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Attention Astrologers: You're All Wrong!

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It's not a "wobble", it's caused by the precession of the equinox - known by astronomers/astrologers (the distinction has only applied in the past couple of centuries) for millenia. The first comment posted on Gene's link, from Rodsmith, explains the concept pretty much 100%.

Astrology is not about a cluster of stars and never has been: it's about the angle of the ecliptic divided into 12. It makes no difference what stars are in any 30 degree section of the ecliptic. Whether you have researched the subject/believe in it or not, you should know the basic principles involved. The author of this article obviously hasn't got a clue what he is talking about.
Here's another one - found it today via e-mail:


It even mentions a 2006 study which didn't find any correlation between personality traits and dates of birth. Now, how would Astrology explain that? I'm just asking because I'm curious, I find Astrology very interesting - a lot more complex than I would have thought in the first place. But I'm still trying to find out if it's bunk or not...:)
Here's another one - found it today via e-mail:


It even mentions a 2006 study which didn't find any correlation between personality traits and dates of birth. Now, how would Astrology explain that? I'm just asking because I'm curious, I find Astrology very interesting - a lot more complex than I would have thought in the first place. But I'm still trying to find out if it's bunk or not...:)

I'm a Taurus still even with this Wobble! Look Astrology, you'll find in the pages of your local paper, in a magazine, even people who charge for readings are aware, that lot of this stuff their putting out is useless garbage. Astrology in the hands of amateurs, what do people honestly expect?

I think the people who doubt there might be something to Astrology, go watch the video Pair of Cats posted. Where you'll see a well known Skeptic trying his best to undermine a controlled test, but failed miserably.
The fact the person who was asked to prove his skills in Vedic Astrology, and proved them, but yet we still have people here on this forum doubting Astrology has some veracity to it.
Scientists can be fooled like everyone else, which is why some of them thought that Uri Gellar was the real thing until he was outed as using magic tricks.
Derren Brown is a mentalist, not a scientist. He tells you that everything he does is a trick, unlike the astrologers who will have you believe that it's all real.
Angelo, take a deep breath. Your face is gonna freeze like that if you don't laugh at yourself and the whole paranormal/skeptical worldview from time to time young man. :cool:

Anyway, could Uri do this if he were not real? Hmmmm? :cool:

And here is a counter to show that astrology is a trick more than anything else.

Demonstrations like this really highlight how easily we can be manipulated by people who exploit our ignorance of how our own minds work. It is really scary to think about how easily we can be led to believe something by people who know how to push the right buttons and pull the right levers.

Scientists can be fooled like everyone else, which is why some of them thought that Uri Gellar was the real thing until he was outed as using magic tricks.

I never did understand the fascination with Uri Gellar. His claims were/are absolutely ridiculous. Bending spoons, healing small electrical appliances and so forth. A talent for bending spoons is good for only one thing. Getting money off the rubes in a carny sideshow. Of course, he was shown to be a fraud on national television on more than one occasion over the years.
Angelo, take a deep breath. Your face is gonna freeze like that if you don't laugh at yourself and the whole paranormal/skeptical worldview from time to time young man. :cool:

Dude, where did it seems as though I was out of breath? I'm just letting you where Derren Brown is coming from. That's all. I posted the video, watch it, and make of it as you will.
This isn't a case of "my scientist is bigger than yours." That argument is getting boring - it's just an example.
Demonstrations like this really highlight how easily we can be manipulated by people who exploit our ignorance of how our own minds work. It is really scary to think about how easily we can be led to believe something by people who know how to push the right buttons and pull the right levers.

Yup. Imagine what he could get away with if he used his powers for evil instead of good?
I've mentioned this before, but I encourage everyone to try and watch his "Derren Brown Investigates" show that can be found if you look hard enough on the internet.
Boy I haven't worked this hard to get a laugh since I recited the Mississippi Squirel Revival at the First Church of the Applachian Shriners convenction. You athiest need to check your funny bones. Tough room. :p
if what really determines your path is that the moment in which you are born, well that can be tested experimentally, as well...

"Time twins are surprisingly numerous. The spacing of human births in a large population is described by a Poisson distribution, which shows that every year in a city of one million people about 4,000 pairs of time twins are born 5 minutes apart or less."(1)

If you increase the time interval to qualify as "time twins" to an hour, the rate rises to 100,000. So an actual study WAS done, by an ex-astrologer, on 2000 time twins. Can you guess what the outcome was?

"A large-scale test of time twins involving more than one hundred
cognitive, behavioural, physical and other variables found no hint of support for the claims of astrology."(2)

So yeah, if it's all about when you're born, it's proven to be absolute bunk.

(1,2) http://www.imprint.co.uk/pdf/Dean.pdf
Boy I haven't worked this hard to get a laugh since I recited the Mississippi Squirel Revival at the First Church of the Applachian Shriners convenction. You athiest need to check your funny bones. Tough room. :p

G-Bus with the atheist garbage. WHO CARES whether someone has a belief in a god or not? It has nothing to do with one's sense of humor. In fact, some of the best comedians are atheists. It has nothing to do with anything in the context of getting laughs!
I know you're trying to be funny Tyder, but one's non-beliefs/beliefs have nothing to do with that.