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August 2, 2015 — Margie Kay

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I just went-it's up but that alien with headphones looks just like the Paracast logo. Is that a common symbol for UFO podcasts or...
It's down here. Curious, or maybe they are updating the site and it's getting messed up. The message means it's lacking a home page of some sort (such as index.html or index.php). That would do a site in. I did a little research, and it appears hosted by GoDaddy. That doesn't mean a lot, of course.
For years I have heard people in the UFO community, including people who I respect and take more seriously than others complain that the scientific community and NASA don't take the UFO subject seriously. It is often believed that they act that way because they don't want us to know what that now. It may be simply that they don't know as much as we think they do and they just think the UFO community is, let's just say a bit off. And it's people like this guest that add fuel to that fire. This is what happens when a phenomenon has only a few facts and tons of theory. And the sad thing is that I believe that there has been a lot of solid factual sightings and and solid reporting but a lot of that has been lost because in the early days before the pollution of all the stuff we see today, there was no follow-up.

Chris was talking at the beginning of the show about going over old photographs of the Socorro encounter. A while back there was an episode were you were talking about that "Not Another Roswell Book" book and again reviewing old photographs looking for further details. There needs to be more of that kind of investigation and fewer people talking about fifth sixth seventh and eighth dimensions. I realize there are people who listen to the show and participate in the form to believe in the supernatural aspect to UFOs or the interdimensional aspect of UFOs. And I certainly respect their right to follow that track. The problem with that is, you're never going to be able to prove or disprove or measure a phenomenon like that. It's like trying to capture an angel. My problem is, I don't believe that interdimensional beings need to fly around or disc shaped vehicles to get back-and-forth between dimensions.

At some point when does somebody employ Occam's razor? I feel sometimes like the UFO community reminds me of the person who dumps coins into that coin separator machine in Vegas. Everything that is unexplainable it seems gets dumped into the machine. These days every strange light and every strange encounter all get smashed into the same "UFO" soup.
When you do shows like Skinwalker Ranch one and things like that there's so much more credibility behind something like that even though I think it's a separate phenomenon from things like Socorro, it's still interesting and still worthy of a show called the Paracast. I guess I'm starting to see why people say what they say about MUFON.
The one thing She did say that I totally agree with is that the Black Triangles are some type of military observation vehicle probably of "lighter than air design"
I agree with a lot of what you're saying here, and for my part, I've done a fair bit to address those issues via my ufology website. Some of that is reflected in some recent posts over on the thread where the Puerto Rico video is being discussed: 161 Page Report On UFO Video From Homeland Security (DHS)
The problem with Ufology is that it has become a religion. In a big way it has gone off the deep end. It has become so tied up with general conspiracy theory's that the conspiracy has overshadowed everything. I realize that the Air force reaction from the beginning has been to redirect, disinform and shut people up regarding UFOs but there has been way to much embellishment. I'm not sure what people saw from late June to mid July 1947 but, based on news paper articles and the first 20 or so cases in Project Sign it's clear that people were seeing flying, polished metallic air vehicles that were shaped something like an air foiled disc/ horseshoe. The prefect shape for a reentry craft (said Astronaut Gordon Cooper.) I reject the idea that a super secret Alt-Government had secret spacecraft back then or that Nazis or the USSR built them. There is nothing logical about any of those theory's.

I'm sure that today the Government and even the private sector may have some weird stuff that would the shock the public but, I don't think it's nearly as exotic as some in the "religion" want to believe.

The other problem is that too much other paranormal phenomena have been mixed into the UFO soup to where it's a weird mess. We need to dial things back a bit. I believe there are still facts and information worth investigating but we need to stop trying to find alien autopsy slides and start looking at more subtle evidence. Roswell has so over dominated UFO investigation for the last few decades that we're overlooking tons of evidence that probably has fallen into the cracks dealing with the original UFO wave of 47 and sightings throughout the early 50s.
I listened to the Montauk episode in succession after Micah Hanks and this one (on a long road trip) and found my own personal reaction to Margie vs. Christopher Garetano interesting. Both were speaking about decidedly "out there" (even for a paranormal podcast) topics, yet Garetano was so much easier to listen to whereas Margie made me want to scream at my IPhone. As someone previously mentioned, not only were her claims outlandish, but her attitude was haughty. Garetano stressed over and over again he was simply providing a vehicle to share the story as told by the Montauk "witnesses". I have heard Garetano on MU as well and he came across the same way as on the Paracast. I literally cringed nearly every time Maggie spoke. Kudos to Gene and Chris for remaining polite, but still challenging her claims.
Become a religion? To some, that happened over 60 years ago.
True. Further to that, an old Prof. once told me that the difference between science and pseudo science is that arguments in science are over the data, while in pseudo science they are over personalities. I'm not sure that science is as "pure" as his comment suggests (indeed, I KNOW it is not), but the distinction seems a useful one.
Best Regards,
Haughty, exactly right. She just radiates (oozes?) the massive, unassailable ego of a cult leader whose incredible claims are to be simply accepted as fact. We less attuned folk are not to question, as she has superior "wiring".

I wish she'd remote Giorgio in his bubble bath and get to the truth about Paul Bunyon. YOU HAVE TO ask yourself, IS IT POSSIBLE our lumberjack ancestors were actually having an alien encounter, and Babe was really.......GREY? The answer is........YES!!
Haughty, exactly right. She just radiates (oozes?) the massive, unassailable ego of a cult leader whose incredible claims are to be simply accepted as fact. We less attuned folk are not to question, as she has superior "wiring".

I wish she'd remote Giorgio in his bubble bath and get to the truth about Paul Bunyon. YOU HAVE TO ask yourself, IS IT POSSIBLE our lumberjack ancestors were actually having an alien encounter, and Babe was really.......GREY? The answer is........YES!!
Shhh.. She can hear everything you're saying.:eek:
The researcher behind BMUFOR (Billy Meier UFO Research) website has been recently interviewed on The Generation Why podcast where he presented new evidence that exposes Meier and Michael Horn' outright lies and deceiving of people. Here is the show:
Billy Meier Research - 138 - The Generation Why Podcast

Prediction on Ice man Otzi - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 and Fact vs Fiction
Apollo-Soyuz et al. space pictures - BMUFOR/astp
Meier has no access to scientific information? - BMUFOR/PPP
I guess what I am asking is, why is her website being down a topic of conversation? Just curiosity? Not trying to be difficult here, just confused and wondering if we are linking this to some event.
Michael Horn lies were exposed by Lee Elders.
UFO-Prophet: Mahesh responds to Michael Horn's article 'Skeptic Refuses to Debate Michael Horn on Billy Meier UFO Case'

Following is an excerpt from the above article:

"MH: '.However, Wendelle Stevens and the investigators once loaded Meier’s camera with their own film right before he went out on a photo shoot of the craft. They also had it developed and the results were…a full roll of UFO photos.'

..I would like to share my correspondence with MH on this subject:

Just finished reading your "rebuttal", if one could call that. I will respond to it soon. For now can you cite the source for your following claim made in the article?

"However, Wendelle Stevens and the investigators once loaded Meier’s camera with their own film right before he went out on a photo shoot of the craft. They also had it developed and the results were…a full roll of UFO photos."

My source was…Wendelle Stevens himself. Since I was personally in contact with him for over 20 years, as is the case with Lee and Brit Elders, snce I have personal experience with them - which of course you don't - I happen to have learned things directly from them, which of course you didn't.

So, are you saying that all you have is an anecdote?

If Meier really shot photos of UFOs using the film loaded by Wendelle himself, then it must have been documented by Wendelle-Lee team somewhere in their books along with the photos. Didn't Wendelle ever present or provide you these photos ?

Where are these photos? Are they with Meier? Have they ever been seen by anyone?


So you're calling me a…liar?

No, not at all. I just wanted to confirm whether what you stated is just an anecdote or evidence that has been documented and published. The way you presented your claim in your article suggested that there really was evidence to back it up.

But now you seem to be saying that all you have is an anecdote. So you have zero evidence to support your claim.

It seems you have no idea where and when these photos were taken. Also it seems you have no idea in whose possession, these UFO photos are right now. And most of all, it seems you haven't seen them at all?

Pardon me for laughing out loud at the irony of someone who has zero personal experience, evidence, on-site investigation, contact with any of the principles, etc., who's trying to impugn my - and their - integrity and credibility!

Very amusing.

Thanks for "answering" my queries. That is all I need to know.

MH's claims are strange and at the same time very suspicious because his statement implies that in all these decades since the 1970's both Wendelle Stevens and Lee Elders and even the rest of their research team for some reason decided not to share or publish the most astonishing and conclusive part of their investigation into the Meier case but one of them (Wendelle Stevens) apparently shared it only with Michael Horn who happens to reveal it only after Wendelle's death and as a defence against my skeptical argument (that Meier never invited journalists or scientists and took photos using their camera or film at a prescribed location within a given time) made in my interview.

Even though I never met any of the original investigators in person, I have had some mail contact with Lee Elders (regarding the CIA claims Wendelle Stevens made in his presentations and others), whom I asked to corroborate this incident. As it turns out my suspicions were right.


Dear Lee,

Hope you and Brit are doing fine.

Michael Horn, the media representative of Billy Meier, has recently claimed the following in one of his articles:
Skeptic Refuses to Debate Michael Horn on Billy Meier UFO Case

"However, Wendelle Stevens and the investigators once loaded Meier’s camera with their own film right before he went out on a photo shoot of the craft. They also had it developed and the results were…a full roll of UFO photos."

I have read all of the books and watched all the documentaries you and your team published on the Meier case. But I haven't come across this incident as stated by Michael Horn nor have I seen any such beamship photos supposedly taken by Meier.

Did this event, as mentioned by Michael Horn, ever took place?

Lee Elders:

Hi, we're doing great and have our hands full with other projects of interest.

What Michael Horn has eluded to is simply not true. We never loaded Meier's camera with our own film nor did we ever have any of his film developed.

Best to You.

So, considering Lee's response and all the other issues discussed so far in this article, would I call MH a liar? Well, I will let you make your own judgement."