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August 2, 2015 — Margie Kay

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Gene Steinberg

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I have mixed feelings about this episode, as you'll observe when you hear it. It has a few of those classic Paracast moments where we confront a guest who presents less-than-credible information.

And what about her attempt to get a psychic reading from someone who pass on — in this case, my late brother Wally? Did she totally fail?

This is the original Meier thread that I pointed Margie to in the show, the one for which I sent her a link:

Michael Horn & The Billy Meier Contacts | The Paracast Community Forums

There's further discussion in this week's episode of After The Paracast.

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Just finished listening to the interview with Margie Kay who allegedly was able to recognize the "authenticity" of Meier case! Can now we say that this is strong evidence against her claims of being a remote viewer? :D

And by the way, it is Asket and not Semjase in Meier's ET woman pictures, as was inaccurately referred to by, I guess, Chris. Do you know that Meier from the year 2010 onwards, started claiming that the photo (numbered #110 in Meier's album) of Asket as real photo of ET woman?
Outer Space Pictures – Asket-Nera-Semjase « Billy Meier UFO Research

Margie should be shown all of the Meier's FAKE space and time travel pictures that have been debunked and documented on this website:
Photos & Videos « Billy Meier UFO Research
MUFON has become a laughing stock in the serious UFO researcher community (I made that term up - I am not sure such a community really exists). My complaint with MUFON is the caliber of their guest speakers. For example, a local MUFON chapter is going to host MICHAEL HORN, American mouthpiece for the Billy Meier cult. Past guests have included people who channel aliens, Exopolitics members who have boarded the magic phone booth and come out on Mars (where they had to outrun dinosaurs to reach the human base....which makes me wonder why they don't just put the phone booth INSIDE the base), and various other nefarious characters like David Jacobs, Jonathan Reed, a host of dubious abductees ("I married a reptilian and we have 4 hybrid space children"), space travelers to the planet Serpo, people who claim the moon landings were a hoax, etc. MUFON speakers seem to be a version of vaudeville, where any act can perform.
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I have some experience with psychics, having two acquaintances who profess said abilities. My personal interaction with them has left me believing there is something to it but I don't know exactly what "it" is. They have been so incredibly specific about certain personal issues and relationships, that they had absolutely no prior knowledge of, that it has blown my mind. It simply cannot be explained by luck or guessing. They have also been so terribly off-base about other things they've told me that it makes me wonder how they can be so accurate and astounding in some aspects of a reading and so incredibly wrong in others. I won't bore you with greater details and just leave it at that.

With regards to Margie Kay, as with all individuals who claim "special abilities," there is no way to "prove it" (at least during an interview) other than to have a direct, personal experience with them. Gene's experience during the show did not do anything to convince us skeptical listeners that she has any actual psychic ability at all. Passing it off as "the ghost needs to want to talk" is a convenient dodge IMO. I find it hard to believe, IF Wally was really "contactable," that after 20 years he wouldn't have something to say to his younger brother? Come on.

What really killed the guest's credibility with me, and I'm sure virtually every other dedicated Paracast listener, is her claim that she "remote viewed" Billy Meier and declared him legitimate. #EpicFail

That all said, Margie was a perfectly nice guest and showed herself to be exactly what I assume many key members of MUFON are: true-believing UFOers and broad conspiracy theorists who have drank A LOT of Kool-Aid of the "Paranoia" flavor.
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It doesn't really matter which woman was in that photo. It was still a couple of models from an old Dean Martin TV show.

Thanks, Jack. We debunked the Meier stuff long ago.

Margie also used remote viewing to assess what governments know about UFOs. I couldn't even bring myself to say much more about that.
I have some experience with psychics, having two acquaintances who profess said abilities. My personal interaction with them has left me believing there is something to it but I don't know exactly what "it" is. They have been so incredibly specific about certain personal issues and relationships, that they had absolutely no prior knowledge of, that it has blown my mind. It simply cannot be explained by luck or guessing. They have also been so terribly off-base about other things they've told me that it makes me wonder how they can be so accurate and astounding in some aspects of a reading and so incredibly wrong in others. I won't bore you with greater details and just leave it at that.

With regards to Margie Kay, as with all individuals who claim "special abilities," there is no way to "prove it" (at least during an interview) other than to have a direct, personal experience with them. Gene's experience during the show did not do anything to convince us skeptical listeners that she has any actual psychic ability at all. Passing it off as "the ghost needs to want to talk" is a convenient dodge IMO. I find it hard to believe, IF Wally was really "contactable," that after 20 years he wouldn't have something to say to his younger brother? Come on.

What really killed the guest's credibility with me, and I'm sure virtually every other dedicated Paracast listener, is her claim that she "remote viewed" Billy Meier and declared him legitimate. #EpicFail

That all said, Margie was a perfectly nice guest and showed herself to be exactly what I assume many key members of MUFON are: true-believing UFOers and broad conspiracy theorists who have drank A LOT of Kool-Aid of the "Paranoia" flavor.
I only hope she actually takes the time to read the long Bill Meier thread from our forums. I inserted it into the Skype chat window, and she said she got it. I also emailed her a link to the UFO Watchdog entry on Meier that adds further information.

What bothers me most is that she is so incurious about such matters. She remote views the alleged Meier contacts, and takes He Who Shall Not Be Named at face value. Sigh. At least we put her to the fire, particularly during that one segment where we really gave it to her on the Meier stuff.
I remote viewed this episode and received a crystal clear picture of me listening to it with my head in my hands.

Thanks for asking my question Chris.
I remote viewed the episode after submitting it to the network. It brought to mind the segment during the interview with Paola Harris in 2008, where we confronted her with her statement at a public meeting that Meier was "the real deal." She tried to walk back that one rather clumsily, but we made our point then too.
She has not yet responded to the material I gave her. I just wonder what her colleagues at the Missouri branch of MUFON think of all this, or will they double down and keep HWSNBN on the schedule?

To be fair, there's a lot of material to evaluate, and she says she runs a regular business and her paranormal pursuits are merely sidelines. So let's give her a couple of weeks. I'm also not demanding she believe everything I sent her, but I can't see how she'd miss the warning flags.
Margie sounds like a nice person in general. She turns into 'Crazy Aunt Sue' when it comes to paranormal and ufo topics. Wouldn't you want to know something about a speaking guest you will be inviting to a MUFON symposium? It was like she turned into a deer caught in the headlights when Gene pinned her on the Michael Horn/Billy Meier nonsense. She really needs to do her research on MUFON guests. Maybe she just doesn't care.

Margie puts way too much faith in her remote viewing skills. Joe McMoneagle, a proven remote viewer, said that RV is maybe 60-65% successful. She gave it 100% on Billy Meier. Sorry Gene, don't hold your breath on hearing from your deceased brother.
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I would hate for any of the community to hold their breath over Margie following up on the Meier/Horn information that Gene passed on to her. She was obviously uninterested, right? Even if she did check it out, I would be so surprised if she actually did anything like contact the show, etc. that I'd probably drop my clipboard.
That wedding cake is so freaking hilarious I can't believe I hadn't seen it before last week.
I think you were unfair to Margie though, Gene. You said you've never known your brother to have a dog but you completely ignored the burlap bag that Wally was putting a dog bone into. Do you remember him having a BAG at any point? Did he ever put a bowl of kibble into it? Did it ever bark?
Also, did anyone sense her winding up to say that Wally had a secret love affair/second wife in between the sports car and the dog bone?
The dog bone is unrelated to Wally's history that I know about. No dog, no kibble, and he wasn't the sort of person who'd feed a stray, nor carry a burlap bag.

Sports car? Misleading, but he was married twice; his second marriage occurred shortly after mine in the 1970s. That, however, is nothing unusual obviously.

There is one area where she may have been on to something vaguely, about a woman hiding something from the family, but it appeared as if she was trying to do a cold reading, reaching for a favorable response she could build on. But it didn't work. Yes, if she hit on anything unique or significant, I would have acknowledged the fact. This cold reading was just too cold.
In 'After the Paracast' Chris speaks about the duality of Margie being a hard-nosed investigator and her remote-viewing/psychic Michael Horn-friendly side. I've heard Margie on other shows and was impressed with her UFO knowledge. It really was a shame to find out someone in 2015 to be so unaware of the fakery of Meier but being a senior member of MUFON. This is exceptionally sad, but unfortunately par for the course in this field.
To hear that the main reason Margie supported the Meier 'case' was that she remote viewed it....well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. Anyone seeing the wedding cake photo alone should immediately see it for a model, up close to a camera.

However, to give due credit, Margie did willingly ask for material so she could further review the case so we should reserve judgement to give her a chance to do so as everyone deserves a chance to have their mind changed by evidence.

As soon as it became clear an on-air psychic experiment around Wally Steinberg was happening, I just knew that Gene was going to have his guard right up against any chance of cold-reading. Rightly so. I'm not calling into question whether Margie has any such powers but I will be interested to see if she contacts Gene with any more insights.

This was actually a great show, but not for the usual reasons as far as I'm concerned. It was great radio because of the 'live' feel of the psychic stuff and the fact a chance presented itself to strike another nail in the coffin of Michael Horn. In case you were not aware, Alejandro Rojas has had his own run-in with Horn and everyone knows Alejandro is about as nice and friendly a guy you can find in Ufology. Michael Horn managed to royally piss him off and that takes some doing!
In 'After the Paracast' Chris speaks about the duality of Margie being a hard-nosed investigator and her remote-viewing/psychic Michael Horn-friendly side. I've heard Margie on other shows and was impressed with her UFO knowledge. It really was a shame to find out someone in 2015 to be so unaware of the fakery of Meier but being a senior member of MUFON. This is exceptionally sad, but unfortunately par for the course in this field.
To hear that the main reason Margie supported the Meier 'case' was that she remote viewed it....well, you could have knocked me down with a feather. Anyone seeing the wedding cake photo alone should immediately see it for a model, up close to a camera.

However, to give due credit, Margie did willingly ask for material so she could further review the case so we should reserve judgement to give her a chance to do so as everyone deserves a chance to have their mind changed by evidence.

As soon as it became clear an on-air psychic experiment around Wally Steinberg was happening, I just knew that Gene was going to have his guard right up against any chance of cold-reading. Rightly so. I'm not calling into question whether Margie has any such powers but I will be interested to see if she contacts Gene with any more insights.

This was actually a great show, but not for the usual reasons as far as I'm concerned. It was great radio because of the 'live' feel of the psychic stuff and the fact a chance presented itself to strike another nail in the coffin of Michael Horn. In case you were not aware, Alejandro Rojas has had his own run-in with Horn and everyone knows Alejandro is about as nice and friendly a guy you can find in Ufology. Michael Horn managed to royally piss him off and that takes some doing!
That part of the interview did have the feeling of a cold reading. Margie stopped and waited to see if Gene would provide more details. When none were forthcoming, Margie felt the trail going cold and the reading basically ended there. It was good stuff!
That part of the interview did have the feeling of a cold reading. Margie stopped and waited to see if Gene would provide more details. When none were forthcoming, Margie felt the trail going cold and the reading basically ended there. It was good stuff!