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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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My concern Chris is some are going at this backwards

They start with a pov that Roswell didnt happen, ergo this photo purporting to be the "roswell" alien cant be real on that basis

Thats a rigid and imo faulty reasoning process

Even if Roswell never happened, it doesnt by extension prove that this cant be a pic of an EBE.

There is still room for both scenarios to be correct.

The options are

Roswell happened but this is not a pic of an EBE
Roswell didnt happen, but this is a pic of an EBE
Roswell didnt happen and this is not a pic of an EBE
Roswell did happen and this is a pic of an EBE

The truth is one of these, but imo you cant work backwards and use one to discredit or for that matter to lend credence to the other.

As for a guest spot, id suggest asking Adam to do a show

I'm going to hate myself for posting to you but I need to clarify this for you.

Roswell and The Roswell Slides are two completely different subjects. They are not one and the same. Right now there is zero evidence connecting these slides to the Roswell crash. Just like there is zero evidence the being in the slides is an alien. So you can reject the slides and still believe in Roswell being extraterrestrial.
I'm going to hate myself for posting to you but I need to clarify this for you.

Roswell and The Roswell Slides are two completely different subjects. They are not one and the same. Right now there is zero evidence connecting these slides to the Roswell crash. Just like there is zero evidence the being in the slides is an alien. So you can reject the slides and still believe in Roswell being extraterrestrial.

Um....Yeah thats what i posted

And i have no problem with someone rejecting the slides, unless they are rejecting simply because it conflicts with their locked in view roswell didnt happen or aliens cant possibly be real and or have travelled to our planet. That logic is just fingers in the ears Nya Nya Nya i cant hear you...

AKA classic denial.

Reject this case because of something within it thats proven to be wrong, not simply because it might contradict a seperate world view you might hold dear, which is a dynamic ive seen here and elsewhere

I'll give a parallel example

If someone where to post these slides cannot be an EBE because the bible states god created man in his own image and that since the bible doesnt mention life on other planets or aliens it therefore cant be a pic of an alien. You would not accept (i hope) that as a valid argument

And thats what im seeing in some rebuttals, just as creationists deny evolution, some are denying this case without even seeing the evidence yet, simply because it conflicts with their views re roswell. Or the existance of ETs in general

And i imagine some of the energetic rebuttals ive seen in this case, might mirror the loud and anguished cries of Heresy, Galileo was subjected to when he too challenged the status quo with his evidence
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This will be the climate for anyone, considered legit or not, who discovers something big. Ray Sanford comes to mind. They'd rip him to shreds with releasing whatever he has that's mind blowing. Granted I doubt Ray would get an auditorium to show his findings but guess what, no-one would bother with his release of material either. It's not the answer people seem after, it's the game.
I can only speculate

But..... is it possible that the trunk was found in an attic, was removed from the attic and then stored in a garage where it sustained water damage thus exposing the slides

Minor discrepancys like this dont blow the case wide open imo.
You're above scenario does not work or follow what was already published specifically about "the discovery" of the 2 slides. Why?... It was initially said the 2 slides were found and discovered in an envelope underneath the trunk's lid, period. You can't then do a second discovery story to "now" RE-DISCOVER the hidden 2 slides ten years later found underneath the other slides due to water damage too!

That's a comedy of errors, imo. :D

That's clearly 2 DIFFERENT stories of discovery.
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All Im gonna say:

JAIME MAUSSAN = Every sinlge hope for this to be real down the toilet guys.

I remember this profesional photographer literally exposing and explaining a blatant as possible fake ufo pic, and this fake and disgusting "ufo researcher" denying it and even saying the expert was wrong..¿?
Not to mention the constant promotion as fake footage, if anyone here understand spanish please do a little Youtube search, Maussan is a joke.....or maybe not, you gonna waste your time, seriously. Actually that name should be banned from a serious talk.
Where are the shrill cries of Hoax ? fake........
These people might make millions.......lol
Oops. I just donated. I can't believe I'm giving those charlat... wait, it's not Roswell. Phew.
But seriously, I guess everyone would agree that if they tried to make a documentary about the slides and asked for donations, that wouldn't look half as much like money-making as charging money for a seat at the great Aliens are Here event. Especially if the documentary trailer looked as well-done and un-sensationalist as the Ariel one.

@Skymon876: is that from the trailer, too? Looks even more blurry, maybe that's why.

everyone is focusing on that one slide and not on this one

Why would anyone pick a blurry fuzzy pick over a clearer image? The only reason why people are pushing that fuzzy pic is because it looks more "alien", but such is caused by it's poor quality.

The whole thing has gone bust. It's a mummified child, case closed.
That's clearly 2 DIFFERENT stories of discovery.

You are absolutely right.

But in order to prove Adam has been deliberately deceptive, you need to show where he has told two conflicting versions.

Its chinese wispers at play yet again

Chinese whispers[1] (or telephone in the United States[2]) is a game played around the world, in which one person whispers a message to another, which is passed through a line of people until the last player announces the message to the entire group. Errors typically accumulate in the retellings, so the statement announced by the last player differs significantly, and often amusingly, from the one uttered by the first. Reasons for changes include anxiousness or impatience, erroneous corrections, and that some players may deliberately alter what is being said to guarantee a changed message by the end of the line.
The game is often played by children as a party game or in the playground. It is often invoked as a metaphor for cumulative error, especially the inaccuracies as rumours or gossip spread,[2] or, more generally, for the unreliability of human recollection or even oral traditions.
The game is also known as whisper down the lane', broken telephone, operator, grapevine, gossip, don't drink the milk, secret message, telephone, the messenger game and pass the message

Chinese whispers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this case is fraught with examples, Not surprising considering the manner in which its been handled.

Heres another example, some accounts claim a cloth, rag or blanket has been placed on the genitals of the creature, this is not the case

So yes there are differing accounts, But according to Adam there never was an attic, thats just something someone else has thrown into the narrative and like chinese wispers it got carried forward.

The trunk was found in a garage. Adam has never stated it was found in an attic thats just something someone with peripheral access to the facts threw into the mix., and it got repeated until its now part of the narrative, as i said there are other aspects like the cloth over the genitals that have crept in as well. Again good reasons to wait till the facts are presented first hand rather than base conclusions on testimony distorted by chinese wispers

I hope that clears things up for you
I hope that clears things up for you...
Well, you gave me the link to the "original story" (?) about slides under lid in attic. Wink. But, none of that came from reputable sources, such as, the researchers or owners or ??? You accepted Chinese Whispers without some actual "root source" to the story? I mean, it started somewhere from someone. That is not known?

We're just the blind leading the blind... ?
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Good grief, DS, it's not Mike but you who jumps to conclusions with every new blog post at Kevin Randle's site and other less reliable sites such as ufo conjectures, and still others in other countries (which get propagated here in google translations). We've all read repetitions (for many months, perhaps years now) of the statement that the box of slides was found in an attic. Who knows who originally made that statement? Do you? Likely not. So your accusation that you first read it in something Mike referred to and the implication that he is passing along disinformation or error is absurd and also offensive.
So your accusation that you first read it in something Mike referred to and the implication that he is passing along disinformation or error is absurd and also offensive.
That's your emotional interpretation. :)
Good grief, DS, it's not Mike but you who jumps to conclusions with every new blog post at Kevin Randle's site and other less reliable sites such as ufo conjectures, and still others in other countries (which get propagated here in google translations).
Sorry, I don't do that. Hmmm.
Yadda yadda.
Speaking of yadda yadda... wink...

Mike, you might want to reconsider this line of thinking you posted before...
Its worth noting that Adam has had no previous interest in UFO's His perspective isnt tainted one way or the other. He's just a professional videographer and i think the decision to bring someone into this project who has no interest it it was a good idea. In doing his research for the doco he brings a fresh unbiased pov to the project
Consider this:
Dew seems to be wayyy more connected to this story as the middle man, the front man, and the instigator... Dew says one of his good friends came to him with the slides, and that his friend's sister [named Cat] had saved the slides originally from the estate trashing the slides.
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Well, you gave me the link to the "original story" (?) about slides under lid in attic. Wink. But, none of that came from reputable sources, such as, the researchers or owners or ??? You accepted Chinese Whispers without some actual "root source" to the story? I mean, it started somewhere from someone. That is not known?

We're just the blind leading the blind... ?

Yep im just as prone as anyone else to chinese wispers.

Thats the nature of the beast

Lets say i have a golfball size chunk of clear rose quartz crystal (which i do in fact have) from Rumford, Maine,
I show it to a visitor to my house
He tells someone he saw this rock
They post online it was a baseball sized chunk of clear rose quartz
Someone else reads it and mentions it to a friend, it becomes cloudy not clear rose quartz (it comes in both clear and cloudy IRL)
Someone else reads this but in repeating the story it becomes just plain old clear quartz and was from Arkensas

The point im making is not how chinese wispers work, though it does make this point

The point is the specimen of rose quartz remains unchanged, the changing narrative doesnt effect the item being discussed. Thus the significance of the changing narrative in the context as it relates to the item being discussed is only marginally relevant.

The slides either depict an EBE or they dont, the fact that the narrative has had the CW effect doesnt in an of itself validate or invalidate the slides
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Btw, Nick Redfern is the original source to part of this slide "story telling" relating to being contacted by an elderly person for the sale of these pics...

[And, Redfern has confirmed he was contacted by phone with someone inquiring about the sale of the slides, AND then Redfern claims he was hacked too!!!]

Quoting from KDR:

Then, earlier this year, Rich Reynolds published his piece about slides that had been found showing alien bodies, or I suppose, more accurately, a strange creature that might be a deformed human. Nick Redfern was the source of the information, which I had never heard until I read it on Rich’s blog. I sent Nick an email and he said I should call, which I did.

Soooo, Rich Reynolds breaks that story online...

But, also, a few in the Dream Team were involved before Redfern knew anything too. Did they leak information too???

It is possible to trace back to "the sources" -> Constance, wink. :)
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We're just the blind leading the blind... ?

Correct again, which is why i will wait until ive seen the presentation before drawing any firm conclusions

To do so in the current situation is pointless, and those that do are likely being driven by a pre formed world view

But if that pov is so fragile that it needs defending by dismissing this case without even looking at the evidence (which is yet to be presented)
Then that pov resembles faith more than it does a reasoned response.

Its backwards thinking. The hypothesis must fit the evidence, once you try and force the evidence to fit with a rigid hypothesis, then all you can do when the evidence contradicts the hypothesis is dismiss it outright. I'm seeing that here and elsewhere and thats disappointing
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Some readers may know that some time ago a chest once owned by a deceased couple was found to contain a stash of old slides, including two Kodachromes of special interest. Depicting a small humanoid corpse, these extraordinary slides were authenticated by a renowned Kodak expert as having been exposed in 1947. This author discovered that the husband was an oil exploration geologist who worked the New Mexico region in the 1940s for his company (a Texaco predecessor) including in the Permian Basin, a region encompassing Roswell. He was also the President of the local geological association in 1947. Google“Roswell Slides” to learn more. Over two years have been spent in securing experts, researching the back story, conducting interviews and scientific tests and in arranging the forthcoming televised broadcast of the slides. During the course of all of this, leaks had occurred to the UFO community about the existence of the slides.

Frustrated believers and skeptics alike began to display behaviors that are worthy of a mass psychology dissertation. Rank speculation, accusations of fraud and money-motivation, name-calling and feelings of exclusion were all on display. Some seemed to throw conniption fits, demanding the public disclosure of the slides immediately. UFO blogger Paul Kimball (nephew of UFOlogist Stan Friedman) sunk to even more ugly levels. He made public the private emails that he had received from author Kevin Randle concerning Kevin’s thoughts on the slides, in an attempt to stir dissension among Roswell researchers.

Even learned people such as French skeptic Gilles Fernandes, PhD and Christopher Allen (CDA) of the UK chimed in by insisting that the slides cannot be real. They were reduced to mudslinging and character assassination because –like Reynolds- they had no real insight to offer. US skeptic Tim Printy stated in his SUNlite UFO e-zine that it was his belief that the slides probably depicted a dead and mutilated Army Air Corp serviceman who had crashed. Bear in mind the remarkable thing that none of these individuals have ever even been part of the investigation! Yet their opinions, reactions and attitudes make it seem as if they knew everything! Minds were made up, lines were drawn and arrows flung even before any actual public disclosure of the slides.

The individual that seemed the most crazed in his rabble-rousing about the slides was blogger Richard Reynolds. I had no formal association with Reynolds (I have never even spoken with him) though I was a frequent article contributor to his blog for some years. As Reynolds became more intrigued by the slides, he began to try to insert himself in the story. Not content with serving host to articles about the slides, he wanted to be an active participant in the ‘drama’ surrounding them. So extreme was Reynolds’s obsession that on his blog he began to spin from whole cloth tales about what the slides really meant.

A Different Perspective: Anthony Bragalia, the Roswell Slides and the UFO Community
Please clarify Mike. I was under the impression the emulsion was made in 1947, not that it was that year, or has been determined to have been exposed that year. Is that even possible?

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