Mr. Fibuli
Paranormal Adept
Let's just agree to call him a tape worm
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Well that show was an example of a guest that got quizzed and called out on their claims. I like how it was handled; she was called out but in a professional, non-attacking manner.She did acknowledge getting the material I sent her, and the decision to disinvite Horn was clear evidence that we had some impact. But I gather others complained as well.
There has been no follow up since then, although Margie Kay apparently turned off one of her sites.
She's made no further effort to complete her attempt to do a reading of me, after her failed attempt on the show.
As I stated at the time.Several people including Derren Brown and James Randi have shown how psychics "work".I have seen no evidence ever of indisputable psychic ability and I don't expect to see the proof anytime soon.She did nothing to make me feel at all confident in her abilities, or even that she had any psychic abilities.
Great I would love to see something genuinely unexplainable.I live in hope,that's why I listen to and enjoy your shows and still follow the subject matter.I try to be open to all possibilities in this crazy world. I've seen some strange things, such as a Tarot card reading many years ago that seemed to predict my future for a number of years thereafter. We had a successful remote viewing experiment on the show some years back, and we want to bring that guest back soon to try again.