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August 21, 2016 — Paul Davids

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That was pretty low, Mike. It only gave your opponent a valid opportunity to chastise you. That sort of thing diminishes everyone involved, and I would have expected better of you, especially as a moderator at this site. Yes, many of George's claims are obviously the stuff of fantasy. But even if he wasn't 92 years old, some things are just uncouth and uncalled for. You beat him up pretty thoroughly several posts before that. Maybe it's time to give it a rest.
If we don't want Serious UFOlogy to be a laughing stock then we have to weed out these fraudsters, We have to. No one else is going to do it.
Give people credit - they can suss out the wheat from the chaff. You don't have to do it for them - and hectoring poor (potentially) deluded souls will not change their minds - not at 17 - not at 92.

There is a great deal discussed here on the forums that is given weight when from my perspective it's a lack of rigorous thinking. I leave it all alone. I am not here to change everyone's thinking to my way of seeing the world. I only engage when it seems a reasonable conversation can take place. Why do otherwise?

P.S. There are times when trolling and sandbagging of threads take place - that needs to be addressed. When proselytizing occurs, should be nipped - but there are more generous ways to do it. JMO.
Fine i will leave the Paracast and not come back.

Heres the claim from his blog

Soon after I married I was serving in the Royal Air Force some eighty miles from home. My duties and hours were such that I never had advance notice of a twenty-four hour pass to be able to write or telephone my wife to tell her that I was going home. I just turned up on the doorstep. The incredible thing was that, on several occasions, I entered my house to find my place laid at the table. Extra food had been bought.

When I asked my wife how she knew I was coming home, she said that she just knew! She became aware of my homecoming usually on the morning of the day I was travelling, at about the time I learned that I was free for a couple of days

All i did was propose a logical alternative to "magic psychic powerzzzzz" Distasteful ? perhaps to some, but you are all adults as possibilities goes its not unreasonable.

I'll leave you with one last quote from the supreme spiritual master.

Typical examples are asthma, bronchitis and hay fever. The discomfort is real enough but it is rarely, if ever, that a physical cure can be found. They do however often respond to skilled counselling that includes an investigation into past life experiences.

Dont bother with an inhaler or medication folks, see a past life counseller instead.

Idiots like this can kill people, but I'm the low life ?
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Fine i will leave the Paracast and not come back.
That's your response? Emotional. What's that about? Imagine if you can't handle a (friendly) chiding, what it must feel like to be at the brunt of your hectoring? Look at it. There's another side.
Idiots like this can kill people, but i'm the low life ?
OTT. No one called you any names - though it's likely you are doing that to yourself. What is the story you are creating in your mind that creates this level of pain for yourself? It's a question we all have to ask ourselves when we're beating ourselves (or another) up. Again imo, and trying to be helpful.
Actually regardless of any apology there is a point there:

an insult to a deceased person is one thing, but to actually tell a living person to 'throw their meds in the aisle' is a whole nother kettle of fish entirely.

I think it should be punishable by law.
Heres the claim from his blog: Soon after I married I was serving in the Royal Air Force some eighty miles from home. My duties and hours were such that I never had advance notice of a twenty-four hour pass to be able to write or telephone my wife to tell her that I was going home. I just turned up on the doorstep. The incredible thing was that, on several occasions, I entered my house to find my place laid at the table. Extra food had been bought.

When I asked my wife how she knew I was coming home, she said that she just knew! She became aware of my homecoming usually on the morning of the day I was travelling, at about the time I learned that I was free for a couple of days

All i did was propose a logical alternative to "magic psychic powerzzzzz" Distasteful ? perhaps to some, but you are all adults as possibilities goes its not unreasonable.
To a 92 year old? :rolleyes: Insult his wife? His memory of her at 92 years old? For me it doesn't compute. Different parameters.
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As Mike pointed out, context is important. I might have laughed at Mike's "solution" to George's claim if a group of us had been in a bar and the subject came up. On a public forum it's just mean. Is there some consequence to that particular claim? None that I can see. It's certainly far from the most unbelievable thing George has claimed. What is the point of making such a "joke" here other than to get in a cheap dig?
I'm not going to defend myself. I don't have to.
I will explain in greater detail for those of you who are ignorant of them.

If Georges wife had been some innocent bystander with no involvement in his frauds you would be correct.

A Course In Spiritual Philosophy
The revelatory eBook A Course In Spiritual Philosophy by Madam Amanda Valiant

How To Talk With The Dead

The author is an independent psychic investigator who, with his late wife, Amanda, spent twelve years researching communication with those in the spiritual world. This book reveals the results of their work and contains explicit instructions on how to converse with relatives or friends who have passed on.

And age, oh poor old 92 year old george

Heres what George under his stage name Alan Valiant says about it in his blog


Another factor in life that influences the thoughts and behavior of people is that of age. Age is used as an excuse for inaction, in so many cases. This probably results from the commonly held belief that one is a body. The ageing of the body may be observed by all but what of the individual, the person him or her self? Do they age? If one can accept that one has always existed and always will, then age is irrelevant. So, in the eternity of infinity of which we are a part, we cannot age!

Ask any healthy, active old person how they feel and they will almost certainly tell you that they feel no different from the way that they felt in their twenties. We do not age!

His age is irrelevant he says so himself. That his wife has passed on is irrelevant. Hes still happy to use her to promote his fraud, so i'm also free to question the claims about her ability's.

Just because a fraud is dead doesn't get them off the hook.

Making a career out of ripping people off takes a special kind of asshole. But to make a career out of defrauding the general public, get exposed as a fraud, and then keep right on defrauding people as if nothing ever happened takes a special kind of asshole with balls of industrial steel. Either that, or a sociopathic lack of self-awareness.

5 Successful People Who Everyone Forgets Are Exposed Frauds
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I'm starting to wonder just who you are trying to convince. Do you think you will beat a confession out of George? Do you think anyone here takes him seriously? What more do you hope to accomplish in this thread?

If you are going to dish out harsh criticism on the internet, then you had better be able to take it. I, too, am appalled at your behavior. Maybe you need some fresh air.
@mike Respect for the aged is a cultural courtesy. Long lived people may or may not have grown wise with age but they for certain are given a wide berth 'just because'. It's good manners. They also can be 'addled' - no reasoning with them

I have no interest in such stuff - it's phenomenon (if it is an actual experience) and as such I would give it a wide berth. If it's not an actual experience then it is perhaps a fraud - but suggests that they don't believe what they are saying. Again, I have no interest in delving such. Phenomenon is the last place you want to be messing, and it's possible they did 'mess' with phenomenon and did acquire some astral 'hitchhikers' playing peek-a-boo with them (and flooding them with erroneous thinking - happens all the time). Don't envy them (I know you don't since you don't believe they are saying what they believe is true). Such a condition is deserving of compassion, not hectoring. JMO.

BTW it strikes me how older gents who show up decades later and claim outlandish experiences while in the Army/Navy/Air Force while stationed in Nevada (or some such) - or near death-bed 'confessions' - have a lot of currency in ufology. At least I've seen such debated with great interest, given high credence. I would always question the ramblings of someone very old. It all really hinges on how sharp they have been leading up to the 'confessional'. Anyway, kinda ironic that this guy gets dissed (because of the content of his thinking) and others do not (because of the content of their thinking). It seems to me the two are equal.
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I do think there is a problem with a chat site like this: what is needed is a genuine discernment between what is addled thinking and what is not. Too much of the former and reasonable people withdraw - good conversation is lost.

I have no solution to the dilemma. I do agree it needs to be addressed else one has a lot of distorted musings taking place. The question remains: how best to do it, and still remain a decent human being oneself?
Yeah you waited until those who could call out your lies died first.

Whats sickening is you've waited until these people have passed on to then try and rewrite history and claim the discovery. Shame on you George.

You are a fraud George.

I'm also free to question your abilities as a researcher and a paranormal 'whistleblower', or whatever you see yourself as. You make a fairly serious insinuation here, by anyone's standards, and it is, of course, complete and utter nonsense. As the video footage I posted a link to shows, I made statements on film about the Mary Rose in 2013, with no objections made by anyone. Margaret Rule didn't pass on until 2015 and there are members of the diving team still alive today, some of whom I'm still in touch with. None regard me as a fraud. This allegation alone invalidates your research and credibility, along with other points I've made.

Regarding A Course In Spiritual Philosophy, yes, you've finally done enough research to show it was written by my late wife and not myself, but you still insist I'm here trying to sell books. Not only is this book available free from many places, I even uploaded a copy to a post on this thread. You've come at me with both guns blazing, but your aim is sadly way off. I think you have to believe in your mind that I have mercenary motives in order to morally justify the great effort you've made in trying to assassinate my character. All you've really done is made several baseless allegations and, as a Paracast administrator, reduced the credibility of the site to anyone who views this thread and brought it down to the level of the gutter press, or what you'd expect teenagers to come out with on social media sites. Perhaps the 'power' of being an administrator has gone to your head and you've got a bit carried away.

Regarding the information I posted about the origin of the moon, it states the moon was moved into position roughly ten thousand years ago, I'm not querying the actual age of the moon as billions of years old. It is worth noting that the most prominent scientific hypothesis on the origin of the moon involves accepting the existence of a fictional planet called Theia, for which there is no evidence, and there are plenty of questions that haven't been answered by science about the formation and origin of the moon:

What Made the Moon? New Ideas Try to Rescue a Troubled Theory | Quanta Magazine

Regarding the Turin Shroud, which is what I was originally discussing, I've never stated that anyone should simply accept the information quoted from my books, but to look carefully at the latest scientific evidence with an open mind. The latest findings pose difficulties for the sceptics who dismiss the shroud as a medieval painting:

Atomic resolution studies detect new biologic evidences on the Turin Shroud

I thank those of you who have shown a little human decency, that is appreciated.
When did people being offended by words become all the rage?.If Alan's wife was loyal and true,what do the words of someone you don't know,who you will never meet,who lives on the other side of the world matter?.Mike has a cheeky sense of humour anyone who follows the funny stuff thread would know this.Ultimately people who spout nonsense about the paranormal are the ones who cause much more damage than an alleged off colour joke about someone!
When did people being offended by words become all the rage?
Politeness and care for the other has always been 'the rage'. The devolution into something else is new.
If Alan's wife was loyal and true,what do the words of someone you don't know,who you will never meet,who lives on the other side of the world matter?
Well, if that is a genuine question for you, then you have a lot to figure out. Rice the man by going after his wife. Poor, pretty poor.
Mike has a cheeky sense of humour anyone who follows the funny stuff thread would know this.
I don't think he was making a joke. If he was, it fell flat. He knew what he was doing. It was meant to hurt. Your mother wears army boots sort of thing.
Ultimately people who spout nonsense about the paranormal are the ones who cause much more damage than an alleged off colour joke about someone!
Oh goodness me! Now this has an amusing aspect. You think you understand the paranormal enough so that you recognize nonsense when you see it? Okay. I stand corrected. Good luck with that.
Politeness and care for the other has always been 'the rage'. The devolution into something else is new.

Well, if that is a genuine question for you, then you have a lot to figure out. Rice the man by going after his wife. Poor, pretty poor.

I don't think he was making a joke. If he was, it fell flat. He knew what he was doing. It was meant to hurt. Your mother wears army boots sort of thing.

Oh goodness me! Now this has an amusing aspect. You think you understand the paranormal enough so that you recognize nonsense when you see it? Okay. I stand corrected. Good luck with that.
So "channeling"is real and not nonsense,ok!.Being polite to others,does that include rapists and paedophiles?.Someone you don't know can hurt your feelings on a forum?.Humour is subjective,I found it funny,you didn't.Stick to climate change,at least you can use facts to back you up on that.
No doubt Tyger thinks this isnt nonsense

A Message From Our Illustrious Creator
This message was taken by Alan Valiant in 2012:

I am your Creator writing through my chosen agent on earth, the Supreme Spiritual Master, Alan Valiant.(aka George Cooke the first person to fraudulently claim he discovered the Mary Rose)

I have had to step in many times in the past to attempt to prevent my human creatures from descending into total debauchery. I shall not hesitate to act again!

I, Your Creator, am ready to act as I see fit to safeguard all my creations. Many people will be forcibly returned to My Spiritual World

I am the All-in-One and the One-in-All

Many people will be forcibly returned to My Spiritual World

Here we go again, another egotistical male human speaking on behalf of God threatening to kill us all unless we do as he tells us......

I asked my wife over dinner about this today, She is my harshest critic. And her response was it makes more sense amanda was expecting someone else, than she had the power to predict Georges coming home at random without notice. That it makes more sense than Georges explanation. When i mentioned the outrage over his age, she said "its the internet" age has nothing to do with it. If he makes the claim, it can be tested.

George says oh but im giving away some stuff for free, Yes its a well worn cultists ploy.
The scientologists also give away Dianetics for free.

But the free information doesnt stop there, The turin shroud is real because:

The Turin Shroud is in fact genuine. The image was produced on the shroud by a means of spiritual radiation which altered it at the atomic level. This is the reason the carbon dating makes it appear from a much later date. A Course In Spiritual Philosophy explains the reasons for the shroud and the truth behind the life of Jesus

The moon has only been in orbit for 10,000 years and God rides around in an adamski model UFO.....

Sorry Tyger you clearly dont recognise nonsense, but most of us do, and this clown doesnt get a free pass because you feel sorry for him.

I dont feel bad about calling out this idiot. Or his partner in crime Amanda.
By your logic we should just let charles manson out because hes old and our culture respects the elderly even if they are whacko would be cult leaders.

Give me an Eff Eff Effity break, By all means cry me a river. But you wont get an apology from me sweetheart.

This is not just an idiot, its a dangerous idiot. Its the same "i speak for god" Hubris thats cost thousands their lives through history. We are still seeing this insanity manifest on the news today.

I'm calling him out, hes a fraud and nutter. I dont feel bad about it. I feel very very good about it.

If you dont like it, his blog has a comments section where you can support and confirm his delusions.

But its not happening here, Humanity is better than his BS. And so is the audience here.

You have no idea how hard ive pulled my punches with this case, Pointing out a more plausible explanation for the "table for two" claim is a mouses piss in the ocean.

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For pity's sake. You are OTT. One comment was critiqued. That's it - asking for care - yet you go after me? Strange.

It's this that makes posting on the Paracast Forum often unpleasant - the inability of some posters (and now even administrators apparently) to understand the nuances of communication. I despair.
Just stop.
Ive always been this way with obvious frauds. This has nothing to do with my moderation dutys.
Anyone whos been here for the last 10 years knows this is who mike is.
He doesnt do superstition, he doesnt do fraudsters.
Never has never will, save your breath there.

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