Kieran, I have answered your questions in my posts, and have answered specifically Gordon's questions.
To address some of your statements, just off the top of my head, no especial order:
1. Why should any culture, the Egyptians in this case, necessarily want to broadcast their reasons, etc., for anything they did, much less building the pyramids? And to the future, a few thousand years, to boot? That's your mindset, and you're putting a heck of a burden on those hard and intelligent people!

2. How does that "failure" on their part to tell YOU, Kieran, the whys and hows of what they clearly accomplished, negate the fact they built those wondrous creations, and not just Giza, which seems to be some sort of obsession among this "alternative history" "field"? They built tens and tens of pyramids.
3. You say you don't "rule out" the Egyptians as building what is clearly THEIR OWN gorgeous structures? Then, Kieran,
4. back to that old question that won't be answered by you or seemingly anyone else: WHO did build them? But there we go again with this stuff.

5. I, again, have answered the question Gordon asked me about how the Egyptians cut granite, and of course limestone is softer, which does not diminish in any way the Egyptians' accomplishments with those heavy limestone blocks!
6. Sweating in the hot sun, you say, and who's discounting the awesome tasks the Egyptians set for themselves? Not me, but THEY built them, and there was no lost knowledge, no 35 foot diameter circular saws (powered by what?), no, well, what tools DO YOU "hypothesize" the Egyptians used, Kieran?
7. Your whole post is nothing new, Kieran. I know you're trying, but you're just doing that old, well, the pyramids are so wonderful (and at this point pick as Gordon does Baalbek, or this person will pick that structure, and where does it end?), and there's NO WAY they could have built them, and so it WASN'T the Egyptians or the Romans (or choose another culture/civilization that couldn't, no way, no how, do it!), and it must have been, as you clearly say above, the real possibility according to you, SOMEONE ELSE who built them! Full circle, but rational it is not, Kieran.
8. WHO, Kieran?
9. You again and again in your post more than allude to being able to read the Egyptians' minds: Why wouldn't they advertise their accomplishments, how could they not?, why shouldn't they have? We here in the future want to know every single step they took, and we're angry that they don't include us. First of all, the ancient Egyptians DID record their history to a great extent, and their very accomplishments tell us very clearly that THEY, well, accomplished them. That's a great fallacy right there, Kieran, to attribute to them what we want. And we're angry at them for not thinking of us!

Number 10, and I could go on and on, but ten sounds like a good number, and no, it's not true as you say, that "realistically" it would "take forever" for the Egyptians to complete the pyramids. They are complete, and if you would research more you would see that the limestone casing stones they used to finish the pyramids would have dazzled your eyes they would have been so gorgeous. They are complete. And I bet, reading their minds myself (!), that they were duly impressed and proud of their work over many decades, and thought of their grandfathers who had also worked on them! But you, Kieran, sorry to say, were not part of their thoughts, and they owe you nothing!
