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Attention Astrologers: You're All Wrong!

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my closest friend worked in the "mental" part of a large hospital, the place where they would put someone on suicide watch as an example. They attest that the full moon effects patients, and many seem to think the fact of our high water content in the body could be a major factor somehow.
my closest friend worked in the "mental" part of a large hospital, the place where they would put someone on suicide watch as an example. They attest that the full moon effects patients, and many seem to think the fact of our high water content in the body could be a major factor somehow.

There definitely is. Being part of the Hospital's Emergency Response Team meant that we were regularly asked to attend to "psych" patients who presented at Triage exhibiting symptoms of some sort of psychological stress or were brought in by police or ambulance, sometimes both. Essentially me and my partner were bodyguard for the doctors and nurses.
We also had a psych ward attached to the hospital and would have to attend to assist staff there when the need arose. (Boy could i tell you some stories about that place!)
When there was a full moon there would be increased activity in those areas. Also two or three days leading up to the full moon would also see a gradual increase.
Some may say that it is an urban myth but I experienced it first hand and talked to a lot of others involved who agreed.

---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 PM ----------

October 26.

September 18th.
I think it is one thing to say that the moon, the earth, and the sun have some degree of influence on human behavior. I think it's another to say that you can make such predictions about human personality and behavior through the study of planetary positions and so forth. It just seems utterly fantastic to say the least.
I used to sleepwalk in full moon periods as a kid, my parents told me it was between the ages of 5 to about 9, after that it never happened again. Did some i(in hindsight) funny stuff like peeing outside the front door and place plates in the bathtub, stuff like that. I agree that there very well may be something similar to tidal effects affecting people during those periods. I still have the issue that I sleep uneasy as in waking up multiple times a night during nights with a full moon period even when I don't know there is one ongoing at the time.
I too use to work at an ER on the grave yard shift, and when the full moon was up, so too were all the nut jobs. The ER I worked at stocked up with extra staff and drugs in order to prepare for the full moon. Of course, just as with other Para-science events, we had true believers who swore by the full moon, and those who were convinced that the effect was all placebos.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
As far as the physical effect of the full moons gravity or light, the gravity is so little, as to be almost non-existent. Remember your first year physics where F= ((Mm') G)/r^2, where m prime is the mass of the average human body. If one does the ratio of mass of moon verses the mass of the human body, there is no change in force. Especially not enough to have any physical effect that we know of. With that said, I keep an open mind, and realize that we lab rats do not know everything y a long shot. The idea that the extra light might have an influence is a safer bet. The moon’s intensity at apogee is about 30% brighter, but is not always consistent with the moon phases. In the end, we have to keep in mind that the universe is just weird enough to allow for that possibility of magic. pb
That's fair enough. Can you summarize in a few words what the mechanism is that makes it work?

Wish I knew. I just know THAT it works, and you can see it in people, especially the interplay between the rising sign, the Sun and the Moon. With synastry the aspects seem to have a really noticeble influence on how people relate: whether there's frissant, tension, same sense of humor, or they have so little in common there is no interest, no attraction and no relationship. It's all in there, believe it or not.

---------- Post added at 04:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 AM ----------

How do the motions and positions of planets control, influence, or predict human behavior or events?

I dunno, I'm no expert: I only studied it part-time for six years, with the intention of disproving it. As I said, I am not convinced of control, nor prediction, but some aspects seem to be very accurate. It's a surprisingly complex study, and to some degree you just have to get on with it, with an open mind, and learn. You come to conclusions later, with deeper experience.

I don't understand how my computer works either, but it does.

---------- Post added at 04:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:23 AM ----------

It seems to me, if you believe astrology is real, you also believe that your personality is pre-determined. I'm sorry, but there's no way I can believe that.

Not necessarily. The neighborhood where you grow up, its mores and values, can influence you in adulthood. Is this predetermination? What about DNA and specific genes which are proven to influence behavior?