Wow you are so seriously misinformed as to what went on on 9/11 it really is making me weep. You really ought to listen to some truly informed people. People who have done some decent research into what went on on that terrible day. Check out the archives for instance. Victor Thorn and Lisa Guliani have done some stellar work into figuring out what went on with Flight 93 for instance. That is something that is not talked about a lot, and just reading or listening to their interviews will give you a totally new insight into what really went on.
Also check out Dave Macgowan's website. He was the first to question what went on on 9/11 on Sept. 12th 2001:
Or listen to people like Alan Sabrowsky who used to work for the US Army War College, and kind of knows a few things about intelligence matters. He is no fruitcake. He knows that Israel and maybe the CIA did 9/11. In his mind there is no question about it. Oh, and for the record, he is of Jewish descent.
You might also like to read this article by a ... shock-horror ... Muslim about 9/11:
Listen to and read the articles of Michael Collins Piper. He is the one of the most consistent people I know in the patriot/truth community ... and a truly fascinating guy. More of him here:
Other things you might want to consider:
(1) The dancing ISRAELIS ... as mentioned in the above article
(2) Larry Silverstein (leaseholder of the WTC towers) was big friends with BENJAMIN NETANYAHU (the architect of the War on Terror. He wrote a book about it in 1986!!!).
Just those two pieces of FACTUAL information should give you pause for thought. Oh, and as I have mentioned before:
When the towers fell, a passport was found on TOP OF THE RUBBLE. A passport belonging to one of the supposed hijackers. I was informed on these forums that "this kind of thing happens" apparently. Well I call that total bull to tell you the truth.
There are so many more strange things that went on that day that I cannot for the life of me understand why that nearly 10 years after the event, people still think that a bunch of Arabs did this. I truly am baffled by this.
But I know whatever I will say will not be accepted by people who want to believe the opposite. You cannot tell people what to believe. So I will leave it here again and just say that one day, Kieran and whoever wants to believe what they believe wrongly about 9/11, you will come to the truth one day, and you will kick yourself ... a lot ... and maybe for a very long time indeed.
Oh and PS: check out the USS Liberty. Israel attacked a US ship in 1967 and tried to sink it. She attacked it with planes, napalm and torpedos. Why?? Because she want to drag the US into another war ... oh ... and to stop the US from finding out about the prisoners she was executing on a beach at the time. One of the survivors of this hideous attack, Phil Tourney (author of a book on the USS Liberty incident) was recently threatened by either an agent of Israel or Mossad-wannabee. Why?? Because he wrote a book that showed how psychopathic Israel can be. But ... I guess thats neither here nor there ...
As always,
paraschtick out ...
oh and pps: Why do people believe that the government are covering up the UFO thing but also believe that the government are telling the truth that a bunch of Arabs who couldn't fly for toffee did 9/11??? I would love to hear an explanation for this ... cos I see a real and very strange disconnect there ... is it because people are anti-islamic??? Hmmm ... I wonder

Hoping to further your case by posting links to websites isn't going to help you!! My posting was based on real life data fact and evidence accumulated over 10 years from the 1993 attack in New York, to the 2001 attacks in New York. You'd have opinion, there was conspiracy which the United States government, had an involvement in correct.
I have studied and researched both sides of the Argument over the years. Anecdotal evidence from your side will never be taken seriously and that is why the case for 9/11 conspiracy, fails to impress or make an impact beyond the Internet. Your belief can only be supported when the case for it, is proven beyond all doubt.
People that wave your flag have claimed Bin Laden and his supporters were supported and funded by the CIA when the Soviet invasion failed. Well that is an attempt to re-write the history of Afghanistan, the United States in the nineties supported the "Northern Alliance" against Al Qaeda. They were supplied with money and weaponry and it often forgotten the United States twice in the late nineties tried to kill Bin laden in Afghanistan.
A Covert Military US operation to take out Bin laden in the early nineties was only hours away from taking place, but the armed compound were Bin Laden was staying at, had many women and Children inside, so It was called off to prevent an awful shit storm reaction.
President Clinton in the late nineties I believe ordered that Cruise missiles be fired at targets inside the countries of Sudan and Afghanistan. With the aim of taking out Al Qaeda training camps, the killing of Bin laden and his Followers. United States Intelligence sources later confirmed after 2001.The Intel was reliable.
Bin laden was at one of the targets hit, but he had sneaked away in the darkness, before the strike was scheduled to happen. What happened?
Information was leaked by the Pakistan security forces to his followers, and they informed Bin Laden just before the attack. Bin Laden would have perished that night from the impact of the Tomahawk Cruise missiles only that, the United States Government had to inform or notify the Pakistan Government of this action, since it was an ally, and the flight path of the tomahawks to the Afghan land would take them over Pakistan.
Bin Laden declared and vowed to strike the United States after this he was passionate and wanted revenge. Now from what I have just said do you still think Bin Laden is a CIA Trained operative?
A bunch of Arabs?
Men of Middle Eastern background have Hijacked commercial planes in the 70's and 80's, it not a new and unseen phenomenon.
Are you really suggesting it was impossible for 11 men to have booked flights, for that day, and then have hijacked those planes by using box cutters . Honestly, truly do you believe that?
What's so impossible about it, if you do?
All they had to do is show up at the checking desk hand over there language wait and then board. The planes they hijacked we're not military planes they were civilian aircraft carrying civilians who lived normal everyday routines.
Civilians are not heroes they were mostly likely very frightened and intimidated by the hijackers.
Think about it!! Airline Hijackings up to that time never involved planes crashing into buildings, it was unheard of. The passengers were probably thinking they would survive, once the demands were met, but unfortunately those hijackings was to get something from a demand, it was done to sent a message to the United States.
A passport belonging to a hijacker was found in the rubble. What are you trying to claim here?
Wouldn't that just prove a Hijacker was actually aboard the Airliner when it crashed into the tower? I read some information on this, and it Seems a number of Passports were found burned and damaged, so it becomes less of a conspiracy in that context. And according to some reports, the Passport in question was found a few blocks away from that area.
At the end of the day. Everyone saw a commercial plane hit the second tower. It hit and never came out which surprised me I would believed it would have kept on going out the other end, just like in the movies, reality seemly is very different.
Now we have a go to, we can compare this scene so to speak with the attack on the Pentagon.
Everyone pretty much agrees two planes hit the Twin Towers and both planes were captured on video one event was live on TV the other event was captured footage. Two planes hit straight on and nothing of the planes was left nothing came back out the other side. Same think happened at the Pentagon the plane hit the wall and just was engulfed and it blow up.
But the difference is with the Twin towers and the Pentagon. At the Pentagon there is physical evidence a plane hit the wall. The twin towers there is no evidence of planes hitting them, only for that it was captured on video.
Wreckage from a plane can be clearly seen in Photographs near the blast area right beside the fire-engine. The metal wreckage is marked with the colouring of an American Airlines plane , if wasn't, an attack by a plane then were did that metal come from, which by chance, had the colouring of an American Airlines plane?
I took a look at the Photographs again from that day, while putting together this post. There is no doubt in my mind what crashed there was one of the Hijacked planes. I spotted another Photograph which showed some rusty parts from an Aircraft engine, Those parts were pulled from the Pentagon impact collapsed wall.
Anyway, I'm not going to comment further on 9/11. The United States took there eye of the ball when it came to terrorism, and the failure of the FBI and the CIA to share information is what caused and enabled the attacks to occur, end of story.