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August 2, 2015 — Margie Kay

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The main thing I think to take from this is that unlike many, many others, Margie at least bothered to look at evidence presented to her, and she obviously decided to allow the evidence to direct her future actions.

I don't think she deserves any negativity because even if she should have known /researched better and has been giving different excuses to different people for why the event was cancelled (the art of diplomacy in my eyes), she has still done something most of us really didn't expect and something that is almost unheard of in the UFO field.

I'm happy to overlook the small stuff and applaud her for what she has done. This field would be much healthier in general if more people followed her example when faced with a similar situation.
I am sorry but she has ZERO credibility. I first saw this "investigator" when she was interviewed about the Blue
Springs Missouri sighting. People were seeing the star Vega and she was claiming it may be that "planet". Really, since when is Vega a planet. Also, she claimed that it can not be Vega because she was seeing red green and blue colors. Come on man, your an investigator and you don't even known what stellar scintillation is? A complete joke. Oh and I'll make outrageous claims of my ESP ability with ZERO verifiable proof. HMMMM seems legit.
The Paracast rarely brings on a guest that I can consider less than credible; however, I found Margie Kay to be of that ilk. It's unfortunate she seemed to play around with her attempt to contact your late brother, Gene. The fact that she was so far off (aside from the height guess, which is totally subjective) suggests to me that she's used her "abilities" to the emotional detriment of others.

Contacting the dead is a serious endeavor that should be trusted with only the most capable of hands. Imagine all of those families she's "helped" and how they must feel by her false promises. It's a real shame. And to then state that her involvement in such cases cannot be verified because of their sensitive nature only leads me to believe she's lying about most of it.

I simply didn't find her credible and, as a result, the show was less enjoyable. It's not The Paracast's fault. It's just how I feel after listening to the show.
More than likely, she believes in her ability to contact the dead. It would be much, much worse if she were a scam artist and knew it was BS; I don't get that vibe from her.
What I wanted to know after the fact is how she used her remote viewing 'powers.' Did she follow the way the military did it, using a screener person who delivered a set of coordinates to follow or did she just go looking for Billy Meier info in her mind? She sure wasn't clear on those points.
Listened to this fraud on Inception radio last night, both her and the host are prime examples of everything wrong with this field. She makes the most absurd, fantastical, superhuman claims and the credulous host just laps it up as fact. As to her awesome psychic abilities, so laughably exposed on your show, she again tells stories of numerous crimes she's solved, but cannot share for safety reasons, fearing retribution. Yet, in this interview, she then relates the story of a child sex slavery ring that had kidnapped a lawyer friend of Margie's niece, and with the police stymied this friend contacted her, knowing her superhero, infallible abilities, and Supermargie gave her the address, description, and hiding spot of this young girl who was then rescued the day before she was to be shipped out of the country. PHEW!!!! Gee, do you think revealing all this information, and more, might not expose herself to the criminals. She gave numerous specifics which would identify the case to the group of criminals. Absurd. Why doesn't she remote view a bigfoot and follow it to it's lair? Why won't she use these amazing powers to be in the right spot at the right time to acquire some sort of actual PROOF? Why, if she's having a simultaneous, running conversation with the host's deceased brother, is she only able to give vague, completely off base images ( "I'm seeing") like a cold reading? Relay this "conversation". Why doesn't his brother "want to" talk. Absurd. If you are ever to invite this hoax back, she says she welcomes testing her abilities (beyond the mythical high school teacher) and it would be very simple to do. Arrange for a time and place for her to remote view one of the host's activities, which predates the return visit, and record your activity at that time ( playing pinochle, or eating froot loops watching cartoons), then let the hilarity and excuse making begin. She is everything wrong with ufology, she makes it cult-y and "spiritual" and anti-science. People "believe" because they want to be special and in the know, like Margie, rather than applying any logic, objectivity, or burden of proof.
Better yet, given her professed ability to travel anywhere in time and space, why doesn't she help solve some of our historical mysteries, leading investigators down correct paths, or to actual evidence? Once again on last nights show on hearing of an historical abduction case she replied " I've remote viewed that case, it's real", just like Meier. Why not shock the world by identifying Dan "DB" Cooper and lead investigators to the rest of the money, the body, or some other proof? Would be as easy as breathing the way she makes it sound. She could easily prove her abilities, and it would greatly benefit her research and MUFON.
I just listened to this episode online and, while I admire Margie's energy and passion, it seems to me she represents much of what it wrong with "ufology" at the present: It's obvious she has little in the way of formal (or even informal) training in the scientific method; many of her statements are demonstrably nonsense and can be refuted with a few moments' rational thought; and finally, she appears to be a sloppy investigator, otherwise she would no have gotten anywhere close to the Billy Meier case (the dubiousness of which is well understood by even those with a casual interest in the field). When MUFON talks of having serious scientists involved in their project, I have to take the statement with a large pinch of salt. What serious scientist would be associated with a group which fronts Margie as a spokesperson?
Listened to this fraud on Inception radio last night, both her and the host are prime examples of everything wrong with this field. She makes the most absurd, fantastical, superhuman claims and the credulous host just laps it up as fact.
Chuck--I agree with everything you say--except the above. I think Gene and Chris were polite and let Margie "run with it." I think this is the right strategy as it allows the listener to make up his or her own mind about what the guest has to say. OTOH, I agree with you that most of what she talked about was nonsense.

All the Best,

I just listened to this episode online and, while I admire Margie's energy and passion, it seems to me she represents much of what it wrong with "ufology" at the present: It's obvious she has little in the way of formal (or even informal) training in the scientific method; many of her statements are demonstrably nonsense and can be refuted with a few moments' rational thought; and finally, she appears to be a sloppy investigator, otherwise she would no have gotten anywhere close to the Billy Meier case (the dubiousness of which is well understood by even those with a casual interest in the field). When MUFON talks of having serious scientists involved in their project, I have to take the statement with a large pinch of salt. What serious scientist would be associated with a group which fronts Margie as a spokesperson?
Yes, exactly. Don't come off (MUFON) like you only involve the upper echelon of scientific types to the study of UFO's. You put people like Margie in a position of authority with the Missouri chapter. Gimme a break. More egg on the face of MUFON as far as I'm concerned. No wonder mainstream science mocks us.
Chuck--I agree with everything you say--except the above. I think Gene and Chris were polite and let Margie "run with it." I think this is the right strategy as it allows the listener to make up his or her own mind about what the guest has to say. OTOH, I agree with you that most of what she talked about was nonsense.

All the Best,


Just to be clear, and perhaps I'm the one mistaking your intent, the credulous host I'm referring to was on inception radio. While the Paracast crew was much nicer than I would have been, at least they questioned her veracity and seem interested in objective proof.
Much in the same way a psychic charlatan performs cold readings, when Kay found herself on a radio show with a gullible believer, and myth promoter, her stories became far more fantastic, given free rein by his dopey affirmations. She's selling snake oil without an iota of evidence, she should be ostracized not emboldened.
Just to be clear, and perhaps I'm the one mistaking your intent, the credulous host I'm referring to was on inception radio. While the Paracast crew was much nicer than I would have been, at least they questioned her veracity and seem interested in objective proof.
Much in the same way a psychic charlatan performs cold readings, when Kay found herself on a radio show with a gullible believer, and myth promoter, her stories became far more fantastic, given free rein by his dopey affirmations. She's selling snake oil without an iota of evidence, she should be ostracized not emboldened.

Chuck--sorry, my misunderstanding. I agree with you completely about the Paracast crew; they are a "class act." As to Margie--I agree, too.
Because I'm new to this forum, I'm kind of amazed by all this. I just don't get all the emotions connected with her and the psychic experience. I don't find her threatening. MUFON is an odd organization on many levels and we all know this. Some of this reminds me of the arguments between Karl Popper and Neurath about UFOs.

PS @Chuckleberryfinn I was thinking about your comments all week. What would have been the outcome if Kenneth Arnold had called UFOs flying hubcaps instead of flying saucers? There would have been movies like EARTH VS THE FLYING HUBCAPS or that great THE FLYING HUBCAPS. The air force captures a flying hubcap in Roswell.
What would have been the outcome if Kenneth Arnold had called UFOs flying hubcaps instead of flying saucers? There would have been movies like EARTH VS THE FLYING HUBCAPS or that great THE FLYING HUBCAPS. The air force captures a flying hubcap in Roswell.
I shudder to think. Linguistically the whole 'Hubcap' thing would never have taken off and Bigfoot, psychics and ghosts would rule the paranormal landscape. The Flying Hubcaps From Outer Space and Invasion Of The Flying Hubcaps just has no ring to it. These would have bombed at the box office.

It's that repeating smooth 'S' sound that makes them haunt the mind. Say it to yourself slowly, out loud, Unidentified Flying Saucer. It's a wonderful thing, that just goes so well with a morning cup of coffee or tea.​
Had the man said hubcaps then the press would have seized upon, or invented, something with more zing. Oddly enough something I mentioned in this thread is an excellent example. The infamous skyjacker gave the name Dan Cooper, not DB. One reporter made the mistake of printing DB, when the investigators attempted to correct the information the media ignored them and stuck with the flashier DB, as Dan makes for a dull headline.

Cincy, those questions were asked, even more so on the Inception show, and her answers were contradictory and illogical.
If you want to continue implying that by expecting an adult professional to speak logically, or have a wisp of proof for proclaimed superpowers, means that someone is FEARFUL, or prejudicial, then you, sir, can take that nonsense walking. If you want to believe in things based on faith in storytellers, and all her excuses for lack of proof, enjoy yourself, but don't impugn other's intellect, emotional state, or objectivity.