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The Roswell Slides Have Been Leaked Online

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Constance you know I respect and admire you, but this article is not relevant to this case because the proper science was done.
I politely ask you to write to a few independent anthropologist and historians and ask them how they operate, for example how many new kinds of "human" have been added to the list from photographs alone? also at no point in the article does it indicate that any of the experts involved implicate any kind of ET interference (with the human genetic pool). please do not think for one second that my following post has anything to do with you, I know you are a good person, who is full of interest and seeking knowledge, qualities that I greatly admire.
A waking Dream

I am sitting in my grandmothers chair staring at my computer monitor, a voice rings out and says “Harry we need to talk” before I know it I am transported to a silent place, in my peripheral vision I see the form of huge dogs bearing their teeth, I clench my fists and hope, suddenly a small boy appears and banishes the dogs with a hand signal. He looks into my soul and says I know why you are here, and I thank you. Those dogs are my protectors they were only trying to defend me please don't be frightened. He then offers me his hand, and I take it, he leads me through a maze of hallways and doors until we reach one marked with unfamiliar symbols, he pushes the door open and leads me through, we enter the most fantastically beautiful place I have ever seen, welcome to my home he says without speaking, it then hits me slap in the face, this is the boy who's mummified remains have been displayed for the world to see. I could not stop heart from sinking. I meant no disrespect I said, I am sorry. His reply was this: that was my body, but I don't need it any more, I am happy here, but please understand that my family that still reside on earth, even those that never met me, feel great pain and sadness when they see my remains used as a tool to create doubt and separation amongst us, you are part of my family Harry, as is anyone that wants to be, the reason I asked you to come here is because a great harm will come to those people that hurt my family, I will not call off my dogs or my bears or my eagles. My vultures will feast upon the spiritual entrails of those that persist in hurting my mortal family, please try to stop them Harry, carry my message and warn them, if they don't listen tell them again, for they do not realise the doors they are opening, and what they are welcoming in, for money as you call it. They will think you mad, they will call you names, they will do anything to deny their responsibility to us, don't be disheartened, don't give an inch, do not let their forked tongues persuade you it is a bad idea to share our conversation, for those that know will understand, and those that don't, soon will, I know you feel sorry for them, and that is why you want to help, but our patience is wearing thin, go now and tell them.

And that was it I suddenly was back in my chair thinking did that just happen?

So if it is not clear after that god help you, but to follow my instructions I must reiterate what the boy told me.

Stop fucking around with shit you don't understand or comprehend, your cash grabbing, self serving lies will come back to you, in ways even the most hardened sceptic would be terrified of, STOP now admit your errors, say your sorries, pay back the money and grow up, like the poor little fellow in the slides never had the chance to do………….

I can't help you, I can only warn you about what I was told.

Just in case anybody is as deluded as to think I am making threats, I am not, I am just the messenger, any actions you have taken, you better be able to justify, not just to the boy and his family, but to your soul as well, but don't say I didn't try to warn you. Repeatedly………..

Peace love and best wishes to all

And before you ask I am not high on drugs, I might have blown a head gasket though ;)
I for one am glad to see the boy was returned to his rest. The placard was enough for me.. this "doctor" clings to a hoax. I find it sad he wishes to dig up this child.
I feel sickened over the whole thing. That there are those who would make a simple slide taken in a musan a spectacular show. A circus. Let this "doctor" wallow in ignorance. I am done.
Constance you know I respect and admire you, but this article is not relevant to this case because the proper science was done.

I'm not understanding the point you're trying to make in that sentence. Can you clarify? (why the BBC article is not relevant? and what 'proper science' was done to make the BBC article 'not relevant'?)

I politely ask you to write to a few independent anthropologist and historians and ask them how they operate, for example how many new kinds of "human" have been added to the list from photographs alone? also at no point in the article does it indicate that any of the experts involved implicate any kind of ET interference (with the human genetic pool).

I know that anthropologists were upset and at odds about the discovery of H. floresiensis. As it happens, one of the major researchers involved taught (might still teach) here at Florida State University. I've never met her and have not followed the research concerning this species of homo since the discovery. I gather that you dispute the theory that H. floresiensis is reasonably thought to be a human subspecies. That's fine. I'm content with the ambiguity.

Re the second sentence above, I'm not presuming that "any of the experts involved implicate any kind of ET interference (with the human gene pool)." I suppose that even if some do, they're not likely to suggest that hypothesis out loud.

please do not think for one second that my following post has anything to do with you, I know you are a good person, who is full of interest and seeking knowledge, qualities that I greatly admire.

I don't think that your following post 'has anything to do with' me.

I do wonder, though, about the possible credibility (and justifiability) of the fire, brimstone, disaster, and death that the supposed spirit of the mummy in the slides promises to deliver upon anyone who disturbs the 'eternal peace' it claims to have attained in its current burial place. If cosmic powers could be brought to bear upon any scientist seeking to examine the mummy in the interest of human knowledge about our origins, why were the individuals who stole this mummy and displayed it publicly for years not visited by such vengeance and destruction?
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Well let's ask @George Wingfield if in fact he is a disinfo agent as the term gets thrown around like confetti at a wedding, not that you can do that anymore, but it seems that in this field you can in fact throw accusations around freely.

George, where's the proof that Lundberg and team made Humphrey's alien for the Santilli film? And why did you make the big leap to believe that Lundberg also made the slides just because he didn't answer the question here on the forum? Isn't that like finding a crop circle in a field, or any old circle in a field really, and cry, "Aliens!" The whole thing where you called them out in public really was quite carnivalesque.

Well, Burnt and Constance --give me a chance! I've been away on vacation for two weeks and have only just returned to read your criticism of what I said previously. I am only interested in the truth of this matter and if you can prove that any of what I said before is incorrect I will gladly issue a retraction. The fact of the matter is that neither you nor Constance appear to have any idea of what these guys have been up to over the last 20 years. I do know them and I do know what they are like. You mention Humphreys --is it possible that John Lundberg has opened a private conversation with you to deny his part in the Alien Autopsy but will not do so publicly?

Meanwhile let me add a new posting that further confirms the Roswell Slides were a carefully prepared hoax out of exactly the same stable as the 1995 Alien Autopsy.
Well, Burnt and Constance --give me a chance! I've been away on vacation for two weeks and have only just returned to read your criticism of what I said previously.

Just curious.., does Robert supply the beach towels at his website?

George32May 13, 2015 at 3:15 PM

Curt, I think you are wrong if you are saying the Roswell Slides business was NOT a carefully prepared hoax that was deliberately produced for Jaime Maussan's Cinco de Mayo extravaganza with his full knowledge and complicity. A week ago Anthony Bragalia was assuring everyone on this blog that this "Roswell Alien" was the genuine article and that "Wingfield doesn't know what he's talking about". Now he has had to acknowledge that the alien was a mummified child in some (unidentified) museum. So this extraordinary false promotion of '"genuine proof of alien visitation" at long last was just a simple mistake and that's OK since no scam was ever intended? I really don't think so! If Bragalia was lying just a week ago what reason is there to believe he's not lying now?

It may be hard to tell who were the crooks and who were the dupes in all this but I've no doubt that Jaime Maussan and Adam Dew were fully aware this was a scam and it was Maussan who commissioned it. Bragalia and others still seem to accept Dew's cover story about the origin of the so-called Roswell Slides including the transparently false (forgive the pun) tale of "Hilda Ray". If the truth be known the photos of the mummified child were almost certainly taken during the last twelve months and they were prepared to look as if the photographic materials and transparency sleeves were from about 1947. This was NOT just a casual UFO/alien hoax by an amateur of the sort you can find by the dozen on YouTube these days. This was quite obviously the work of a professional alienfaker like John Lundberg whose fingerprints are all over it.

The deliberately blurred out strip on the slide film which is now said to specify that it shows a mummified child was an ingenious trick. If the Mexico City audience and the rest of the UFO community had widely accepted this scam as being genuine I suggest that the strip from the "real" slide would have been alternatively deblurred to read something like this:-
"Embalmed body of Extraterrestrial Biological Entity recovered from flying disk which crashed near Roswell N.M., July 1947. (Courtesy the MJ-12 Collection at Hangar 18, Army Air Force, Ohio)."

Unfortunately for Mr Maussan and his followers the whole scam was rejected by all those in the UFO community with half an ounce of common sense and some of the "world's leading UFO experts" have been made to retreat to the ridiculous fall-back position of "Oops --we somehow mistook a photo of a mummified Native American kid for a real Roswell Alien". Need I say more?”
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The above confused the heck out of me until I clicked the link to see that was from Sheaffer's site.

I have no idea how this was put in motion. All I see now is a race to shift the blame. How many victims can a single story have?
The image could not have been taken in the last 12 months, the child was buried many years ago. And if one was going to take photos now to defraud, why not construct a model that would look less like a human?

It's entirely possible that the principals realized what they had, but I think it makes more sense that the photos are actually from the late 40s.
I'm not understanding the point you're trying to make in that sentence. Can you clarify? (why the BBC article is not relevant? and what 'proper science' was done to make the BBC article 'not relevant'?)

I know that anthropologists were upset and at odds about the discovery of H. floresiensis. As it happens, one of the major researchers involved taught (might still teach) here at Florida State University. I've never met her and have not followed the research concerning this species of homo since the discovery. I gather that you dispute the theory that H. floresiensis is reasonably thought to be a human subspecies. That's fine. I'm content with the ambiguity.

Re the second sentence above, I'm not presuming that "any of the experts involved implicate any kind of ET interference (with the human gene pool)." I suppose that even if some do, they're not likely to suggest that hypothesis out loud.

I don't think that your following post 'has anything to do with' me.

I do wonder, though, about the possible credibility (and justifiability) of the fire, brimstone, disaster, and death that the supposed spirit of the mummy in the slides promises to deliver upon anyone who disturbs the 'eternal peace' it claims to have attained in its current burial place. If cosmic powers could be brought to bear upon any scientist seeking to examine the mummy in the interest of human knowledge about our origins, why were the individuals who stole this mummy and displayed it publicly for years not visited by such vengeance and destruction?

I had a feared this would happen, I am sorry.
I cannot and will not accept the testimony of charlatans, and make no mistake this is what they are. the attempt to drive a wedge between us has been successful as demonstrated by your post. It is time to draw sides, I have made every attempt to be civil but that time is over, you are either with us or against us, and I talk for every mother and father that has suffered the loss of a child, please don't cast your aspersions on the body of a child depicted in a blurry slide, I made my appeal and it is you that refuses it, forgive my rudery, but I am a simple man. I want and need people to realise that the entire scenario is fatally flawed, you put your faith in who you chose, its up to you.
I forgive you.
I can only do so because I am comfortable with who I am, an animal, albeit a highly evolved one, for pity's sake sake show me some real evidence rather than endless accusations. whether you like it or not the "theory" of evolution has withstood all attackers, be they religious or prejudice, don't try to pretend otherwise.
The only "grey" area stems from a superiority complex face facts it OK.

You may want your DNA to have been tinkered with, maybe that's why you believe you have clarity of vision, but you need your eyes testing, we are PRIMATES as in: FIRST MATES until proven otherwise.
I don't want or need your approval to know I am right, so if you wish to count yourself among the deniers so be it, your problem not mine, just do not ask me to be civil at this time, because I am standing up for you as a human regardless of your lack of empathy.
I wish you only good, and it makes me more angry that you can't see it. do I have to remind you that we as a civilised people faced destruction in living memory?

Maybe you hope that your "master race" will come and save you, but I would not hold my breath. For this is OUR world and we have to do our best, if you knew me you would know how much it hurts writing these facts, but we just talk on a forum, so I should not expect more, but I thought you were open minded, my mistake I suppose, but it still hurts.

If you want me to spell it out:

The Roswell slides are pure nonsense nothing more nothing less, you are welcome to put your FAITH in them, its your mind after all, but do not try to turn science fiction into science FACT. go ahead post a 5000 page document to prove me wrong. I certainly won't be reading it because I will show you the amount of respect you showed me.
Well, Burnt and Constance --give me a chance! I've been away on vacation for two weeks and have only just returned to read your criticism of what I said previously. I am only interested in the truth of this matter and if you can prove that any of what I said before is incorrect I will gladly issue a retraction. The fact of the matter is that neither you nor Constance appear to have any idea of what these guys have been up to over the last 20 years. I do know them and I do know what they are like. You mention Humphreys --is it possible that John Lundberg has opened a private conversation with you to deny his part in the Alien Autopsy but will not do so publicly?

Meanwhile let me add a new posting that further confirms the Roswell Slides were a carefully prepared hoax out of exactly the same stable as the 1995 Alien Autopsy.
I see nothing too careful here in this plan, unless Dew really did hide actual untreated, full res copies of the whole slide from the Dream Team. And if they bought that as primary evidence, then sad days & shame on them.

If there was an actual cabal of characters at work to promote different pieces of a 'mystery' that could add up to the possibility of a slide of a Roswell Alien, then most of those names have been made know already by the work of the RSRG and I don't see Lundberg anywhere near that action. I have to say, though, he sounds a lot fess conspiratorial than you do but then this thread has some heavy edges to it when it comes to issues of belief. Are you angry with Lundberg over the whole crop circle thing? Does he work as a scapegoat for many - I suppose he might, but all I see here is a lot of proving of his theories about Ostention - padding the myth.

What comes through in religion and Ufology is that belief without proof is dangerous stuff and provokes intense emotional responses from both sides. As for truth, I think facts help a lot in getting there, not guesses, suspicions, intuition, belief or anything that the veneer of science might offer.
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I just want to address Constance because I probably went too far: Remember that artist in hertzogs film, the one with the wonky han d, that is you and me, and burnt who has posted above. we have to make do with what we have, i love to speculate and that it what it is speculation. it is a prerequisite for invention and progress, but the best model we have, is that we evolved from slime, and maybe just maybe that slime came from mars or wherever, but it is our slime....................
It matters less than you can imagine what our origin is, it all about today, science and spirituality tell you that, they are at harmony in this position. don't let real crackpots drive the wedge between your conscious and unconscious. If anything if you want to talk to your space brothers, they are far more scientifically aware than we, so lets grow science so we can communicate on a level understanding.
your model is outdated, we must work together to achieve a higher conscious but we must not and will not tolerate people trying to make a buck from our base instincts. specifically our desire to know our exact time of becoming "human" as opposed to "animal". Well hello the answer is hiding in plain sight, it did not happen over night...................................................................................
It was probably naïve of me to think that the Roswell Slides Fiasco would go away and be quietly forgotten after an overwhelming majority of those who followed this extraordinary extraterrestrial claim showed that they thought it was all a hoax and a scam. The majority are, of course, right in thinking it was a hoax but many seem to accept that the alleged alien was simply the mummified corpse of a Native American child photographed (possibly in the Mesa Verde museum) back in the late 1940s or early 1950s.

No. This was clearly a carefully prepared hoax tailor-made to deceive Roswell Alien believers and Jaime Maussan’s many followers in Mexico plus the rest of the world. The head, but not the body, of this particular “Roswell Alien” may well have been based on photographs of a mummified child’s head so that it appeared to be humanoid --just as Roswell myth might lead one to believe. The prime hoaxer was well aware that he had to follow the Roswell “narrative” (his words) and serve up just the sort of alien that believers would expect. In addition, everything besides the “alien” in the photos must be made to appear to date from the late 1940s or early 1950s. Any visible anachronism would potentially give the game away. It was just the same with Ray Santilli’s 1995 “Alien Autopsy” footage.

Where believers –and indeed some of those who now say this was a mummified Native American child—have allowed themselves to be completely misled was in accepting Adam Dew’s false background story about how the slides were found, their supposed connection to Hilda & Bernerd Ray, Hilda’s alleged friendship with Mamie Eisenhower, and the preposterous implicit suggestion that Ike (or perhaps one of his friends on MJ-12?) had allowed the Rays to view the alien corpse in what’s presumably meant to be MJ-12’s secret museum. All of this has been concocted by the hoaxers –although I’m sure there was a couple called Hilda & Bernerd Ray who once lived in Midland, TX.

No serious researcher should ever have swallowed all this nonsense before looking at the actual slides. According to certain respected scientists and/or doctors who were allowed to inspect higher resolution versions of the slides, the creature shown could not possibly have been human due to a number of features such as (a) 5 pairs of ribs whereas humans have 6, (b) the distal femur (thighbone) is different from a normal human one, (c) the adductor tubercle is not present, (d) there is no patella, and (e) there are no clavicles present though all humans have 2 clavicles.

Well, dang! So much for the mummified Native American child theory if we are to believe what Richard O’Connor, M.D., had to say in an earlier posting today. I entirely agree with Dr O’Connor –this creature is clearly not a human! However O’Connor then falls right into the trap that, ergo, it must be an alien from another world.

I did explain in an earlier posting that this “Roswell Alien” creature is almost certainly a special effects dummy carefully created for this specific purpose by John Lundberg and Rod Dickinson. The non-human features of the dummy are intentionally put there so that unsuspecting researchers will say that this creature isn’t human. Duh! This is not the first time that this kind of deception has been used by the very same “perception management” team. Santilli’s “Roswell Alien” dummy HILDA had (in one version) six fingers on each hand which I believe was an idea that Rob Irving dreamed up twenty years ago to fool folks into believing it was a “genuine” alien.

This latest hoaxed Roswell Alien, which I call MATILDA, was lovingly fashioned and photographed sometime during the last 12 months (using photographic materials appearing to be of Kodachrome’s 1947 variety). Revelation of the existence of these “Roswell Slides” –and the ludicrous story of their provenance-- was supplied by Adam Dew who is a friend of Jaime Maussan. It was a prime example of internet “Phishing”. Predictably many of the less wary Roswell UFO researchers --who are evidently so desperate to believe-- were entirely taken in. The release date for this hoax was undoubtedly planned to maximize attendance at Jaime Maussan’s UFO/alien extravaganza in Mexico City on May 5th. To some extent this worked, and many of the faithful will continue to see it as definite proof of the alien presence.

However those who see through Maussan see the production as an “Epic Fail”. If anyone is interested, I can supply further details of why John Lundberg & Co. were undoubtedly the ones behind this latest alien scam which was designed for Jaime Maussan and perhaps even commissioned by him.
Burnt wrote: " And that's the goal of ostension, to bring the myth to life.

But it does beggar the question, can we really use Lundberg as a mechanism to discredit something, when he himself says the paranormal events are real, that the crop circle phenomena is real.

If hes telling the truth as he see's it then he cant be used as an example to discredit crop circles and other paranormal events
If hes telling lies, then like billy meier hes also useless as a source of example.

To me the logic offers 3 options

Lundberg can be used as an example in favour of paranormal events and crop circles being real (as he states in his site)
Lundberg can be used as an example that they are all bogus
Lunberg cannot be used as an example of anything ......


Dear Burnt,

Here is a problem designed to test your powers of establishing the truth in a critical situation: - There are two doors labeled A and B which lead respectively to ‘Hell on Earth’ and to ‘Heaven on Earth’. The doors are guarded by two poker-faced twins, one of whom always tells the truth and the other who always tells a lie. Only snag is you don’t know which twin is which… You can ask each twin a single question and then you must choose whether to enter Door A or Door B. You have just one chance.

OK. If you want to find your way to ‘Heaven on Earth’ here’s the question you should ask them each in turn: “If I were to ask the other guy which door leads to ‘Heaven on Earth’ what would he say?” You will find that both will always give you the same reply. They both will either say “Door A” or they will both say “Door B”. If they both say “A” you need to enter Door B. If they both say “B” then I strongly suggest you head for Door A.

Right. Now consider the disinformation man who sometimes tells the truth but who just as often tells you untruths. This is a Mirage Man and there is no way you can be sure whether he’s telling you the truth or telling you lies. Richard Doty was just such a Mirage Man –and he very probably still is. John Lundberg is another Mirage Man.

Now don’t get me wrong. I like John and I enjoy conversation with him but if your life depended on everything he told you I’d recommend extreme caution. One can discuss his fine documentary film Mirage Men (which I strongly recommend all UFO researchers to see if they haven’t done so already) and there would be no reason to think that he’d lie to you. Other topics such as who created the Roswell Slides Hoax are just a little more difficult for him, so you shouldn’t expect a straight answer. He could deny responsibility or he could say --as the guardians of secrets often do—“We can neither confirm nor deny what you suggest…..” Trouble is that few believe that sort of response and, as far as he’s concerned, it’s much better to say nothing at all.

What, of course Mirage Men do when confronted by the disclosure of an uncomfortable secret is to get their friends and colleagues to publicly cast doubt on the veracity of their accuser(s). That is why, Burnt, you may well find certain people whispering in your ear that Wingfield is a liar or a disinformation agent himself. I’m not!


P.S. Hi, John. I do realize that you are reading every word of what’s written here. ‘Ostension’ apart, you can respond to what I say though I’m not exactly expecting you to do so!
It is impressive that you have so much confidence in your theory based in turn on a series of different suppositions and associations as opposed to specific facts - no real difference than what was promoted about the slides by the dreaming team's process. The RSRG found that the Canadan sci/fi dude, who claimed the slide contained a creature having evolved along the lines of a gecko, also went to school together with one of the Dream Team members. Now that's a real association and it may not mean anything but I could see a line of thinking getting generated there to help understand why a "scientist" would dare make conclusions of a slide of the child mummy that would deny its humanity, (as you are). Perhaps there was an exchange there, who knows? I don't see any connection between Lundberg and the slides, but could see him shaking his head in dismay at the shoddy nature of the primary evidence.

So I'm not sure if details are necessary as i'd first want to know if have you taken time yet to personally examine the slide's chemistry and identifiers to know exactly just when this slide was taken.
There is nothing on the body that is not consistent with a mummy. You cannot determine from the angle of view if there is a 6th rib in the caved in part of the right side. I count 6 ribs on the left side.

The clavicle area is covered by a cloth. How could you possibly say that it has no clavicle?

Did you look at the slide or are just echoing the misguided Doctor?

There may not be a patella because the child is 2 years old and it hasn't ossified yet, though there is simply not enough information to tell. There is also not enough information to make the claim that the distal femur or any other anatomy is not consistent with human. It is largely obscured and the effect of mummification cannot be discounted. It does look a little odd, but there is no way to tell what we are looking at.
from Richard Dolans facebook...

Just saw this message from Donald R. Schmitt regarding the so-called Roswell Slides. This had to be hard for him to write, and he has my sympathy and respect. I know without a doubt that his intentions, and those of Tom Carey, were sincere. As everyone knows, I supported the idea that the slides were interesting enough that they deserved more investigation. Well, they got it. In my opinion, the matter of the slides is CLOSED. If others wish to debate the physiology of the bod...y, let them. I have no more interest in this matter and fully believe we can and will move on. There remains much work to do. RD.

From Don Schmitt:
"It would seem like I've been here before... Asking my friends and colleagues to accept my sincerest apology for my participation in the recent event in Mexico City. I accept full responsibility for the fact that I allowed myself to be drawn into this situation, albeit with the best of intentions, I sacrificed my better judgement by being overly trusting when I should have known better. As one strives to make up for the mistakes of the past, there are times that emotions cause one to outrun their headlights. In my case, I ran it right off the road. Through the years I have worked hard to earn back your respect and confidence in my work only to presently jeopardize it all. For that I am especially remorseful. I am afraid that after spending almost half of my life devoted to one specific investigation, I allowed the allure of final resolution cloud my skeptical nature to be replaced by a false vision of hope. I now realize that the image in the slides is a mummy as specified by the display placard. At this time I consider the matter concluded and intend on moving forward. My only desire is that you try to understand that I never willfully did anything to mislead or misrepresent what I thought was the truth and I only acted with the best of objectives. Still, if I have offended or hurt anyone through my participation in this event, you have my deepest apology and have every right to hold it against me. When the truth finally was made known to all of us, I realized that I could only blame myself for not only failing you, but more sadly, failing myself. I must do better. And with God's help and your understanding, I promise I will.
Donald R. Schmitt"
on Jamie maussans FB..

Fernando Correa Dominguez
A quién entregue otra fotografía del mismo ser.... y

A Quién diga donde esta el cadaver del mismo ser que se mostró en Bewitness

Is offered a reward of $ 5000 USD
Who to deliver another picture of the same being.... And

Is offered a reward of $ 10000 USD
Who can tell where this cadaver of the same being that was shown on bewitness

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