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  1. paraschtick

    Dark Matters Radio Song ...

    No problem, I've got a memory like a sieve myself. Hope you get to do the programme ... it could be a keeper :D ... unless Oberg (still) decides to push the usual official line, of course. Anyway good luck with getting him on the prog. Best wishes paraschtick ps and keep poking Sarradet...
  2. paraschtick

    Dark Matters Radio Song ...

    Ahhh ... thank you, Sir Don. That hit the spot exactly. Now I can rest in peace. I hate not knowing what something is ... drives me up the wall. Anyway, thanks a bundle Sir Don. Hope all is well with you and your good lady. Best wishes paraschtick ps any idea if you're still getting...
  3. paraschtick

    Dark Matters Radio Song ...

    Hi Decker, Now I've heard a tune on your prog a couple of times now, and has anyone said what it is?? No of course not. Which one am I talking about?? Its that ethereal, folksy one talking about gardens and things (well I think the woman is singing about gardens :D). Anyway nice tune ...
  4. paraschtick

    Nazi UFO/ Jewish state and JFK conspiracy

    I think it might be obvious to most now that the banking institutions have as you say no morality whatsoever. I mean they do work with money and are in the business of making money whatever that takes. I have no idea whether or not there is such a thing as an ongoing Nazi Internationale ...
  5. paraschtick

    Great Pyramid as a "water pump?"

    I thought it had something to do with Bill Cooper. He did have a lot to say about conspiracy theories after all :D ... [But getting back to my fabulous earlier post ... because I want to :eek::D. The limestone may have been broken up in the quarry, turned to a putty by that plant I mentioned...
  6. paraschtick

    Nazi UFO/ Jewish state and JFK conspiracy

    JFK was probably killed because he stepped on so many toes. He wanted to get rid of the Federal Reserve, he was (apparently) into the whole Civil Rights thing (although ... would somebody in a powerful family such as the Kennedys really be in to giving power to the proles in any way??), he...
  7. paraschtick

    June 14 Show

    I've not listened to the show yet ... and might not now hearing what other people have made of it after listening. But I have huge problems with a lot of the reports coming out of South America ... which I guess is what is discussed in the programme (??). I don't know if its just me but there...
  8. paraschtick

    Bishop, Bosley - May 30th

    Please please please could you edit your reply before posting, kieran? It really isn't necessary to post the entirety of a quote :eek: ... :D Rant over ... thanks in advance. paraschtick ps whatever crashed at Roswell may have been something Nazi as Joseph Farrell says but it may not have...
  9. paraschtick

    Great Pyramid as a "water pump?"

    The blocks may not have been cut at all folks. There are stories from South America of a plant that prepared correctly could actually dissolve stone. The stone became like a putty which then could be fashioned to whatever shape was wanted. It would then solidfy to a harder stone that it started...
  10. paraschtick

    Bishop, Bosley - May 30th

    Hoffmeister, thats a really really old story. I heard him relate that story on a British radio programme in the late 1980s. I have no idea whether or not its true or not (how can anyone say if it is or not?) but I remember it scared and thrilled the hell out of me at the time :D (i was far...
  11. paraschtick

    Bishop, Bosley - May 30th

    I probably agree with that sentiment. I kinda like Timothy Good ... but ... he does seem to have a lot of anonymous sources. So either he's making it up or he's being led up a very twisty-turny garden path. As always with these things it maybe somewhere in between.
  12. paraschtick

    Bishop, Bosley - May 30th

    My idea about ley lines (even if they exist or not :D) is that they may be standing waves of some sort within the earth's crust. Thats just a hunch and there is no evidence for it. Again whether or not standing waves would indeed affect anything is again is open to disagreement. I managed to...
  13. paraschtick

    Steve Broadbent is an idiot!

    I was fine with the interview until the 9/11 stuff came up. Linking 9/11 truthers with exopolitics ... warrghh ... I got rather angry to tell you the truth. And to believe a government who has lied about getting into Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc etc ... yeah ... had nothing to do with 9/11...
  14. paraschtick

    Greg Bishop ... CIA stooge???

    Cheeky Igloo Assortment?? Chinese Icecream Attachment?? Chunky Irish Anthracite??? Who knows??? :D
  15. paraschtick

    Greg Bishop ... CIA stooge???

    Ahh but which CIA?? is what we should be asking. He might be a member of any number of CIAs. There's the Culinary Institute of America (sorry ... stole that from the Gilmore Girls :D) ... The Crazy Invertebrate Aardvarks ... of Doom ... of course ... The Colloquial Intelligence Anklesocks...
  16. paraschtick

    Greg Bishop ... CIA stooge???

    Blimey I didn't know this thread was still around :D. I be the one who started it, folks. I lost my account for some strange reason and so regenerated as paraschtick. Annyway ... it turned out that it was all a ... 'joke'. Yeah when I listened to the 'expose' it totally went over my head. It...
  17. paraschtick

    Richard Syrett

    Each to his own :D. I listen to a lot of stuff myself with an open mind ... some religious stuff too (must be why I have a flat head ... all that banging it against walls :D). The creationist stuff though goes far beyond what I can deal with ... but I thought I would warn you ... just in case...
  18. paraschtick

    Richard Syrett

    I used to listen to him when he had archives which you didn't have to pay to hear (I think thats still the case ie you have to pay to hear them). Unfortunately I seem to rememeber there was some silly prophecy stuff on it plus some ... ahem ... creationist stuff as well: there used to be a...
  19. paraschtick

    Alien hybrids = Nephilim

    Hey there, Gene. I live in New Zealand too! :D In Christchurch ... south island, half way down on the east coast. Pretty grim here at the moment. Lots of drizzle ... still isn't that cold though considering we're going into winter. Whats this got to do with anything. Nothing except to show...
  20. paraschtick

    Alien hybrids = Nephilim

    I don't mind you hijacking my thread, codex. What really gets my goat is when people close the thread just as I'm going to make an earth shatteringly witty quip :D ... takes the wind right out of my sails, believe me. I have all these gut shakingly wonderful witicisms now with nowhere to go...