Paranormal Adept
~*partial quote*~
Betty Hill also described the 'aliens' as having noses like "Jimmy Durante", a popular Italian-American comedian/singer at the time, known for his large nose that he'd make fun of. I've wondered if the ability 'aliens' seem to have of affecting our perceptions of what we're seeing was in play here (the origins of the word 'glamour' as it relates to fairies may be applicable). Also Betty's recall wasn't conscious , but from hypnosis and that's a problem.
Antonio Vilas-Boas presented with symptoms of radiation poisoning and came near to death, having to be hospitalized (fortunately this confirmed that something extraoridinary happened to him). The woman that Boaz consciously remembered encountering had a large forhead, pointed face and large eyes - reminiscent of classic alien greys.
I don't recall if Peter Khoury had such an extreme physical reaction (haven't read his account in years) , but he did become sick and vomit after the bedroom encounter with the two odd women. Chalker's investigation of the hair proved to be very worthwhile, though the story itself was salacious (as they sometimes are with the subject).
It's believed among UFO researchers that Barney was less prone to believe in UFO stories than Betty. So i personally here; have a tendency to follow his version of events more closely than hers. Some of the weirder aspects of the story interest me. Betty claimed that Aliens showed her a Star map of their planet, Well as far as i know. This experience happened to her only? This alleged star map; Well Barney never saw i do believe?
Antonio described two different aliens.. one was the Common Alien Archetype the Grey and one was the so-called Nordic that is commonly found in many UFO reports. This was a women not a grey that was alleged by him to have had sex with him.
The women had Blonde hair, and don't think Greys are going around wearing blonde wigs here lol and biologically, am, how can a Human male have sex with something resembling the Grey?
Well wouldn't they be entirely different in every way to us and going by the reports they don't seem to have any reproductive organs? Yet Still...There must be a purpose for these Sexual acts? Also.. while the Nordics do look human, they do have many physical appearances that are different to us. Their Eyes for example are said to be much larger in size to human eyes.
Peter Khoury case. Is very odd. He Peter claimed he Bit the Nordic women on the nimple and a bit got caught in the back of his throat. The Blonde women looked at the Asian Women. When Peter done this, yet she never screamed with pain. Very odd, for a being not to scream, if flesh and blood? Unless pain is something they don't feel, or maybe, this was some extreme advanced hologram he was experiencing here? Yet you can't retrieve DNA evidence from something that is not there physically. There is many other puzzling aspects to this case that make no sense.
My feelings on these cases. Well i believe Some parts are factual and some are just them filling in the blanks to make a better story. I'm convinced the Beings they encountered and descriptions are pretty close to the mark. But the rest i can't, and will not accept, at face value, but i don't entirely dismiss what they have claimed.