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Believing Is Seeing

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When will you so called skeptical debunkers learn alternative explanations (opinions) are not proof, but are only alternative explanations?
I'm not sure what proof you are touting about but if it is from UFO Hunters that's entertainment not proof.
Just ask Don Ecker I'm sure that he'd tell you "Bill" William J. Birnes wouldn't know a real UFO from a
"Big Panama with a purple hat band"
By the way The Tether was filmed in UV and IR. which is not so subject to the same pit falls as regular filming,
If those were particles within windows spaces where were they before the tether broke, and why did they seem to only focus about and pass behind the tether?
Those things were twelve miles away for that UFO Hunters test to prove accurate to me they'd have to do the same thing.
My only problem with you skeptical debunkers is that none of you will get off your ass and do the work for yourself.
Your as much of a pain in the groin, shit for brains, as the other Believers whom believe anything they hear that falls in their line of thinking.
Because they haven't experienced a damned thing first hand.
These are the victims and creators of the Applewhites and Greers.
If you think I am wrong, do the work yourself and prove me wrong

"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee
Like I said they look like Balloons, and act like them, and since we know that they exist then until other evidence to the contrary comes to light Balloons they shall be.

Like I said they look like Balloons, and act like them, and since we know that they exist then until other evidence to the contrary comes to light Balloons they shall be.
They are cow udders inflated with swamp gas, as postulated by the late, great, J. Allen Hynek.
They are cow udders inflated with swamp gas, as postulated by the late, great, J. Allen Hynek.

I don't see any teats. If they were cow utters we'd have teats and a lot of cows looking up.

The real question Voyager, is what is in the Believing Is Seeing video that would led anyone to believe that the objects in them are not balloons and lens reflections?

What are the attributes of the subjects being filmed that make you think they are not balloons? Is that a fair question?
What are the attributes of the subjects being filmed that make you think they are not balloons? Is that a fair question?

I of course extend that question to Posey as well. What is it about these objects in the video itself that makes them not be balloons in your estimation? I'm trying to understand what is about these objects or their movements that says "extra-ordinary" to you guys.
I don't see any teats. If they were cow utters we'd have teats and a lot of cows looking up.

The real question Voyager, is what is in the Believing Is Seeing video that would led anyone to believe that the objects in them are not balloons and lens reflections?

What are the attributes of the subjects being filmed that make you think they are not balloons? Is that a fair question?
I knew better than to get involved with this. They are poor quality videos, and I know nothing about their history. All I can state is this: Not all of the spherical objects being observed and recorded by people worldwide are balloons. Not all of the orange lights in the sky are Chinese lanterns.
I knew better than to get involved with this. They are poor quality videos, and I know nothing about their history. All I can state is this: Not all of the spherical objects being observed and recorded by people worldwide are balloons. Not all of the orange lights in the sky are Chinese lanterns.

I cannot speak to "all of the spherical objects being observed and recorded by people worldwide" nor have ever claimed to do so. I am talking here about the objects in the video Posey used to start this thread and nothing else.
I cannot speak to "all of the spherical objects being observed and recorded by people worldwide" nor have ever claimed to do so. I am talking here about the objects in the video Posey used to start this thread and nothing else.
I am already developing a headache, and I'm not going to comment any further on the videos.
THIS is an example of an anomalous movement by what looks like spheres, however the photographer said he filmd them much closer and they were saucer shaped. The missing footage is still a mystery as to what happened to it (rumor has it the GOV confiscated it).

Great Falls, Montana 1950
The tether footage contains commonly understood camera artifacts. See the following for an example and the info section for an excellent explanation.

Excellent work T.O!
There is some footage out off Israel of giant UFO that I think show the same thing.
But that does not disprove the sighting, but only that the camera was out of focus.
Even in the footage of this video there was something there emitting light.
As there was in The Tether Footage.
My old klunker Sharp camcorder would put a black hole through the Full Moon when I'd try to tape it in close up.
Still to me, that did not prove the nonexistence of the Moon.

"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee
I of course extend that question to Posey as well. What is it about these objects in the video itself that makes them not be balloons in your estimation? I'm trying to understand what is about these objects or their movements that says "extra-ordinary" to you guys.

T.O, I have seen these things at a distance and fairly close at night time and in the day light.
They display an intelligence and a playfulness not associated with balloons.
Thanks, your friend,
"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee


T.O, I have seen these things at a distance and fairly close at night time and in the day light.
They display an intelligence and a playfulness not associated with balloons.

Posey, I am not talking about what you may or may not have seen at some other time.

I am talking about the objects in the video footage only.

The objects in the video are not displaying intelligence or playfulness. They are displaying all of the characteristics of balloons carried by the wind.