A waking Dream
I am sitting in my grandmothers chair staring at my computer monitor, a voice rings out and says “Harry we need to talk” before I know it I am transported to a silent place, in my peripheral vision I see the form of huge dogs bearing their teeth, I clench my fists and hope, suddenly a small boy appears and banishes the dogs with a hand signal. He looks into my soul and says I know why you are here, and I thank you. Those dogs are my protectors they were only trying to defend me please don't be frightened. He then offers me his hand, and I take it, he leads me through a maze of hallways and doors until we reach one marked with unfamiliar symbols, he pushes the door open and leads me through, we enter the most fantastically beautiful place I have ever seen, welcome to my home he says without speaking, it then hits me slap in the face, this is the boy who's mummified remains have been displayed for the world to see. I could not stop heart from sinking. I meant no disrespect I said, I am sorry. His reply was this: that was my body, but I don't need it any more, I am happy here, but please understand that my family that still reside on earth, even those that never met me, feel great pain and sadness when they see my remains used as a tool to create doubt and separation amongst us, you are part of my family Harry, as is anyone that wants to be, the reason I asked you to come here is because a great harm will come to those people that hurt my family, I will not call off my dogs or my bears or my eagles. My vultures will feast upon the spiritual entrails of those that persist in hurting my mortal family, please try to stop them Harry, carry my message and warn them, if they don't listen tell them again, for they do not realise the doors they are opening, and what they are welcoming in, for money as you call it. They will think you mad, they will call you names, they will do anything to deny their responsibility to us, don't be disheartened, don't give an inch, do not let their forked tongues persuade you it is a bad idea to share our conversation, for those that know will understand, and those that don't, soon will, I know you feel sorry for them, and that is why you want to help, but our patience is wearing thin, go now and tell them.
And that was it I suddenly was back in my chair thinking did that just happen?
So if it is not clear after that god help you, but to follow my instructions I must reiterate what the boy told me.
Stop fucking around with shit you don't understand or comprehend, your cash grabbing, self serving lies will come back to you, in ways even the most hardened sceptic would be terrified of, STOP now admit your errors, say your sorries, pay back the money and grow up, like the poor little fellow in the slides never had the chance to do………….
I can't help you, I can only warn you about what I was told.
Just in case anybody is as deluded as to think I am making threats, I am not, I am just the messenger, any actions you have taken, you better be able to justify, not just to the boy and his family, but to your soul as well, but don't say I didn't try to warn you. Repeatedly………..
Peace love and best wishes to all
And before you ask I am not high on drugs, I might have blown a head gasket though