Gosh, Kieran, and Gordon, too, I would hope you'd have enjoyed the debate. It seems that you, Kieran, are sort of deflated, sort of sighing in disappointment. It was a debate, that's all. You sound resigned, that nothing was accomplished, in your last post there. Isn't that what a debate is, a discussion "with someone with a opposing view to your own"?
I just feel that this fringe stuff flies in the face of all evidence, no matter how the TV shows, internet conspiracy sites on pseudoarchaeology, pseudohistory, and pseudoscience, fringe book authors and publishers, and on and on, try to purvey this stuff. It is simply false, and the bottom line is that they all really offer nothing to refute. It's all based on lost knowledge, lost tools, they couldn't do it, and then when confronted, it's look at this structure, and soon the structures are forming a "sacred line" around the globe, and then in frustration vanished worldwide civilizations are brought in, and it never ends. I'm truly sorry if you feel the debate was counterproductive for you and disappointing, but as a teacher, and I know some hate this, but I cannot let this stuff pass. It's a disservice to people who are members of the forum, or come into it as guests (who seem to comprise quite a number, don't know if they are members who haven't signed in or visitors checking the forum out) to not confront and question and ask specifics for these wild claims.
Essentially, very, very few members form the core of those posting. And I know I am evidently ignored by two, and that doesn't bother me. I will continue to question any claims, politely I think, and to ask for very specific evidence and examples to back up what are presented as wild claims, even from them, and if they don't see the evidence I present to refute them, well, that's their decision. It has been suggested clearly by one that I leave the forum because I'm not suitable for it.
I enjoyed the debate, and apologize if I came across as pedantic and lecturing. But I think science, history, theology, psychology, anthropology, etc., are sacred fields and scholarly endeavors and that wild stuff should be simply questioned and confronted when necessary.
I'm not disappointed that you have left the debate, because it had reached an end. But quoting what you quoted in your last post above surprised me a little, because you seem to be sanctioning and approving of the way that quote characterizes me, against all evidence. Pedantic, lecturing, chiding, facetious, a bit sarcastic, yes, I can be all that. But you began this thread, Kieran, with a long video that made some very wild claims, and I confronted it. And Kieran, wild unsubstantiated claims are not difficult to find on this forum.
But you seem to be approving of this "people like Kim" charge leveled at me since I began posting more on the forum. It's an easy charge to make, and one that absolves the user of the phrase of any responsibility to answer specifically for the wild claims he may make. So, yes, I have become the archetypal gadfly, I guess, a "person like Kim." That's been leveled at me before. And the author of that quote you then quoted (for what reason, Kieran?) has made some pretty nasty and inflammatory statements about teachers on this thread and refuses to supply requested specifics. And also wild claims on this thread about history, very wild and conspiratorial claims, and throws invective when asked for specifics.
By quoting his statement about me, "ego driven retard drools," you are in essence telling me and everyone that you think this, too, about me. If asking for specifics and challenging wild claims net me this, so be it. It doesn't bother me, though it says a lot about the person who makes such statements, and evidently you feel that way about me in this discussion, Kieran, but I can't control what you think regarding history or of what you think of me!
I think you and Gordon debated the topic appropriately, Kieran. I'm sorry if you feel it didn't go as you expected, but what did you expect? That was a rhetorical question, you don't need to answer, and I didn't mean it sarcastically. If you throw out wild stuff, you have to expect to be asked for specifics and to be challenged.
So, I enjoyed the debate, Kieran, and I'm sorry you think, too, that I'm a "ego driven retard drool"! Kim