So what shouldn't we "be afraid" of then? We've seen enough here to conclude that religion has many problems, but the only alternative being offered is science, and I'm not convinced that a scientific technocracy would be the best way to run the world either. Secular Humanism is equally problematic because it amounts to the same thing as a scientific technocracy. All the various political systems also have their flaws. In the final analysis it seems to me that no matter what we propose, the world is actually working on a form of anarchy, and those who don't see it are simply in a state of denial. So where does this leave us? I prefer to think of myself as a sort of free agent rather than a proponent of any specific large scale system.
Then imo Scientific technocracy is by miles and miles the lessor of two evils.
The intrinsic difference being religion is a set of inerrant answers set in stone,
The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible,without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc.
-- Jerry Falwell, Finding Inner Peace and Strength
science is a process where the answers can and do change in response to better data and undertanding.
Religion is intellectual stagnation, science is intellectual growth.
Science is the evolution of knowledge, its no wonder some religious types want to put the kibosh on the very idea evolution exists.
Put religion aside and ask this question a variant of the OP.
What if you had a group of people wanting to teach in school the moon is made of cheese
Here are the facts
“Of course the moon's made of cheese - how else do you explain the holes and the yellow colour? The real question is, how can it not be cheese? It makes perfect sense.”
~ Albert Einstein ate the moon for his lunch
Throughout the ages, many have wondered what the
moon is made of - some say
rock, others say space dust, some even say highly comminuted anorthositic regolith, but one theory stands out above the rest: The possibility that the moon is made of cheese.
Just what type of cheese the moon is made from remains a mystery. Many assume, due to the craters, the cheese is some form of swiss variety. However due to the dry nature, it is much more likely a british stilton or maybe a wensleydale with cranberries.
In fact the first man on the moon, Aneeda Smith famously shouted, after taking the first man made bite out of the moon, "Holy **** this **** is cheese!" Good job Aneeda. We wish we could credit Aneeda for being the first woman to eat out the moon, but that would be sexist, and unfair because women are not capable of accomplishing anything before men. Did we mention she was also African American? She claimed she first sampled the moon believing the moon was one big crack rock, to her dismay she was wrong.
All have wondered if the moon is made of cheese, if so, then where are the crackers, and does this make asteroids, jelly beans, because that would be awesome. Some say the moon's made out of dust, and rock, however, it has also been said that before human life came to earth, aliens landed, started a dairy farm, and attempted to break the universal, biggest cheese ball record. Unfortunately for them, Oprah Winfrey had already started a dairy farm of her own, and beat them to it. (Her moon, aka. "The Big O", is now located in the Sombrero Galaxy). Thanks to Oprah, now when someone asks you what the moon is made of, you can smile and say cheese.
Is the moon made of cheese? - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
Would you want your nations children taught this ?
This isnt about religion as much as it is about not letting the ignorant impose their BS on schoolchildren.
I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won't have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be!-- Rev Jerry Falwell, America Can Be Saved, 1979 pp. 52-53
Of course we have to fight this, not satisfied with infecting their own children with this gross ignorance, and fairy tale reality world view, some are trying to impose this on the general populace, a yoke we've only in recent times managed to throw from around our necks.
Only a scant few hundred years ago, many of us would have been branded as heretics and put to death for the comments made here.
They would reimpose such tyrany again if they could, If we dont fight for and exercise the right to see the universe as it is, rather than through the blurred goggles of religious retardation, then we may lose this most valuable advancment of the human condition.
There are still places in the world today where speaking in oposition to religious doctrine can get you into strife
Pianist’s ‘atheist’ Tweet could spell jail — RT
Starise has shown his true colours here, announcing
Ufos are a large part of the ruse IMO. In fact as much opposition as I am facing here I am fairly certain there are at least a few of you here who know about it and are in on it.
Ie your pov is clearly the work of satan, and we know how they used to deal with this in the past dont we. "thou shalt not suffer them to live" was the cure.
Can you beleive that in the 21st century we are still seeing this meme in play ?
If you dont agree with my BS, then you must be in league with the devil.......
And history shows us what happens next when these ignorant savages are in control.
Go back a few hundred years and our comments would spell death, the hosts would be dragged in front of the inqusition for allowing such blasphemy to be published and killed too, and anyone who made no comment would also be dealt with for not defending the faith.
We've had thousands of years of this BS, we owe it to the innocent people killed by this stupidity to fight it and retain our right to view the universe as it is, and not as the bible says it is
Science is about asking questions, religion is about inerrant answers
Good Christians, like slaves and soldiers, ask no questions.-- Rev Jerry Falwell, quoted Freethought Today, December, 1999
The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible,without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc.
-- Jerry Falwell, Finding Inner Peace and Strength
So there you have their credo, ask no questions, the answers are all without error to be found in the bible.
Thats completely at odds with the human condition, "why" is the most common word a human child uses in its early years, its in our nature to want to know the whys/hows/whats.
They are happy to exploit this to brainwash their young into believing what as adults they should recognise as BS esp in these
enlightened times.
Be Afraid, Be Afraid we all get dragged back into the dark ages as they want us to