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Believing Is Seeing

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Posey Gilbert

Paranormal Maven
This is the excellent work of GB a young man from my Moonstruck Group.
There are things going on in the skies of NYC and the world that you do not hear about on the news.
You need to get your cams and your asses out of the house and look up!
To hell with Greer!!
Discloser is happening NOW above your heads!!!
Believing Is Seeing.​
"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon," Bruce Lee​
Posey Gilbert​
Some nice shots, however I see nothing that doesn't just scream "Balloon." I skipped through a lot. Are there any shots of anything that doesn't display balloon like motion? Drifting in the breeze, rotating, always traveling in one direction. Balloon.
Dunno guys, the first object of any size does not totally look like balloons. A bit maybe and the object looks somewhat self-luminescent, unless it is reflecting coloured rays from a setting sun?
Some of them look like balloons and some of them look like light reflecting off the camera lens, notice how the first object especially seems to move with the camera as opposed to independent of it. Of course I could be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me. I agree with your sentiment about Greer however, he's a tool. I also believe that anomalous craft are up there flying around from time to time, I skywatch almost every night and have definitely seen some strange things, especially around Lake Erie (I'm from Ohio) So keep at it, you'll get something eventually, good luck!

Hmm, delightful.
A perfect self portrait of a skeptical debunker.
Big head full of gas, and a dumb ass smirk.
How appropriate.
Thank you.

"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."​
Bruce Lee​
Some of them look like balloons and some of them look like light reflecting off the camera lens, notice how the first object especially seems to move with the camera as opposed to independent of it. Of course I could be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me. I agree with your sentiment about Greer however, he's a tool. I also believe that anomalous craft are up there flying around from time to time, I skywatch almost every night and have definitely seen some strange things, especially around Lake Erie (I'm from Ohio) So keep at it, you'll get something eventually, good luck!

Thanks for your thoughts.
I believe most of these things to be "Critters orNonts" and not craft or balloons.
They glow at night with the same colors and they split into pairs and reunite as well as morph and shape shift.
The late John Keel once told me he thought they had the intelligence of monkeys and dolphins.
My experiences have shone me some of them are far more intelligent than that these are The Tricksters you heard about and are the cause of much of the confusion in the UFO and paranormal phenomena.
I have seen the rest of this young mans' work and hope to get him to put them online too,
New York City lies between two rivers and its boroughs have many underground rivers brooks, streams and fault lines too these generate a great deal of EMF, which I think they live off of, among other energies.

"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee
Sorry Posey but every single one of those objects could easily have been balloons. They have all the characteristics of an airborne bag of helium.
1. They seem to move only in one direction apparently with the wind.
2. They appear to revolve slowly.
3. They appear to flash in the sunlight, just as mylar balloons will do.
4. The shots of more than one object act just as balloons held together by long strings would appear.
5. They look like balloons that are just out of focus and distance for a clear shot.
You can insult me all you like Posey, they still look like balloons to me.

Oh boo hoo, grow a set and man up.
Like you did not think that picture wouldn't be insulting to me?
Hmm insensitive too.

Do you think me a fool that does not know what a balloon looks like or how they move when un-tethered and aloft?
I am a, avid sky watcher, and have been one all my life.
Not that I was looking for UFO, I have always loved the infinite beauty of the sky that's all.
That may be why I'm always the one that brings the unusual to the attention of the pedestrians about me.
These things emit, not reflect a glow, then change form and number as they go.
They stop and hover then wait till you see them or somehow call your attention to them.
Sometimes they respond to your words and yes at times even to your thoughts.
Balloons don't do that.
At night they'll shine like stars and at times even pretend to be stars of a constellation then suddenly they'll slowly start moving, dart off, fade out or turn off.
They'll flash, pulse or "Power up" as some call in to each other or when hit by hand held lasers.
They are alive and intelligent.
This has been reported and recorded all over the damned world for years.
For Petesake stop looking for easy answers and just start looking at what's there before your closed mind and eyes.
In fact don't look, see.
"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee
Oh boo hoo, grow a set and man up.
Like you did not think that picture wouldn't be insulting to me?
Hmm insensitive too.

Do you think me a fool that does not know what a balloon looks like or how they move when un-tethered and aloft?

This is about the misidentification of balloons and not our personalities Posey. You are showing me a video of balloons and talking about disclosure. What am I supposed to think?

Are there any objects in that film that display non-balloon like motion? There is a marked difference between how objects move when under intelligent control and those that move in balloon-like ways. Balloons move in the direction of the wind, travel no faster than the wind, twist in the wind unless stabilized reflecting light to varying degrees. Objects under intelligent control change direction and speed and display stabilized movement rather than twisting and turning in the wind. Balloon like motion is what I see in the video and not UFOs darting around or coming when someone calls them.

I'm sorry, but Believing is Seeing is another balloons in the sky video and not the "disclosure" of UFO activity you seem to think it is Posey.
Sorry Posey but every single one of those objects could easily have been balloons. They have all the characteristics of an airborne bag of helium.
1. They seem to move only in one direction apparently with the wind.
2. They appear to revolve slowly.
3. They appear to flash in the sunlight, just as mylar balloons will do.
4. The shots of more than one object act just as balloons held together by long strings would appear.
5. They look like balloons that are just out of focus and distance for a clear shot.

As you said,
"Sorry Posey but every single one of those objects "could" easily have been balloons."
Could implies a possibility not a definite answer to either side of the question, it is not a statement of certainty or conviction so you really don't know what they are now do you?
It therefore could be a bird, a plane, or a bit of under cooked potato.
Then it could be just what I think it is, a Critter or a Nont, as I know to call them.
An alternative view is only just that, an alternative view.
It proves nothing and disproves even less.
You offer me only an opinion, thank you but no thank you I have one of my own already.
Mine was formed from fifty years of daylight and nocturnal sightings of these things.
Living in a UFO hot spot has its benefits.
I know what they look like and how they act, oh and guess what believe it or not I've seen balloons too and know how they act also.
If you were to see these things first hand you too would know the difference.
Thanks again.

"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee
You said they were aliens I didn't.​
I call them Critters or Nonts.​

Just out of curiosity, what is the definition of a Critter or a Nont? I've been reading about and researching UFO's since having some strange experiences when I was a young man, all told it's been near 18 years and I have never heard these two words used in reference to the UFO phenomenon before now. Naturally, I'm curious and I love coming across new information so any help would be appreciated, thanks!
As you said,
"Sorry Posey but every single one of those objects "could" easily have been balloons."
Could implies a possibility not a definite answer to either side of the question, it is not a statement of certainty or conviction so you really don't know what they are now do you?
It therefore could be a bird, a plane, or a bit of under cooked potato.
Then it could be just what I think it is, a Critter or a Nont, as I know to call them.
An alternative view is only just that, an alternative view.
It proves nothing and disproves even less.
You offer me only an opinion, thank you but no thank you I have one of my own already.
Mine was formed from fifty years of daylight and nocturnal sightings of these things.
Living in a UFO hot spot has its benefits.
I know what they look like and how they act, oh and guess what believe it or not I've seen balloons too and know how they act also.
If you were to see these things first hand you too would know the difference.
Thanks again.

"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee

Ok Posey, you are correct. I cannot say with absolute certainty that those were balloons.
But if it kinda looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, walks and swims like a duck....I'm calling it a duck unless it does something extraordinary ....like performs aerobatics no earth critter can do, or transforms into a 747.

I just do not see anything anomalous in those vids. I am 99% sure they are balloons, and the only reason I am giving the 1% doubt is because I can't prove beyond a doubt they were balloons.

If you choose to beleive they are otherwise, I have no problem. I will respect your viewpoint. But please do not expect me not to comment on something like this with my viewpoint. Truce?
Ok Posey, you are correct. I cannot say with absolute certainty that those were balloons.
But if it kinda looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, walks and swims like a duck....I'm calling it a duck unless it does something extraordinary ....like performs aerobatics no earth critter can do, or transforms into a 747.

I just do not see anything anomalous in those vids. I am 99% sure they are balloons, and the only reason I am giving the 1% doubt is because I can't prove beyond a doubt they were balloons.

If you choose to beleive they are otherwise, I have no problem. I will respect your viewpoint. But please do not expect me not to comment on something like this with my viewpoint. Truce?

Point taken no truce needed my friend.
I welcome your thoughts.
