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People at Glenn Beck's Rally

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Wow. I'm not world savvy, but I watched the riots on TV and knew about Greece's financial woes. There's quite a few countries over there that have ha some serious financial difficulties. Greece was just one of the most recent that erupted in violence. Look for Portugal and Spain next...Spain is full of citizens that consider themselves provincials-not Spanish. And Portugal is having some rough times in terms of gainful employment as well.

Don't forget that 2.3 Trillion dollars of the government's money just ended up missing. Gone. Where did it go? No one is really sure. Rumsfeld said the same on September 10, 2001. It's in the papers. 2.3 TRILLION dollars evaporated out of the US Government and no one knows where it went. The US started 2 wars and is threatening a third. Angelo is right, the war on Iraq was BS...and we spent 800 million dollars to build a HUGE sprawling campus over there, actually I think there were cost overrides so it ended up being more. (Haliburton got the contract, in case you didn't know.)

I'm not going to claim that Obama is any better than Bush, since I have nothing but contempt for professional politicians, but he was left holding a hand full of cards in the middle of a long game of Texas Hold'em that somebody else had dealt.

Yeah, I haven't watched news in quite a while because I let my cable go (I'm sure quite a few people suspect that since I'm conservative I must be some rich guy. Far, far, farrrrr from it). So I just check Google News to find out what is going on. Must have missed that.

Somebody commented earlier about how flippin' great things are in Europe. Well, I haven't been to Germany so I don't know if it was bullshit or not but I recall seeing a documentary showing how people were having to wait an hour or so to be waited on in a German restaurant because the restaurant had only one waitress for the entire place. Why did it have only one? Because the welfare system in Germany is so ridiculously good that a lot of people think it's stupid to be a waitress when you can simply live off the government for as much or more. If there's any truth to that it makes no economic sense to me at all.
It is depressing to see what the "Tea Party" has morphed into. I was part of using that concept in modern politics again in 2007 to try and get Ron Paul into office in 2008. A legit, grassroots Libertarian movement. Now look at it? Totally co-opted by Neo-Conservatives.


I am disappoint.
I'm from Ohio, one of the most 50/50 states in the union. In fact, Ohio may very well be the most important state in any presidential election. If you don't win here, you don't win. This goes to show how badly Democrats have screwed the pooch in the last couple of years:

Ohio: Bush 50, Obama 42 Don Surber

November is going to be an onslaught.

But anyway, getting out of this thread. Can't believe I posted in the first place. I've managed to avoid 90% of these but sometimes I can't help myself. I've been a moderator at a few boards that completely prohibit political threads. Imo that's one of the best rules a forum can have.
Yeah, I haven't watched news in quite a while because I let my cable go (I'm sure quite a few people suspect that since I'm conservative I must be some rich guy. Far, far, farrrrr from it). So I just check Google News to find out what is going on. Must have missed that.

Somebody commented earlier about how flippin' great things are in Europe. Well, I haven't been to Germany so I don't know if it was bullshit or not but I recall seeing a documentary showing how people were having to wait an hour or so to be waited on in a German restaurant because the restaurant had only one waitress for the entire place. Why did it have only one? Because the welfare system in Germany is so ridiculously good that a lot of people think it's stupid to be a waitress when you can simply live off the government for as much or more. If there's any truth to that it makes no economic sense to me at all.

That was most likely bullshit, we are doing ok here in terms of service etc. here, what bothers me is the EU in general.We are still regarded as the greatest financial powerhouse in europe, therefore we pay the majority of 'helping funds'. I wish there would have been a peoples vote at the inception of the EU back then, I bet it would never have come into existence.
It is depressing to see what the "Tea Party" has morphed into. I was part of using that concept in modern politics again in 2007 to try and get Ron Paul into office in 2008. A legit, grassroots Libertarian movement. Now look at it? Totally co-opted by Neo-Conservatives.


I am disappoint.

I'm not a Libertarian, but I can understand where some of them are coming from. Penn Jillette loves to talk about it on his Penn Point podcast.
It's been quite depressing to observe my father's descent into madness over the last few years c/o watching Fox News all day, in between listening to conservative radio. He really believes that a corporate media outlet firmly invested in one side of the 'conversation' (a conversation wherein the discourse seems mostly for show, while the same general program seems to progress no matter which party is dominating) and has his best interests in heart, that it is devoted to serving the 'little man.'

I'm waiting for the day when the plucking on heartstrings c/o punditry instigates a heart attack and/or stroke.

(And this is not meant to be a left-based assault of Fox, as brief encounters with MSNBC made it clear that the same process is operating on the other side.)

Somebody commented earlier about how flippin' great things are in Europe. Well, I haven't been to Germany so I don't know if it was bullshit or not but I recall seeing a documentary showing how people were having to wait an hour or so to be waited on in a German restaurant because the restaurant had only one waitress for the entire place. Why did it have only one? Because the welfare system in Germany is so ridiculously good that a lot of people think it's stupid to be a waitress when you can simply live off the government for as much or more. If there's any truth to that it makes no economic sense to me at all.

Yeah it doesn't sound like you've been to Germany. You'd do yourself well to base your assumptions of on more than one documentary, Strawman.
I'm not a Libertarian, but I can understand where some of them are coming from. Penn Jillette loves to talk about it on his Penn Point podcast.

I think it is the closest concept that identifies with my views. I was not at all happy with who the party supported in 2008 for president because I take major issue with Bob Barr on his voting record on the Patriot Act and the Iraq war (plus I don't get a "warm and fuzzy" feeling about him being "ex-CIA" and representing Libertarians) but agree with a lot of the concepts of the ideology. I am pretty conservative on a lot of issues, but not on others. I hate Neo-Cons more then Liberals/Progressives. ;)

I listen to Penn's podcast often too. Pretty good.
The Republicans will spend plenty, no doubt about it. But they'll spend less than the Democrats and that makes them the lesser of two evils.

Wow. You must be joking. Are you talking about the same Republicans who swindled the nation out of $900 billion for an unnecessary war in Iraq? And initiated the Wall St. bailouts? Those well intentioned Republicans? If you're a conservative then fine, whatever, but don't pretend like Republicans are on your side more than Democrats.
The Republicans will spend plenty, no doubt about it. But they'll spend less than the Democrats and that makes them the lesser of two evils.

Wow. You must be joking. Are you talking about the same Republicans who swindled the nation out of $900 billion for an unnecessary war in Iraq? And initiated the Wall St. bailouts? Those well intentioned Republicans? If you're a conservative then fine, whatever, but don't pretend like Republicans are on your side more than Democrats.

You guys need more choices down there.
The Republicans will spend plenty, no doubt about it. But they'll spend less than the Democrats and that makes them the lesser of two evils.

Wow. You must be joking. Are you talking about the same Republicans who swindled the nation out of $900 billion for an unnecessary war in Iraq? And initiated the Wall St. bailouts? Those well intentioned Republicans? If you're a conservative then fine, whatever, but don't pretend like Republicans are on your side more than Democrats.

Lol, aren't you the same guy I saw over in the 9/11 thread talking about a video of OBL not being OBL and similar absurdities? So let's get this straight: You think that the government might have had something to do with the 9/11 attacks but you want that government in charge of your health care or even anything else? Lol, that makes sense.

Angel: There are other political parties in the US but the Republicans and Democrats tend to be the only ones to ever win anything. In the last few years I find myself leaning more Libertarian but those guys never win anything.
If the 9/11 topic is going to be brought up here, let it be said that nobody here even tried to "debunk" me on what I shared. (because they would not be able to IMO) ;)

Not trying to hijack the thread (no pun intended) but just "keeping it real", so to speak.
If the 9/11 topic is going to be brought up here, let it be said that nobody here even tried to "debunk" me on what I shared. (because they would not be able to IMO) ;)

Not trying to hijack the thread (no pun intended) but just "keeping it real", so to speak.

Yeah, just think it's funny that a truther would advocate greater government power. I can't think of anything more ironic than that.
Yeah, just think it's funny that a truther would advocate greater government power. I can't think of anything more ironic than that.

There are a lot of people into that topic for the wrong reasons IMO. Not even taking about the information they present (which is often wrong as well) but who come at it from a left-wing ideology that used it as a meme to attack the Bush admin. Sometimes people who talk about that topic do so in a pretty disingenuous angle IMO. So they may still support concepts like government controlled health care because they look at politics in a partisan manner.
Wow, have you ever taken a comprehensive U.S. history course? The selective and short term memory of this country never ceases to amaze me.

OK professor, what is that suppose to mean? Are you talking about France helping with the war with England or what? That's a war, not the same thing. If you're referring to a time we spent ourselves broke and another country saved us from bankruptcy I confess it has slipped my mind. If this does have something to do with France we weren't really even our own country yet.

About the economic catastrophe in Greece (Looked into it, obviously their fault. They were spending money like it was mana from the heavens. But hey, our country is doing the same thing because 50% of our population begs for it while the other 50% howl in protest. And when I say "pathetic" I don't mean Greek people are pathetic. I mean spending truckloads of money like an irresponsible 9 year old is pathetic. When we go broke from doing the same thing, and we will because 50% of people just don't care and always vote for more money spending no matter what, we will be no less pathetic. The difference will be that there will be no bailout because it's just too damned big to bailout) it's odd to me how little that is talked about on the 24 hr. news networks. I don't have cable anymore but occasionally watch these networks streamed on Veetle. I can't recall ever hearing a peep about it on those channels. But if you go looking there's plenty of articles on the web.
OK professor, what is that suppose to mean? Are you talking about France helping with the war with England or what? That's a war, not the same thing. If you're referring to a time we spent ourselves broke and another country saved us from bankruptcy I confess it has slipped my mind. If this does have something to do with France we weren't really even our own country yet.

About the economic catastrophe in Greece (Looked into it, obviously their fault. They were spending money like it was mana from the heavens. But hey, our country is doing the same thing because 50% of our population begs for it while the other 50% howl in protest. And when I say "pathetic" I don't mean Greek people are pathetic. I mean spending truckloads of money like an irresponsible 9 year old is pathetic. When we go broke from doing the same thing, and we will because 50% of people just don't care and always vote for more money spending no matter what, we will be no less pathetic. The difference will be that there will be no bailout because it's just too damned big to bailout) it's odd to me how little that is talked about on the 24 hr. news networks. I don't have cable anymore but occasionally watch these networks streamed on Veetle. I can't recall ever hearing a peep about it on those channels. But if you go looking there's plenty of articles on the web.

Yes, France is part of it. How about our current debt. About 2/3 of our 13 trillion dollar debt is owed to foreign governments, companies, and citizens. They bought bonds, notes and treasury bills when we needed money to do things we couldn't afford to. We owe the Chinese government 772 billion dollars and growing. Some forecasters have us topping 95% debt to our GDP. To much of that and we could easily wind up just like Greece and take half the world with us.

I would agree that is a bit pathetic. However, your initial post came off sounding very condescending from a nationalist point of view. Almost like we in the U.S. are so superior to everyone else. After reading your reply I can see I interpreted it incorrectly. Sorry for that. That sense of entitlement and superiority we as a nation broadcast just really pisses me off.
Every time I think of Glenn Beck or see him on television, I cannot help but picture the episode of South Park where Cartman was going on about the destruction of the Smurfs and slowly began to look like Glenn.

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