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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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Assuming some type of advanced, non-human vehicle could not possibly crash- is just that- an assumption. [...] To come on a forum here and finish your post with the statement "Roswell is dead" -just sounds silly.
Since you quoted me from your post above, I have to point out I never made that statement above that you're assigning to me. Please acknowledge your mistake, or quote me if I'm mistaken. Thanks.

About the crash assumption concept... I'm sure you have heard of the Drake equation. Well, playing the odds based on that kind of concept, you will probably lose your bet about ONE TRILLION times vs winning a bet that aliens crashed their UFO because atomic weapons were exploded nearby 2 years ago back then in 1945. Just DARE to bet against "the house" and you will come out the loser and have no money if you keep placing that bet. IMO.
Despite it being a little offtopic i'll wade in anyway

Machines break down, In the terrestrial model with no execption i can think of.

Its all relative

Its like saying an outrigger canoe might spring a leak, but surely the Titanic the pinnacle of technological advancement of the time, a ship capable of travelling all that distance from london to new york wouldnt spring a leak and sink.

Machines breakdown and malfunction, on the assumption the alleged "craft"/Machine was real and crashed, thats a valid subset of the set, rather than being an implausible occurance

Machines break down, the craft was a machine, ergo that the craft (allegedly)broke down is more likely than the premise it wouldnt breakdown
Can you prove this ? or is it opinion presented as facts yet again.
Based on Adam Dew's own account that I've referred to and have his video now too regarding his direct connection to these slides:

It is blatantly obvious he either owns the rights to these slides or he is the front man [acting on behalf of someone(s) in the shadows] directing the show. That IS proof enough, but I want more... Look below...

Btw, that IS WHY I am posing the question to Adam Dew directly about his probable or possible connection to the elderly man from Midland Tx too!!! I asked for your help to just pass along this message to him about this, so we could get an explanation, but instead you prefer to subject me to your criticisms implying I don't do "research", etc.

Here is my message to Adam Dew:

Hi SlideBox Media, Mr. Adam Dew,

I don't know where to post this, so please excuse any misplacement here if it belongs elsewhere. Recently, Greg Bishop at Radio Misterioso had Nick Redfern on to explain what he knew about the slides two years ago. In that program he mentions BEFORE anything went public that a Mystery Man, obviously elderly, called Nick from Midland Tx. This mystery man described unique details about the images, so Nick contacted and confirmed with the Dream Team members too that these images were being described correctly! They said that man was legit, and they sort of freaked-out that Redfern was contacted about the worth of these ET Alien slides.

Mr. Dew: you stand by your video about the discovery of the slides. They came from your friend's sister [named Cat] that saved these slides in her garage for 10 years. Sooo, how come an old man from Midland Tx is contacting Nick two years ago about these EXACT images and about its value and worth if truly of ET origin?

That's a confirmed "mystery man" both from Redfern and some Dream Team members that Nick ALSO confirmed from them that this elderly man is legit! The image description was correct too.

Can you explain what this is all about? This Midland "mystery man" of elderly age somehow does NOT seem to mix in harmony with your story of the slide discovery. Are you his "front man" ? Or, do you own the rights to the slides now having obtained these from that same elderly man? Please explain what happened about this situation confirmed by at least two different sources: Redfern and Dream Team person(s) [except? KDR].
Adam has a Youtube account, a linkdin account and an email addy all of which have been posted online.
Thanks Mike. I asked for your help. Instead you prefer debate and offer no help or cooperation to seek answers. You say you won't "spoon feed" me with the help I was asking for. You withhold "privileged information" you obtain from Adam Dew that you will not share with the forum. You're an insider helping Adam Dew.

I will continue to seek the answers...
I'm sure you have heard of the Drake equation. Well, playing the odds based on that kind of concept, you will probably lose your bet about ONE TRILLION times vs winning a bet that aliens crashed their UFO because atomic weapons were exploded nearby 2 years ago back then in 1945

Yeah many of us have heard of the Drake equation, and unlike you actually understand what it is

The Drake equation is a probabilistic argument used to estimate the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. The equation was written in 1961 by Frank Drake not for purposes of quantifying the number of civilizations

It makes no mention of the likelyly hood their technology would be infalable, or might fail due to atomic weapons being exploded.

For crying outloud thats not even the major premise behind the speculation which suggests either the craft got caught in radar beams, and or lightning hit it.

I cant recall anyone ever saying it was because a Nuke went off nearby.

Many rightly wonder why an ET vehicle with the ability to traverse light years through the cosmos would arrive all the way to Earth – only to crash in New Mexico. How is it that an interplanetary people with such advanced aerial technology could come to such grief on the July-baked desert floor?
… Little known is that the US Government at that time had maintained an interconnected “beyond the fence” radar network. This secret network had served two purposes. It had helped to protect White Sands Proving Ground, Sandia National Lab and Los Alamos National Lab from aerial intrusion. It was also used for the “far-field” tracking of missiles launched from White Sands. Errant V-2’s as early as May of 1947 had crashed their way to Mexico. There was no way that wayward rocket launches could ever get into the hands of civilians or foreign nationals. And our national laboratories needed to be protected from any possible foreign strikes from the air. This covert “outside the fence” radar program helped to provide maximum coverage as it monitored these vitally important skies.
Some of these radar facilities were mobile, highly experimental and lacked more exact “control” of beam path and range. Some of their designs did not have the quality to “contain the energy” as more permanent installations did. If such radar beams played a role in the crash, the radar operators likely did not know that the radar had helped to bring down the craft. The radar was not meant to be used as a weapon. It was an unwitting and non-offensive event. Otherwise, military would surely have gotten to the craft before civilians Mack Brazel and Dee Proctor did- and they would not have had to have been alerted by Brazel to the crash.

Did secret government radar cause the UFO crash at Roswell? « Xenophilia (True Strange Stuff)

Hottel memo suggesting Radar was to blame
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Its like saying an outrigger canoe might spring a leak, but surely the Titanic the pinnacle of technological advancement of the time, a ship capable of travelling all that distance from london to new york wouldnt spring a leak and sink.
That's why I mentioned the Drake equation as a concept to play the odds. Once you do the proper calculations the odds are astronomical against you winning the bet. Mike, go place your bet in Vegas. The house just loves the way you think! You'll be homeless there in no time if you keep placing those losing bets.

You can not equate the technology it takes to build a canoe or an antiquated Titanic that can't navigate properly... with ET-UFO's coming from 2 light years away assuming they detected the atomic light and came a running...

Why, those damn crazy insane humans... we must go see what is happening immediately! It's laughable! Lol. :D
You're an insider helping Adam Dew.

And that is the final nail in your coffin

Yet another glaring example of opinion presented as fact. Dead wrong at that

All i did was do my due diligence and ask him to clarify certain questions, ive withheld nothing.

I had questions, i sought answers rather than make guesses like you do.
That's why I mentioned the Drake equation as a concept to play the odds. Once you do the proper calculations the odds are astronomical against you winning the bet. Mike, go place your bet in Vegas. The house just loves the way you think! You'll be homeless there in no time if you keep placing those losing bets.

You can not equate the technology it takes to build a canoe or an antiquated Titanic that can't navigate properly... with ET-UFO's coming from 2 light years away assuming they detected the atomic light and came a running...

Why, those damn crazy insane humans... we must go see what is happening immediately! It's laughable! Lol. :D

Blind leading the blind ? lol

You are a blind man in a dark room trying to describe to us a sunset

You have nothing to offer this discussion, just delusions wrapped up as facts
The Drake equation has proved controversial since several of its factors are currently unknown, and estimates of their values span a very wide range. This has led critics to label the equation a guesstimate, or even meaningless.

Drake equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The DE doesnt account for factors like, they may not chose to talk to us. It does not prove they are not here, and certainly not that their craft wouldnt crash.
The Drake equation has proved controversial since several of its factors are currently unknown, and estimates of their values span a very wide range. This has led critics to label the equation a guesstimate, or even meaningless.
It's obvious you are talking right past me without understanding I am not literally applying the Drake equation to the likelihood of an alien crash near Rosewell.

It is merely an example, a concept of an equation, that would help determine the odds of the likelihood of ET crashing its UFO having traveled from within 2 light years away.
I cant recall anyone ever saying it was because a Nuke went off nearby.
Stanton Friedman uses this scenario. [ET's detected the atomic blasts and came running.] He is highly admired by many believing in Roswell. Mike, I'm shocked, you can't recall Mr. Friedman, maybe a Rosewell hero of yours, suggesting such ideas???
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You twist my meaning as usual. I said: "playing the odds based on that kind of concept".

Only you would throw up a "meaningless" concept

The Drake equation has proved controversial since several of its factors are currently unknown, and estimates of their values span a very wide range. This has led critics to label the equation a guesstimate, or even meaningless.

As an argument and then strut around like you've made some valid point.

As an argument and then strut around like you've made some valid point.

Mike, seriously? Resorting to these kinds of personal attacks is a poor reflection of your inability [in this thread] to have a spirited debate without having to resort to these kinds personal attacks. You should reconsider this post and just delete it. You can do better than this type of post. I hope!
And that is the final nail in your coffin
Really? Read on. You're mistaken and misleading too.
All i did was do my due diligence and ask him to clarify certain questions, ive withheld nothing.
Mike, you posted this before about your communications with Adam Dew:
I'll add i am privy to a few other minor details that i wont disclose because i havent asked permission to do so.
And, based on your extreme defense to protect Adam Dew, imo, and your above admission that you're privy to information from Dew, I then wrote:

You withhold "privileged information" you obtained from Adam Dew that you will not share with the forum. You're an insider helping Adam Dew.

The "insider" word is obviously connected to the previous sentence before its use that you, also conveniently, left out to twist my intent and meaning, imo.

I'll admit I should not have chosen that word 'insider' based on your possible use of it to imply I meant more [by cutting the previous sentence] than its intended limited usage.

Let's just say you have some "inside information" that you are privy to and will not share with the forum that you obtained from Adam Dew, and this is misleading when you later say above: "ive withheld nothing".
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As stated those details are minor, and have no relation to anything yet raised in this thread.

I have asked questions on behalf of myself, and on behalf of others,but when i'm the one asking the questions i'll decide what i will ask.

If that doesnt suit you, ask them yourself

I am not going to repeat in entirety everything discussed with Adam, That would be rude and disrespectful given hes been very kind with his time thus far.

I have sought clarification of certain aspects of my own interest, and even extended that to ask questions of others. And on each occasion have asked permission to post the answers here.

I am not going to violate polite convention and "tell all" simply because you stamp your foot and demand it.

I dont work for you, or on your behalf. Im not obligated to seek answers for anyone other than myself. Though i have out of courtesy done so.

Not one of the nails you have tried to use to nail down the lid on this case has driven home, instead each and every one has bent when checked against the facts or reasonable speculative alternatives.

They have in fact become more flimsy, more desperate and petty as time has progressed.

Youve tossed up half baked poorly thought out speculation after speculation, each and any one of which could have been reconciled with a little thought.

They have gotton so silly, so half baked as to constitute being no more than pestering now. The record will show ive been very accomodating.

But it seems like no matter how much leg work i do for you, you will just keep throwing up meaningless speculation dressed as fact and expecting me to waste my time rationalising it where you either cant or wont bother to think your "theorys" through yourself.

Your posts reek of self entitlement, get over yourself ,you will have to wait like everyone else to see the presentation

Do yourself a favour, if you have some speculative point. Dont just post it as fact and proof "its over"

Fact check that speculation and post the results (if any of significance are gained) with links so we can verify them
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I have sought clarification of certain aspects of my own interest, and even extended that to ask questions of others. And on each occasion have asked permission to post the answers here.

I am not going to violate polite convention and "tell all" simply because you stamp your foot and demand it.
Please quote me where I stamped my foot to "tell all". You're stuffing YOUR misleading ideas here suggesting I am doing this when, in fact, [<-note I use the word fact here] I do not do!

Mike, once again you have resorted to a diatribe of personal attacks and stating repeatedly that I constantly am using the word FACT, stating facts, when that is absolutely false. You rephrase repeatedly this idea, about the facts, when I rarely use the word FACT or say it's a fact.

When I want to state a FACT, then I will say the word FACT. Am I clear? Yes, crystal clear.

I think it's great you've asked Adam Dew questions on behalf of others too! Lol. You could have just forwarded my message, but no! I understand.

You can't defend all the outlandish claims his business partners make as a team together that he fronts for [as himself or someone else] or whomever owns the rights to the slides. I just say that is obvious! Oh Mike, no! I did NOT say it is a fact! No, I did not use that word. Go search this thread for my use of the word "fact" or "facts", I DARE YOU, and just see how far that gets you too!

Then I challenge everyone to search your name in this thread topic and just learn how often you push the words of "fact" and "facts" as if you know what you're doing. You don't, imo.

Here is a snippet paragraph [below this one] where I did use "the fact". NOTICE how I put the two words in quotations, which can mean an approximation to inflect "the idea" loosely of the words being used, but it is not a literal translation being stated as FACT. Note how at the end of that paragraph too I put IMO. wink. [<-Yeah, I did that just for you hoping you would understand I'm stating my opinions in that paragraph! Not "the facts". Get it???]

Here is my example:

Every time you debate with me, for the 4th time now, about my opinions and ideas regarding the slide sequencing it is just a distraction from "the fact" that Dew is making outlandish claims by "plausable deniability" (from your POV), because you don't acknowledge he is the leader [or front man leading for someone] and "the face forward" of these slides inside a business relationship with these other people making claims on behalf of their entire agenda working as a team together. Don't play good cop and bad cop with me bud. Why? It's a partnership, and he has to assume some responsibility being "the front" or "face forward" for their team! IMO. wink.
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I haven't read through all the posts so somebody might have pointed this out. Even if the pictures are indeed proven to be taken in 194something it still doesn't prove wether or not the cadavers are alien. They were able to make fake stuff back then as well
Those are minor details to those guys. The NSA could easily evesdrop in on the entire "Dream Team" if needed, without them even knowing.
Makes me wonder who hacked into Redfern, Reynolds and Bragalia's emails? Either someone in Ufo community or Gov? Except that Redfern didn't feel the gov would have used such a sloppy approach as what happened.
We have an incredible pile of testimony of all kinds and some small percentages of trace evidence, radar confirmations, and some even say we have photos of unusual craft. But what Ufology boils down to is a series of discontinuous events that introduces a kind of chaos into the social fabric. Many attempt to perceive an order there by connecting dots and then they make the claims and theories that they will.

If it was all garbage then it all would have died long ago, like one's childhood belief in Santa Claus. We were convinced once but now we know better. However, Ufology persists in presenting a genuine mystery as confirmed with each passing decade and the occasional new case that presents some continuity in the mystery. Albeit there are shifts, from saucers to triangles, from contactees to forged documents. Trying to sort out human perpetuation vs. an actual anomalous event is an ongoing chore.

Too often I think we lump all this discontinuity together instead of trying to discover real starts and stops to the phenomenon. These slides are simply two more obscure moments that someone is trying to thread a needle with the proverbial camel. It doesn't fit. It's just trying to fill in the empty spaces that beliefs have grown around. None of that has anything to do with witness testimony. In fact, in this case the witnesses who took the pictures are long dead.

Perhaps I should have put that last line of mine in quotations. What I was suggesting is that in the pantheon of Ufological writing and investigation, readers, you and I included, will decide what we champion and what we believe based on what agrees with us, on which version of order makes sense. For some it's obvious Linda Cortile was floated out her bedroom, that the coast of Turkey produced video images of real aliens aboard their craft and that Dale Spaur really continued to see a spaceship he affectionately named Floyd. But others dismiss it all outright.

The debunker and the believer stand firm on their beliefs for no particular reason that we can all agree on, just the reasons that agree with them. The seeker persists until the gaps between skepticism and positive suspicions are relinquished by a genuine new finding that identifies a clear start, a clear finish and what actually happened inbetween. I haven't seen that happen yet. I even still doubt myself on occasion.

These slides perpetuate discontinuous thinking IMHO and just because Santa's boot prints are in the fireplace cinders doesn't mean Santa exists. But then again, Carlos Santana claims that his contact with an alien intelligence is what prompted his return to the music scene. So in an irrational world we find our reasons for our own truths and that's all Ufology will add up to given the limited tools at its current disposal.

We need different thinking to move this quest forward instead of trying to unearth the myths of the past.
An interesting side note to what you have stated that's playing out right now in the last few days is impatience. An absolute stable diet in human consumption. I believe that at times the "net" of ideas gets cast so wide beyond the original evidence that we come up with all the wild ideas layed out like direct contact with the aliens, seeing Reptoids in the grocery store and on the flip it's being reduced to chemicals in the brain, mass delusion, etc. We are an impatient species. We want the ship now! We want the contact now! Of course I refer to the Ufo community when saying this. Because that ship hasn't landed we've seen diversions like tree branches in every direction. Some have given up or come to believe that it's something much more mundane , some dig deeper or try creative approaches to flush new evidence out. I see fatigue in many of the more outspoken in the field. It's to be expected given our nature in dealing with things not to mention our short life span and a wish to see an answer before we go.
Even if the pictures are indeed proven to be taken in 194something it still doesn't prove whether or not the cadavers are alien. They were able to make fake stuff back then as well.
Good point. For the sake of argument let's assume the 2 slides are really of an ET Alien. We know according to people "in the know" connected to the Dream Team that the movie frame capture that was obtained from the trailer is the real image of the slide. It's just not of the quality you will get to see of the high resolution versions.

What's left? There is a 90+yo man saying it looks real, and he allegedly saw this type of alien back in 1947. This is how they're going to attempt to tie this alien to Roswell too! What will this produce?

For the believer: Another feather in their cap of their perceived overwhelming testimonial evidence from witnesses that really did not get media attention or documentation until Bill Moore's book about 33 years later. The only problem is Bill Moore was essentially a government puppet for Air Force OSI by his own admission. Believe me, the story essentially just goes insane from that point forward which happened from 1980 onward.

For the skeptic: Just more of the same really. No back-up evidence beyond what an elderly man thinks 67+ years later. What's worse is he may die or be too sick to be of any use for either side. If Adam Dew doesn't have the rights to these slides, then I predict the owner may be elderly too. Is this delay waiting for someone to die? When someone important dies pending some new Roswell revelation, several conspiracy theories are born.

There are some serious efforts being made to match this image to museum relics. People have already found museum images that seem to indicate the slide image is very similar to Earth bound human remains with unusual features. The race is on to find a match!

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