children were, like Haels, blocked by Israeli machine-gun fire when they tried to return to their home near the bombed-out Wafa Hospital in Al Shajaya. But despite the dire reality, al Delo, who used to work in Israel but has been unemployed these last 15 years, is determined to salvage his life.

“We will rebuild Gaza again and again, despite the force of the Israelis,” he said with confidence as he stood below the Gaza City apartment that belongs to his in-laws and houses, now, 30 members of their extended family.

In Beit Hanoun the systematic destruction mirrors Al Shajaya. I walk past old men and teenagers trying to lift cinderblocks and slabs of stucco with their bare hands, sometimes in search of a mattress and other times in search of a relative.

The desert of demolition only becomes more vast as I get closer to the Israeli border. Individually razed homes and stores give way to gray and white plains of obliterated walls with hills of contorted iron bars and broken-up slabs. Here the bodies are hidden under the new landscape and it will take more than a brief pause in fighting to unearth the gruesome extent of the town’s suffering.

“Scorched earth,” historically, means destroying land to deprive the encroaching enemy of its use. Israelis shy away from using the phrase to describe what they are doing because, in Israel, it brings to mind the strategy of the Nazi retreat from Russia at the end of the Second World War.

According to Hebrew University political scientist and longtime analyst of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Yaron Ezrahi, with or without the phrase, the idea does have a certain logic. Ezrahi says there is a military and political calculation behind this devastation. Some in the Israeli government believe it will create enough Palestinian suffering so that Gazans will rise up against Hamas or force the leaders to come to terms with Israel when they come out of hiding.

But that is an assumption that greatly underestimates the resolve of Gazans to see an end to their seven years of Israeli blockade and rid themselves of the Israeli presence that controls the strip like guards positioned around a prison yard.

At the same time, said Ezrahi, the practice of systematically flattening neighborhoods is focused on saving the lives of Israeli soldiers, who might otherwise be more exposed to hit-and-run attacks.

“Israel is more sensitive than any other country in the West to the death of its soldiers,” said Ezrahi. “The death of [Palestinian] civilians is a moral crisis but is without political impact.” "

Randall/M1, I see you are still at it. Can't help yourself, I guess. The only way you know how to connect - as a troll.
Ha. Ha. Blink and my post a couple of swaths of cut and paste ago disappears. I politely asked you not to call me that, but malignant obsession is hard to master even when recognized.

For anyone who cares, I wrote a post about the seeming inability to write for yourself, relying instead on an onslaught of posted material purposely sought to bolster your own view.

Does it occur to you that Randall is being unfairly maligned with this constant whining and venom of yours. I think out of deference to his feelings I will vacate this thread. But then that's proof I'm Randall in your mind.

And anyone who remotely offends you is a troll.

But I am gone. You are a case indeed. An infant will see that as victory.
I was told if I called you Randall you would leave the thread. It looks like they were right. Curious.

At least you're leaving this thread without throwing a hissy-fit. Small favors.

Yep, pretty much convinces me that we are correct in our suspicions. You are Randall. Bye. ;)
Tyger, gosh I'm chuckling here, you gotta let that racing mind of yours calm down. I am gone, can't converse with a rabid cut and paster, especially the walls you put up!

But really, calm that schizoid mind of yours, for your sake. I'm not Randall, or that other poster you mentioned I may be in, where was it, Australia? No, no fit thrown here, Tyger, that other one telling you to sod off when you kept accusing me was a bit of put on. You are insufferable, and you do take offense easily. You like those spats, don't you? Those little girl offended spats, pouting and petulant?

Anyway, a not so fond goodbye. I must tell you you are wrong. But that does no good. You're convinced, but even then your racing mind isn't sure if I'm the Aussie guy. Very split.

In kindness, I'm neither. What a laugh. You know if I'm telling the truth you've made a fool of yourself, but your paranoia won't let you think I'm being honest. For your obsessed mind, Tyger, I'm not Randall or the other.

Surely the powers here have told you that. Bottom line, what a sick, sick obsession. Why don't you contact Randall? Why not this Aussie? Did you get in a lover's spat with the Aussie guy, too?

Good luck, Tyger, old boy, something tells me your personal life has these rocky times quite frequently.

Bye. You can have the last word and call me Randall and, what's the other one, M1? You are one sick puppy.
M1 (the M and the 1 of your current avatar name - shorthand) - very curious that you think 'the powers here' have told me anything about you - you reveal yourself. You understand about IP Addresses - and you've gone so far in your thinking that you think I have questioned your identity to 'the powers here'. You think that when I said 'we' I meant 'the powers here'. No - other posters think you're Randall.

Anyway, your MO is a twin of Randall. Right down to your last post - and I'm trusting that it is a last post, Randall, at least the last post you ever direct at me, even by allusion. Post where you will - just cease being so interested in trying to establish a dialog with me. Stop the baiting. Exercise some restraint. Walk on. Make other friends.

You need to be more observant. The poster who you claim was telling me to 'sod off ' was actually directing that at you, with far more colorful language, too. Your reactions to my posts are not in line with how and what I post to you - and that is so like you, Randall. What's odd is that you think I'm offended, or in any way upset with you. I'm not. I don't give you a second thought except when I see you baiting me in a post. Tiresome is all I think. You're time consuming - I'll admit that. You play a game which I generally don't have time for. That ticks you off. For a second time as M1 you are stalking off in a huff. Not as much foul language this time but with the same strange OTT reaction.

So you want me to contact you, Randall? I don't have the time nor the interest. I wish you well as you merrily go forth posting on the site. I sincerely hope that you treat those in your RL world with greater respect and goodwill than you have demonstrated here. Bye, Randall. :cool:
The anti Jewish comments on this thread have crossed a line. Additionally, there's been an horrific display of ignorance of history ancient and modern that would be laughable if it wasn't so pitiful. It's akin to believing, as one astute commenter here prone to posting interminable swaths of stuff from dubious sources does, that there were humans living contemporaneously with dinosaurs. It's really that bad, I'm afraid.

Just a few statements of fact plucked from the blue in no special order:

1. Israel has an historic claim to the land within its borders.
Based on what ?The book of fairy tales ?
No U.S should rather give money to those who worship death and destruction, kill anyone who believes in democracy, exterminate gays and force women to undergo genital mutilation? That's the culture we need to support?
Oh , and what about one of the causes of this conflict , the settlements ?You think it is justified to steal land , houses and properties from others , for decades ?
I was watching a program on Democracy Now some time ago. It was about how a group had put all the T.V. video from 9/11 in one place and you could watch the video from all the networks hour by hour. Anyway the fellow who was head of the group said that the TV footage described as Palestinians celebrating the horrors of 911 was in fact Palestinians celebrating the signing of a peace accord with Israel. I will try to find it, but it was some time ago. The current death toll alone of Palestinian men women and children is over 1300.

There is a lot on the internet about this piece of video. One source says it was suppose to be from the Kuwaiti invasion - but that then was said to be a hoax. In sum, I think this free floating video has had nine-lives and it's hard to trace down it's provenance. I'd be interested in your source - that would seem to be definitive.
I mentioned the NY Times in one of my posts. I like the Times, very liberal, don't always agree, but the articles try to show all sides, and commenters there keep the paper honest. A subscription, paper and/or digital, can be had for a small expenditure.

My favorite story about the New York times is by Michael Parenti. Someone asked him why he never read fiction. He thought about it and realized he did every time he read the New York Times.
Media Alliance : METHODS OF MEDIA MANIPULATION, by Michael Parenti
Lest we forget:
Gaza Death Toll Nears 1,500 as 72-Hour Truce With Israel Begins
GAZA CITY, Gaza - The number of Palestinians killed during Israel's three-week offensive in Gaza hit 1,463 on Friday, health officials said. About 8,400 others have been wounded. The death toll now surpasses the about 1,400 Palestinians killed during during the Gaza war of 2008-2009 by NBC:
Gaza Death Toll Nears 1,500 as 72-Hour Truce With Israel Begins - NBC News
The new ceasefire has collapsed due to Hamas violating it most egregiously. The comments in the more reputable source I've mentioned in this thread are heavily in favor of Israel defending itself strenuously in this case and in the duration of this action by Israel since it began. This source is a very liberal newspaper.

I hope Israel campaigns even more aggressively now. The loss of life is tragic, but it is very true that the people of Gaza are fully supportive of Hamas now and have been in the past. A government is often a clear and accurate reflection of the people it governs. Israel is being as careful as it can. If Israel really was purposely targeting civilians, the toll would be astronomical.

The sources used in this thread and are cut and pasted in dense walls are suspect in my opinion. I encourage posters to write in their own words, using whatever sources they wish, but show they are capable of condensation. I don't think people read all that stuff anyway.

RT.actualidad in my opinion is very suspect. I've done some research on it. No need for an article to "be supplied" with a translation. The link was sufficient and the body of the article contained its source, a link to The Nation, with the more complete article there in English. No need to post a wall, thus insinuating a certain facility. I have grave concerns with these "five misconceptions" things, which purport to demolish "myths" created by the Israelis. Such "articles", often from biased sources, contain the truth without realizing it: in other words, each enumerated "myth" can be taken as actually true! It's an "op-ed" device used by sources which pretend to be more than they are. The article in RT actually contained a defense of Hezbollah, stating it didn't hide weapons among civilians. Israel cannot have a fair shake in these types of agenda laden "articles.

My comments and return are prompted by a wish to give balance, and to stand up for Israel on this thread, in my own words.
My comments and return are prompted by a wish to give balance, and to stand up for Israel on this thread, in my own words.

Nope cock-sucker you are back doing the only thing you can hope to do, troll and disrupt the thread flow, because the whole world is appalled at Israel's actions, there can be no balance drew in this picture, infact it's a game changer, it cements a whole new generation's way of thinking about Israel/Gaza.

Now a new generation are as fully aware as my generation, of the evil and butchery of zionism, and the folly of arming their regime with nuclear weaponry .
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Go to the NY Times and read a more balanced view and to get a feel for the preponderance of support for Israel. By this I mean the comments sections. It will demand of you possibly a small expenditure of moolah, that precious thing that often, rightfully so, filters out those in need of a quick fix of internet stuff the nature of which is predetermined by what's entered in the google box. I think the Times allows a certain number of free articles per month, another inducement.

Before I proceed, RT is Russia Today, an organ (since someone seems preoccupied) with calling me names along that line) of the Russian point of view. Its invocation here should concern.

In contrast is the Times, which is far more balanced and in no way is pro Israeli (by a long shot) but is kept honest by its readership, by far very liberal and inclined oftentimes to be suspicious of Israel. Now for the diligence:

Go to today's Times, read the article about the ceasefire ending. Then read the comments. You'll see a balance, but a bit of perseverance will let you see that by reading the comments in order submitted or readers picks, etc., that a very liberal readership supports Israel's actions. Notice the "recommends". Those in support of Israel are stunning. Those not posting but recommending other comments are a telling poll.

For an admittedly more down to earth view, do the same for articles on yahoo news. Read those comments. It's a great mistake to dismiss yahoo commenters as, well, yahoos. They are often very articulate and knowledgeable. Though there's language used the Times win't tolerate, the support for Israel is dramatic.

For the time taken to seek out on the net articles with a search designed to produce stuff you want to see, you can do proper diligence and research, though it will take many quicky searches and jerks of the cutandpaste mouse to equal the time needed to do a more balanced search and reading.

The vox populi is strongly in favor of Israel's actions, and the people are long fed up with the tricks and terrorism of the Arabs, who have far more to fear from their own governments and fellow Arabs than from Israel.
Many harsh and emotionally charged things have been said here. This is a tragic topic.

But I'm starting to think michael might actually have what it takes to be a member of the U.S. Congress. Especially those with a preference for Tea-- An otherwise quite civilized beverage consumed amongst those who would rather trade opinions in search of productive consensus than simply argue.
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The Senate recently did just pass unanimously a measure confirming support for Israel.

The EU and the US for decades have been the chief source of money for Gaza.

At least a quarter million Palestinians per year enter Israel for medical treatment.

As I said in my last post, Arabs, their lives, homes, jobs, mobility, standard of living, and in nearly every facet of their lives, have far, far more to fear from their fellow Arabs than from Israel.
Fact's, balance, reality you want.

Total fatalities in the history of rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel: 40
[ 8 of them were not Israeli ]

Civilians: 27 (including 2 killed at military posts)

Soldiers: 13

Rocket fatalities only: 22

Total fatality-producing strikes: 29 (18 rocket, 11 mortar)

Total rocket and mortar fatalities incurred in Israel during

Operation “Cast Lead”: December 27, 2008–January 18, 2009
Operation “Pillar of Cloud”: November 14, 2012–November 21, 2012
Operation “Protective Edge”: July 8, 2014–

major Israeli “anti-rocket” military offensives: 23

Theres the reality, the true result of the 'raining' hamas rockets, 17 deaths from rockets and mortors in all those long long years, the other 23 were war casualties.

The Senate recently did just pass unanimously a measure confirming support for Israel.

The EU and the US for decades have been the chief source of money for Gaza.

At least a quarter million Palestinians per year enter Israel for medical treatment.

As I said in my last post, Arabs, their lives, homes, jobs, mobility, standard of living, and in nearly every facet of their lives, have far, far more to fear from their fellow Arabs than from Israel.

And the other half die from their wounds.

The italics leave me speechless in its absurdity, and i dont think thats ever happened before.

And for the record Israel is full of 'their' fellow Arabs, an Arab in a suit is still an Arab

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I'm starting to think michael might actually have what it takes to be a member of the U.S. Congress. Especially those with a preference for Tea-- An otherwise quite civilized beverage consumed amongst those who would rather trade opinions in search of productive consensus than simply argue.

Exactly so. The troll seeks solely to instigate argument. Complaining about posting styles takes up oxygen on the thread. Making claims yet refusing to link - same. Goos up the flow.

For too long all dissent from a blind pro-Isreal stance has been labeled adversely and cowed into silence, smothered over by a powerful 'party line'. This situation in the Middle East - that the US taxpayer pays for and that the world must suffer the consequences of - needs to be solved once and for all. 'Never again' means just that - never again can we allow people to be mowed down. To our shame the world has stood by in silence in countless instances of genocide since WWII. Ironically, not here, not now. It needs to stop. No sovereign entity has the right to do what Israel has been doing in Gaza. International Law says so. Human decency says so. The Gaza Palestinians have a grievance - who will hear their pleas? Who will take their case before the International Courts? Or does the world suffer yet another wave of radicalized, desperate men and women who will do anything to fight back out of their open-air prison.

There is unimaginable suffering in progress as we speak. It is only going to get worse. Consider: Gaza is looking at no electrical power for a year. There is now no potable water. Sewage is becoming a problem. Food is becoming scarce. Anyone guess what happens under these conditions? Starvation firstly. Disease - bad disease - disease that wipes out a population in a slow and agonizing way - and disease that spreads. How Israelis can sit and eat their evening meals knowing the pain being lived through just miles from their comfort, I don't understand. The parallels to the Nazis having dinner and children's parties on the same grounds as the death camps in WWII bears remembering. How easily we can become 'them'.

“If there is a true universal mind, must it be sane?” - Charles Fort

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain, Notebook, 1898

The following snippet from the film 'The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas' is not for the faint of heart. Until we cry for all the earth's children, and not just our own, we are not yet fully human.

"Man's inhumanity to man makes countless thousands mourn!" - Robert Burns

"Slowly we become the thing we hate the most" can be said of the Israelis. They now are guilty of the very thing they swore would happen 'never again'. If they meant 'never again' about just themselves, they have been in a delusion.

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The italics leave me speechless in its absurdity, and I don't think thats ever happened before.

And for the record Israel is full of 'their' fellow Arabs, an Arab in a suit is still an Arab

Israel's population is 40% Arab.

There is also a new generation of secular Israelis who do not think like their grandfathers.

There have been demonstrations in Israel against this war - but we have hardly heard about them. Israel has clamped down on dissent.

At some point the generations older that are driving this will die or be removed from power - however, it is the fundamentalist Jews who have a messianic zeal to settle that region who we need to fear - as we have to fear the radicalized Arabs who will emerge from this travesty/holocaust.

In that rubble - there is a child watching his brothers and sisters die, his mother weep, his father killed - who is vowing 'never again', who is vowing revenge, who is looking at America and saying - they have done this to me and mine, they will pay.

Have no doubt - because of the stubborn child who cannot control itself (Israel) - the world - as well as Israel itself - shall reap the whirlwind. Unless a new generation can take power and change the tide.
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Fact's, balance, reality you want.

Total fatalities in the history of rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza into Israel: 40
[ 8 of them were not Israeli ]

Civilians: 27 (including 2 killed at military posts)

Soldiers: 13

Rocket fatalities only: 22

Total fatality-producing strikes: 29 (18 rocket, 11 mortar)

Total rocket and mortar fatalities incurred in Israel during

Operation “Cast Lead”: December 27, 2008–January 18, 2009
Operation “Pillar of Cloud”: November 14, 2012–November 21, 2012
Operation “Protective Edge”: July 8, 2014–

Yet they still continue, knowing how Israelis will respond. Talk about a bunch of retards. ;)

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