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  1. Red

    Anyone seen green fireballs

    Nickel burns green and it is known that some meteors can have a high nickel content from the examples that did manage to make it to earth without burning up.
  2. Red

    The Official Paracast Political Thread! — Part Four

    I'll believe it when it happens, but interesting anyway:
  3. Red

    Pyramid like Anomaly On Mars

    I think you might be talking about gamma rays as that was the big news last year. As to cross-contamination, the Outer Space Treaty has been in effect for 1967 and deals with issues of contamination. If I recall correctly, the astronauts who returned from the moon were quarantined immediately...
  4. Red

    March 26, 2017 — John L. Steadman

    I too enjoyed the show, but I'm a sucker for anything involving Lovecraft. :D @Christopher O'Brien, thanks for getting my questions in. I know it's not always possible depending on where the conversation is going and how much time you have.
  5. Red

    Digital Activism - Yes or No ?

    Digital Activism is going to continue to occur simply because of the technology saturated cultures we now live in. It's going to have hits and misses much like anything else in this world. I think we will see even more intelligence gathering via technology and cyber warfare, too.
  6. Red

    Magick! Ask John L. Steadman

    I'll be sure to listen in as I'm a Lovecraft fan. I do have a few questions: 1. Dan Harms argues that the Simon Necronomicon contains magickal booby traps, that might not trip up an experienced magician, but could trip up newbies. In fact, there used to be an online support group of people who...
  7. Red

    SETI: Are we P***ing in the Wind?

    I'd like to add that SETI relies on donations from corporations and individuals. No federal dollars go to SETI.
  8. Red

    January 29, 2017 — Joshua P. Warren

    Google "virtual wishing machine" and you find ones you can print off. One of the earliest mention of said machine I've found is in the book "On the Frontiers of Science (Strange Machines you Can Build)," by G. Harry Stine.
  9. Red

    All I want for Xmas are some STH reviews!

    Duh, that will teach me to read anything before coffee. :D
  10. Red

    All I want for Xmas are some STH reviews!

    It'd be Amazon US. Not sure why you can't see it.
  11. Red

    All I want for Xmas are some STH reviews!

    As promised, I have read the book and authored a short review. It's yet to go "live," but I gave it 5 stars. Not sure I will ever eat a steak again without a second thought, tho. :cool: Mutes aren't really my thing, but I found your book compelling enough that I'm now looking forward to your...
  12. Red

    Possible Giant Skeleton Found ON Mars.

    Doesn't surprise me, please realize though I've been off the forum and haven't listened for 5-6 years. I'm still in the process of getting caught up in the backlog of shows. :)
  13. Red

    Skinwalkers and the Witchery Way

    @Christopher O'Brien You talk of areas that are out of bounds to tribal populations because of their association with skinwalkers such as the aptly named Skinwalker Ranch. Are there other areas where there is a similar taboo? If you don't want to name locations, it won't bother me. I'm more...
  14. Red

    Possible Giant Skeleton Found ON Mars.

    It's also a bit troubling that assumption that alien life is going to be bipedal hominids.
  15. Red

    SETI: Are we P***ing in the Wind?

    Personally, I'm not holding my breath for SETI to find anything, but for a group looking for E.T. signals, they are much more scientific in their approach than say someone like Greer. I'd rather have a group like SETI looking at anomalous signals than the starry-eyed. Can you imagine if SETI...
  16. Red

    January 15, 2016 — Kevin D. Randle with Erica Lukes and Goggs Mackay

    I enjoyed the show. I hope you'll have him back when he's ready to talk some more about Socorro.
  17. Red

    January 1, 2017 — Sean Correia of Anonymous Uprising

    Oh that's right. How could I have forgotten Howe and Bassett? :eek: Regardless, you are exactly right, especially when there are real scientists in the field. And his use of the Anonymous mask and some of their branding and video techniques is just really strange. It doesn't seem to jive...
  18. Red

    January 1, 2017 — Sean Correia of Anonymous Uprising

    Oi. I couldn't get through the whole episode. I don't know how Gene and Chris managed this one, as I pretty much left it after Correia's fawning of Greer and his seeming lack of knowledge of the better known and respected researchers in the field. I can't take a guy seriously when the only...
  19. Red

    January 8, 2016 — Erica Lukes

    Give her a chance, they may have run out of time on the show. She just answered mine today in the question thread. Perhaps an answer to your question is forthcoming.