The Pair of Cats
a.k.a Philip Deane
And that's the problem Archie. The people who comment on Astrology in the negative have never studied the mechanisms of astrology. They see the horoscopes in their local rag and think they understand it. It doesn't matter if they do or don't. Astrology neither rises or falls due to their opinion, it remains constant with millions of devotees around the world.It's not a "wobble", it's caused by the precession of the equinox - known by astronomers/astrologers (the distinction has only applied in the past couple of centuries) for millenia. The first comment posted on Gene's link, from Rodsmith, explains the concept pretty much 100%.
Astrology is not about a cluster of stars and never has been: it's about the angle of the ecliptic divided into 12. It makes no difference what stars are in any 30 degree section of the ecliptic. Whether you have researched the subject/believe in it or not, you should know the basic principles involved. The author of this article obviously hasn't got a clue what he is talking about.
We could go on forever posting vids of for vs against Astrology. The pseudsceptics, horrified at their man Shermer receiving a one two punch from a vedic Astrologer, counter with Derren Brown. So what? You will believe what you want to believe.
I never did understand the fascination with Uri Gellar. His claims were/are absolutely ridiculous. Bending spoons, healing small electrical appliances and so forth. A talent for bending spoons is good for only one thing. Getting money off the rubes in a carny sideshow. Of course, he was shown to be a fraud on national television on more than one occasion over the years.
Here is a study of Gellar done by Hal Puthoff and Russel Targ, The co founders of Remote Viewing with Ingo Swann.