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August 2, 2015 — Margie Kay

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For years I have heard people in the UFO community, including people who I respect and take more seriously than others complain that the scientific community and NASA don't take the UFO subject seriously. It is often believed that they act that way because they don't want us to know what that now. It may be simply that they don't know as much as we think they do and they just think the UFO community is, let's just say a bit off. And it's people like this guest that add fuel to that fire. This is what happens when a phenomenon has only a few facts and tons of theory. And the sad thing is that I believe that there has been a lot of solid factual sightings and and solid reporting but a lot of that has been lost because in the early days before the pollution of all the stuff we see today, there was no follow-up.

Chris was talking at the beginning of the show about going over old photographs of the Socorro encounter. A while back there was an episode were you were talking about that "Not Another Roswell Book" book and again reviewing old photographs looking for further details. There needs to be more of that kind of investigation and fewer people talking about fifth sixth seventh and eighth dimensions. I realize there are people who listen to the show and participate in the form to believe in the supernatural aspect to UFOs or the interdimensional aspect of UFOs. And I certainly respect their right to follow that track. The problem with that is, you're never going to be able to prove or disprove or measure a phenomenon like that. It's like trying to capture an angel. My problem is, I don't believe that interdimensional beings need to fly around or disc shaped vehicles to get back-and-forth between dimensions.

At some point when does somebody employ Occam's razor? I feel sometimes like the UFO community reminds me of the person who dumps coins into that coin separator machine in Vegas. Everything that is unexplainable it seems gets dumped into the machine. These days every strange light and every strange encounter all get smashed into the same "UFO" soup.
When you do shows like Skinwalker Ranch one and things like that there's so much more credibility behind something like that even though I think it's a separate phenomenon from things like Socorro, it's still interesting and still worthy of a show called the Paracast. I guess I'm starting to see why people say what they say about MUFON.
The one thing She did say that I totally agree with is that the Black Triangles are some type of military observation vehicle probably of "lighter than air design"
Oh Dear, I cannot believe that a MUFON member or anyone would hold Meier in any credence. It's no wonder that the scientific community don't want to be associated with the subject.

Overall a poor showing. Lets hope she takes the time to digest the information that has been supplied to her.

Credit for coming on the show and facing the questions however - many don't as we know ...
From one of our listeners on Facebook:

"Margie, is full of crap! As a Peace Officer in Missouri I can tell you cases she was involved with would absolutely be public record. She would have to be recorded as a witness or at least as a confidential informant. Either way there Would be a public record of some sort that she could have pointed you to in order to substantiate her claims."

He added in another post that the information might be confidential if the case was still under investigation or it involved a "living juvenile."
MUFON is filled with people like her. MUFON gives equal stage time to Meier proponents and good researchers. I went to one MUFON meeting, and the shit I heard coming from these people ensured it would be the last one I ever attended.
One more thing: I heard back from Margie on keeping her law enforcement work confidential. A key reason is that it's done informally, and she requests anonymity out of fear of repercussions from the criminals. Maybe she's watching too much crime procedural TV, but she has the right to be cautious about such things I suppose.

However the law enforcement person who posted in Facebook says that's just not true.

Anyone else?
Yes, she says she's trying to figure out now whether Horn is a hoaxer or not after checking the links I sent her. So she appears to at least be considering it.
Wow, I'm pleasantly surprised. If she follows up all the way and reports back once she's done her review I'd be even more surprised. And if she came to the conclusion that Horn is totally full of it, I'd actually be really impressed.
I just listened to this episode last night. Are you joking me? So one of the head honcho's of MUFON Missouri is a Sylvia Brown type psychic, remote viewer, and a Billy Meier believer? Who's next in command after her? Stan Romanek?

Wow. I was blown away that she believes Billy Meier & Michael Horn. There are 100's of pieces of evidence showing how he created all of the fraud video's & photos. How are you in charge of MUFON for your state and don't know this? I feel sorry for people that are seriously into UFO research in Missouri and end up with this woman as one of their leaders. I couldn't believe my ears. People will believe anything I guess. Sad but true.
I was just as shocked when I discovered another talk show host on GCN, who shall go unnamed, believed in Sean David Morton, believe it or not. I did set that person straight, but it does appear that what a lot of us do isn't getting enough publicity and is thus not discovered by people who need to do their homework.
Yes, she says she's trying to figure out now whether Horn is a hoaxer or not after checking the links I sent her. So she appears to at least be considering it.
So much for her infallible "remote viewing" capabilities. Apparently, they are on par with her alleged psychic abilities. #HeyWally
I was just as shocked when I discovered another talk show host on GCN, who shall go unnamed, believed in Sean David Morton, believe it or not. I did set that person straight, but it does appear that what a lot of us do isn't getting enough publicity and is thus not discovered by people who need to do their homework.
Good god, it's as if people have never heard of a thing called GOOGLE. Input his name and on the first page, the eighth link listed is ufowatchdog, which will tell you almost everything one needs to know about the fraud that is SDM. Add to that the several other links on the first page reporting he was ordered by a federal judge in 2013 to pay the SEC $11.5 million for fraud and I think you have a complete picture of that scumbag. People are just lazy.
She was an awful guest. She was so uppity, I kept thinking to myself "God, I would hate to have any interaction with a woman like this." She has the whole world figured out, even down to the dimensions...but rather than use this knowledge and ability to further scientific breakthroughs, she spends her day jobs installing heaters in people's homes.

That's pushing it. She has the right to make a living, and if it involves installing heating systems, all well and good. That's an honorable profession. Let's not go there, OK?

Our only concerns should be about her research into the paranormal and her claims of unusual psychic powers. Leave the rest alone.
That's pushing it. She has the right to make a living, and if it involves installing heating systems, all well and good. That's an honorable profession. Let's not go there, OK?

Our only concerns should be about her research into the paranormal and her claims of unusual psychic powers. Leave the rest alone.

You are missing my point, if someone could truly talk to the dead, and could see and understand dimensional theories...it makes no sense to me, they would spend their time selling heaters, rather than working with top universities and channeling Tesla to modern academics...The fact she does not do this and has to spend her time selling heaters, probably tells me she can't, for example, sit down and have a lengthy conversation with Albert Einstien about other dimensions, something that would probably advance our world technologically.
If A is true...then you would expect to find....the following....

If you apply that with her, you see there is a lot to be desired. For example, If it rained today...you would expect to find the road wet...Similarly, if this woman could talk to "almost anyone" who has ever died, and "understands high dimensional theories" what is the likelihood she would be employed selling fire places?

That's where I was going, it had nothing to do with her profession per say, it is just that her profession, has explanatory scope in suggesting why here psychic claims are probably false.
My sense is that you aren't going to see what you don't want to see. If you have an anti-paranormal bias, you'll set up blocks for it. If you have fear d of it, you'll block it. If you grew up with a mother who saw that kind of thing as no big deal, you'll get good results, or at least I do. By the way, it isn't hard to cause event like that to fail. William A. Tiller writes about how if he constructed machines that detected PK, people who have a bias against them will not have good result. That seems to be the case with things like cold fusion where replication is spotty.

With "readers" there are those who can through interactions determine a lot about a person. That isn't ESP. There are those, however, who seem to read minds. If you think about roses or brick walls you can thwart them though I'm not sure why you would, but what the hey. There are a few who can do precognitive things. I've met them. Even with them, the information might only be close but not on the beam. One told me that I would meet a woman who was a lawyer. It turned out to be a paralegal which was close enough. My view was that if one showed up that would be okay and if one didn't that was okay, too. Even with the best of them they are not 100 percent. She might have planted a seed about lawyers.

Not that I see a lot of reader, but I have in the past or some are my friends. The way to approach them is with neutrality of not "believing" or disbelieving. Of course if you don't want to know something, it might be a good idea not to question them about it. (Hint!)

The Billy Meier stuff, I don't have any or much emotional attachment. I don't have any dogs in the fight. I don't believe or disbelieve, however, the saucers look a lot like hubcaps, but who knows, UFOs and hubcaps might just look alike?

With Margie Kay what is the point to discredit her? If it is fear, a world view injury problem, or wanting to be smug, what did you learn? You'll learn a lot more by being open even if the person is mashugana. I had an opportunity to talk to a schizophrenic woman who showed me how metaphor was a real thing to her. I could have dismissed her, but I listened. The world for her was symbolic and purposeful in some odd way. It is not far from some of the Jungian stuff that is discussed in some of these forums. However, after talking to her I never could listen to the conspiracy stuff with the same naivete I had before that. I also learned that there is a thin line between schizophrenic and the psychic. Margie Kay seemed rational even if she was dealing outside the rational. By the way in my unhumble opinion, UFO and paranormal are not rational things.

There was a lot of things that could have been learned in that interview will go unlearned like I would have liked to know like how she was used in an investigation? What kinds of things did she see? How did the police use the information? How did the police contract her? That opportunity was missed. She's a contractor and generally contractors are pretty down to earth.

End of rant.

I think you're right, CincyKid. I'm in 100% agreement with you: UFOs and hubcaps look alike, and so does Semjase the extraterrestrial and that chick from the Dean Martin show. In fact, they look so much alike, that when Billy Meier asked if he could photograph her, she probably just handed him a headshot of that singer instead.