Researching my latest book, Stalking the tricksters I dove into the realm of diminutive figures and elemental beings and their potential role as tricksters in culture. Not surprising, I found that this classification of "paranormal" entities is found world-wide. In fact, most of my chapter six "Elementals in Magonia" is devoted to only a few of the North American versions that probably number in the hundreds, if not thousands. There seem to be cross-cultural correlations—especially with the dwarf/leprechaun on every continent—except Antarctica, of course
I'm a bit confused about your pre-deluvian dramatis personas rationale, but your Tolkien-sounding theory that addresses the connection between the 'droid like worker aliens with their "Nordic" overseers has uh a ring to it (?) Have you researched comparative traditional versions around the world and found any correlations? I wouldn't be surprised if you found at least one, or two. This mythical realm of "neither here nor there" may be where Mac Tonnes' "cryptoterrestrials" reside. Similar versions of elemental beings can be found world wide and I don't intuit this is by accident. Good post
I haven't extensively researched this topic, as you know, it does take lot of time to research it. TheTolkien stories are loosely based around "Norse" and "Finnish" mythology however, it is well-known among fan's of his, that he travelled to Ireland frequently and it would be Reasonable to assume, that he was aware of Irish myths and legends. What limited knowledge i do have here. I will share.
You'll can find similar stories of a dwarf like race having existed in the past and gone underground( in mysterious circumstances and those stories originate or can be found today coming from Switzerland. There is Germanic tales of elves and dwarfs that stem from medieval ages of human history. Irish folklore goes back further than the medieval period of human history ( the term fairy is a medieval word) Historically and we have to be accurate here. Much of Irish mythology was recorded long after these events happened or occurred. "These accounts could be a fragmented history of actual events some of these events might not be entirely accurate or concise or even factual.
However, historically, there is no stronger record to be found, for the usual, when you do compare other Ancient-and-cultural Mythologies alongside Irish mythology. And when you compare the too " Irish Folklore of the past and the UFO phenomenon of today. Honestly if another mythology exists, that could explain what the UFO phenomenon is, i love to read it?
I've never come across anything in my travels, again, that explains the many weird aspects of UFO behaviour and we should examine closely why is it there is characters aboard these Aerial vehicles that look Human and not human. Now if we look at Irish Mythology for answers.
Irish mythology has two clear distinct races or least different to normal Humans and has them living in the same area at the same time in ancient history. There is legends of perhaps one or two more races, But, the more races you talk about, the more murky, the story becomes for people.
I think if we analyse UFO history Since 1947-2010 We get a clear picture of how many actual beings could be involved. I know people claim to have seen Spiritual being's and some people have claimed these Balls of light "Might" be Interdimensional beings ( Light beings is not far-fetched concept) if the Coloured Balls of light are living machines? We (humans) are basically a Machine that has working parts without those parts working properly we would die.
By reading accounts of Certain Contactees and Abductees in the past. I'm convinced we have two groups involved in the Abduction phenomenon , no more than that, and there is no 57 species of alien coming here and abducting people. These groups have some connection to the Earth's past. "A human looking people with slight differences of appearance is one of these groups and we have a small being involved in the abduction accounts. Perhaps it is insect like or child like or even dwarf like.. I think people are mistaken about seeing a reptile type being, i believe the Grey if your looking to find a reptile type creature, (the Grey is it) I can't see how we can go beyond this groups? The Picture is clear for me. If we research the better cases of people claiming and having alleged contact with Beings. Two beings ( One human and one not) those seem to fit the pattern of the UFO story correctly.
Stories of Fairies come from all areas of Europe, some descriptions of these fairies are of different sizes and some wear odd clothes. In the UFO phenomenon, the Small beings often are wearing tight fitted suits, so clothing is not usul.
A Famous story in Irish lore is about "Oisin"... a women with Blonde Hair arrives on a "WHITE HORSE" to take her Lover Oisin to the Magical kingdom of Tir na OG( a tuatha de dannann land) He goes there for a year, but becomes Homesick and He returns Home on a Horse. Naimh was the Blonde haired lover of Oisin. She tells him, "don't get of the Horse, that he returned to Ireland on. She said;; You will grow old if you do. On returning he has discovered Ireland was 20 years now in the future ( One year there was 20 years here) Anyway the cut a long story short.. he fell of the horse and he aged and died. This story to be me sounds like a UFO story, the White horse ( UFO) the Blonde Women was human but from a different place ( otherworld) and We have "Time" problems upon returning from this usual land.
In the legends some legends of the Tuatha, they were viewed as shape-shifting magical population of an early golden age. So i have to least ponder this.. Are this dwarfs changing shape to look like Humans, it is a legend, we must remember that, when discussing it. In other accounts they are the old kings and heroes of Ireland (Celtic deities still) Experts in science and medicine some tales have claimed. We have a documented account's of battle's between mystical races in the Book of Invasions. This a a given account of Ireland's past before the coming of Chrisitianity and after. It was written by Monks in the 12th century. The flood was discussed and we have to understand these Monk's were christen, but these monks, seemed to have a desire to write and record their cultures history. In a christen context of course. The monks would have had a reiligious hostility against pagan belief systems. So there has to have been a Grain or nugget of truth there somewhere in there writings for the monks to have detailed odd and mystical races (one not human) knowing there background and there belief systems? This is just one Book that speaks of mystical races living in Ireland long ago. Here is a number of books that openly speak to this mysteries people long ago, from the..
11th-12th century "Lebor ná Úidre now at the Library of the Royal Irish Academy Dublin.... The Book of Lenister now at the library of Trinity colege Dublin.... 14th-15th century;; Yellow book of Lecan... The Book of HY many.... The Book of Ballymote. There is more that i have forgotten. Oh YES the Rawlinson manuscript at the Bodieium library Oxford England.
When we look at this, we have to remember , this legends were orally passed down from one generation to the next. Most of the legends don't go beyond the 12,000 years mark Chris. These legends are set around 6000 to 7,000 years ago or even less then that. It hard to get an accurate date for should things. I however believe the Buildings at Newgrange and Tara hold some interesting clues ( Atlantis or lemuria origin for being the builders) They were build by neolithic Hunter gatherer's(farmers) according to mainstream, that is a joke. However legends that exist, say a skinned Dwarf like race build them long ago.
Back to this Books, Again, when these monks wrote the Books. There was also a tendency to rework Irish Genealogies to fit into a known paradigm or system of the time. So lot of these stories started getting a Biblical and Greek context. Online it's claimed... The Tuatha De Dannann are the lost tribe of Israel (Tribe of Dan) Fallen Angels. There could be some truth to it, but we have to remember, there using religion to explain, what these mysterious people are and were they came from ( Heavens AND STARS) You find that in today in ufology people often review ancient manuscripts of ancient people to explain odd characters or creatures in the past. I believe however religion has masked the true identity of the beings, at least that would be my opinion on things. As for why the Tuatha decided to go underground. Sick of fighting other groups is a good reason. Legends is they were at War with a group of Giants called the Formorians just before the coming of the Milesians (Gaels) Peace had returned to the land for a number of decades just before their arrival.
I have lot more to say, but frequently it would take up too much time, and this, post has taken enough of my time. But thanks for showing an interest Chris. I hold no copyright to my theories, everyone is more than welcome, to explore these findings. Chrs,,, When a name of O'Brien you must have some Irish ancestry there somewhere? O' Brien after all is an old Irish warrior tribe name. There might be misspellings and Bad Grammar. But i have to come offline, so i can't review what i wrote.