Covid-19 is nasty and getting worse get vaccinated up to yourself which one . While didn't agree with all the US politicians on both sides nor others it's above politics .The pandemic started in Southeast Asia millions off the books and spread like wild fire and still going.
On how "nasty" COVID-19 is, the most conservative studies have found that 30% of those infected don't experience any symptoms at all. An early high-quality study from South Korea estimated that the number could be as high as 90%. Most people experience mild cold-like symptoms and are fine within 14 days. Consider the following:
People <65 years old have very small risks of COVID-19 death even in pandemic epicenters and deaths for people <65 years without underlying predisposing conditions are remarkably uncommon. Strategies focusing specifically on protecting high-risk elderly individuals should be considered in managing the pandemic.
SOURCE - US National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health
Given these
facts, the disease can hardly be called "nasty" relative to other diseases or causes of death. See attachment for additional info.
On vaccines: I have no problem with people who want to get injected with a pharmaceutical product volunteering themselves for treatment. It's another thing to coerce people with restrictions on their freedom to move, work, or get an education. Because I've not only read the clinical studies, but also looked at the way the science behind the virus and the vaccines work, I have chosen not to get vaccinated and take my chances without it.
BTW, much of the vaccination hype is pure propaganda. It's not "safe". At best it's
low risk. At worst, people have died. Trivializing that because they are in the minority is a trite answer, so don't bother. People who have been vaccinated are not guaranteed to be immune either. The estimates are high that a vaccination will protect most people, but before it can do that, a person actually needs to be infected, and they aren't taking that probability into account when estimating "effectiveness".
Here in my city with a population of over a million people, given the stats, I calculated that even if I made a concerted effort to expose myself by going out to busy populated areas, my chance of exposure was .02% and given the stats above from the US National Library of Medicine, of less than 100% efficacy for the vaccine, the actual "efficacy" for my situation was under .02%, but there's a 100% guarantee of side effects ranging from mild to severe, so my choice to opt-out is perfectly rational ( if being rational matters ).
Lastly, it's also a myth that vaccinated people cannot contract COVID or pass it along to others. First there's the chance that the vaccine doesn't protect you. How they arrived at an estimate of over 90% effective is highly dubious. They are not allowed to expose people to the virus on purpose in order to see if the vaccine works. So there's no way to be sure the efficacy of the vaccine has anything to do with the numbers. Plus the testing methods are also highly dubious, but you need to review the science behind it to understand why. I have. Review this:
Now, you can do all the homework, ( and this is just the tip of the iceberg ). Or just buy into the fear. It's much easier. Your choice. Personally I'm getting tired of trying to get through to people about COVID, and just want it to be over. But will it ever really be over? Over the next few years, studies have warned that more people are likely to die as a consequence of the lockdown measures than the disease itself. Billions have been spent on Pharma, but not on putting a decent healthcare system into place. The expense has triggered inflation ( have you checked out the price of groceries lately ) ?
Anyway, this is all really complex with a lot of conflicting variables, and to sort them out means going 3 or four levels below the headlines, and it's beyond most people's capacity to understand it all even if they have the time to bother. You're just talking to one of the few exceptions who gets at least 90% of it, and that's what they count on — for it to be beyond most people who will simply comply out of fear and the belief that the government knows what's best for them.