I'm biting my lip here but thats ok ... I'm ok with that. If its your opinion that Muslims did 9/11 then thats fine. Actually no ... thats not fine because it didn't happen like that but I'll not go there at the moment.
Vyzygoth ... he of the ertswhile Grassy Knoll radio programme/podcast has some interesting things to say about the Beck/Palin rally last weekend. You can find it here:
Basically it comes down to is: WTF are you saying?, Beck, Palin?? ... what the hell are you talking about? What you are saying doesn't make a blind word of sense.
And the people just ate it up. He plays a clip of Palin which made absolutely no sense whatsoever, and the crowd just ate it up. It seems that as long as you throw together a bunch of words but punctuate them with "America", and "God" and "Family" etc etc etc ... you will win with these people.
I would say from listening to the small bit of the rally I heard on Vyz's programme that America is screwed. Utterly. The people who will vote for Beck (who in my opinion is a psychopath) and Palin (who is just utterly re*arded

... just listen to her utterly buggering up her speech in the above programme, its really scary) when they finally start a 3rd party are possibly some of the scariest, stupidest people in the US. Oh and they all love Israel ... probably ... so thats ok then 8)