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911 Debate on Coast to Coast Live 8-21

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so.. who do you think will win between our NATIONS most secure building and a 99 cent box cutter?

---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:06 PM ----------

what would win between a double fortified concrete and steel terrorist thwarting command center (WTC7) and an office fire? LMAO!!!

---------- Post added at 01:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:38 PM ----------

what would one of our Nations fastest jet fighters catch up to first? a dead golfer in a small jet or a lumbering passenger airliner? LMAO!!
Cottonzway takes a better approach. The physical events and physics involved can get complicated and none of us are qualified to prove anything. Start with what is KNOWN and work back towards what is unknown.

From Cottonzway: 4 names I would point out should bring up reasonable questions to the 9/11 events. Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, Lt. Col. Steven Butler, FBI agent (Chicago) Robert Wright, and FBI agent (Phoenix) Collen Rawlley are very key to getting to hard questions that do not have good enough answers. Not the views of "activists" but of people in our government that are patriots that tried to stop those attacks. Not their views based on their professional background either, but of actual involvement with tracking terrorist cells and being pulled off the cases by someone from above. But don't take my word for it, look up those names and information that relates to this subject. Tell me what you find.

It is much easier though to stay away from divisive topics like controlled demos or any physical events of 9/11. The wargames, the actual terrorists being trained at various bases (Pensacola, FL and Monterey, CA for example), the stories of people like the 4 I mentioned that can't be "laughed off" (along with Sibel Edmonds), the poor job the 9/11 Commission did with the investigation in general (according to 6/10 panel members themselves, omitting key witness testimony and not going far enough with their subpoena powers), allowing the head of the Pakistani ISI to leave the country when he was in DC on 9/11 despite him being involved with wiring $100K to the terrorists, and other topics like this. There are many. Far too many and this is why I still think the topic is valid. It just needs to be looked at more objectively by people on all sides.
I keep a box cutter in my car at all times now. those suckers are frikkin amazing!!! they can get you through redundant radar tracking systems, air defense missile launchers, and keep you from getting shot down by the Nations fastest jet fighters that are only 15 miles away! they can also help keep your passport safe and sound after crashing into a WTC building, the resulting explosion, AND the total symmetrical collapse of the building into its own footprint!!! ... your passport will be safe and sound ... how much would you pay for such a device? 2 million? 3 million? no way... if you act now you can get one of these incredible box cutters for 99 cents. and if you call within 10 minutes you can get TWO of these amazing box cutters for $1.89... that right! you too can thwart any major multi billion dollar defense system in the world for under 2 bucks!!! ;)
"Truthers" conducting themselves in ways such as that above are a big part of why nobody of significance pays attention to the issue.

(See also: Alex Jones screaming like an idiot)
"Truther" would be one that supports the truth. If one does not support the truth, they must then support the lie. Would that person then be a "Lier"?

at least I bring talking points, scenarios and a bit of fun sarcasm.

The sad TRUTH is that simple box cutters crippled this powerful nation and brought us to our knees. Do you REALLY believe that?
The sad TRUTH is that simple box cutters crippled this powerful nation and brought us to our knees. Do you REALLY believe that?

That's like saying that a mentally challenged individual was the sole reason for WWI, or that Mrs. O'leary's cow was the sole reason for the Chicago fire. It's a gross oversimplification of a string of complicated events.
That's like saying that a mentally challenged individual was the sole reason for WWI, or that Mrs. O'leary's cow was the sole reason for the Chicago fire. It's a gross oversimplification of a string of complicated events.

Bottom line is; no box cutter, no hijack, no 9/11 event. I heard of no back up weapons if the box cutters didn't work. Sound ridiculous? Absolutely. But that is the official word. Deal with it, or try to find the truth.... oh wait... then you might be considered.... gasp.... a TRUTHER!
Cottonzway takes a better approach. The physical events and physics involved can get complicated and none of us are qualified to prove anything. Start with what is KNOWN and work back towards what is unknown.

They crew who just hurl insults and act as if they KNOW what happened don't touch this subject when I bring it up. I have tried to do this before and the same thing happened. Several times. That is because it is easy to pick the low fruit (pun intended lol) instead of going after something more difficult. I don't talk about controlled demos, fake planes, jews, no planes, space beams, reptoids, or make outrageous claims I cannot back up. Yet I get the same rhetoric as if I did from people who have shut down on the topic of having any rational debate on it. A few people here are so stuck in their views on 9/11 not having ANY reason to seek further investigation that nothing I can say will get them to react differently. They are no better then people who hand out Loose Change DVDs and say they KNOW that no plane hit the Pentagon. Seriously, look how committed their view on the events, yet they think their view is so much more valid. If that was the case, then they can "debunk" me rather easily. Yet I am still waiting.

If people do not wake up to the fact that 9/11 was a false flag attack and not an attack by a bunch of Ay-rabs (hey those Ay-rab types, they're really brilliant. Not only did they come up with mathematics, they some how caused a couple of buildings to somehow demolish themselves, they also got Norad to stand down, and get Larry Silverstein several billion dollars in insurance payouts ... all from a cave somewhere in the Middle East ... wow) ... well we're basically screwed.

And from some of the staggering comments in this forum, it ain't gonna change any time soon.

[Oh and ignore Alex Jones and Bermas if you want the real story. Go to other more obscure places like wingtv.net, Dave Macgowan's site: www.davesweb.cnchost.com, 911blimp.net, http://911review.org/ and other places. Oh yeah ... you won't ...]
This thread is going nowhere and is only serving as a platform for personal attacks. Thus, it is now closed.
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