So does this all boil down to you saying "The Devil Made Me Do It?"
No, though that would be the position of the ancient Greeks. For them, aspects of their psyche were objectified: the god moved them to do, to rise, to fight, to wander, etc.. However, there still exists a sense - more or less shared - that we are not alone and are helped or hindered by beings/forces beyond us.
Where is your proof that there is a battle going on beyond the material realm? The Bible? Channelings? This is a mighty big supposition you are putting forth as fact.
Ah, here's the rub, the 'proof '. Generally the 'proof ' that will be 'acceptable' under such a query are materially based cause-and-effect demonstrations. There is no one more a proponent of the scientific method than myself, but as with anything, taken to extremes a lot can fall though the cracks - and does.
No bible, no channelings - though it's possible both speak to such. Here we enter the realm of personal experience - not fancy - and it's a dicey arena for debate without certain 'assumptions' and agreements beforehand. I've been down this path before on this chat site. The belief structures around the ideas/concepts of the 'spiritual' and 'material' are as vividly and fiercely held as any political stance. I do not go gently into that good night.
Also, after 100+ years of psychoanalysis of human beings, we are finding that the subconscious actually directs most of our actions
Ooodles of assumptions here. We could easily get into a game of dueling authors - this cite versus that cite. How do
you 'know' what the 'subconscious' is? Because you were told so - and believe so?
not some exterior "gods" of your making, or demons, etc.
Again, lots of assumptions nested into these phrases, based on a particular gestalt that I would never argue is 'wrong', just different from the gestalt I work from. In undertaking this conversation with you I would never argue you are wrong. I, myself, have a materially based gestalt when it suits me, and likely use as my default mode most of the time. However, it would be foolhardy - imo - to assume - imo - that only one way of seeing the world is 'the truth'.
The subconscious acts based on programming installed by parents and other authority figures when we were too young to discern any better.
This is a belief. Unless you are a researcher in the subject I would guess that you are repeating the ideas of someone else who has published a book that you've read - that would be your 'bible'. This is not in itself a bad thing - we just need to recognize when it is we are using constructs (of another's making) to help us navigate through a plethora of phenomena we are trying to make sense of.
On first blush, what disquiets me about your above statement is the lack of freedom and creativity implicit in such a stance. Faced with such a view I would not pick it off the shelf and put it in my backpack. It feels too limiting. As limiting as 'the devil made me do it'.
This programming remains intact unless challenged, e.g., via psychoanalysis.
I can accept this idea as generally true with some serious caveats: that 'programming' is not as knee-jerk and predictable as might be anticipated (it's not a mechanical input-output). For example, abuse as a child may well predict (statistically) maturing into an abusing adult, but that is not a given. We have examples - and I know examples - of people raised in horrific circumstances who made other choices and actually came to adulthood as compassionate and sensitive human beings. No psychoanalysis involved. Something else was involved.
However, I will accept that an outside 'challenge' - of many kinds - works powerfully to re-shape us from initial shaping, as proof is all around us.
The subconscious acts, and the conscious mind then rationalizes why it acted as it did
This is a powerful 20th century idea (we could say a doctrine) coming out of the work of psychology - a fledgling science if ever there was one. This is a belief. You are accepting this as fact based on the writings (bible) of someone - not so? How do you know this is a fact? Not in itself a bad thing - we all use some structure to see the world through. But I would argue that the best fact in these instances is as an experience. Have you experienced this?
even to the desperate extremes of assigning cause to exterior entities. Once again "The Devil Made Me Do It".
Unless the 'exterior entity' is a fact based on experience. I would not call such a 'desperate extreme'. I'm not making any claims here, just suggesting something. You have found your way to a paranormal chat site that particularly dances around ideas of aliens and spaceships and what have you. I assume you have some gestalt that entertains these ideas as potentially possible/plausible. In fact I am far more skeptical of aliens (and spaceships) than I am of gods. It's curious, not so?