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Believing Is Seeing

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Just out of curiosity, what is the definition of a Critter or a Nont? I've been reading about and researching UFO's since having some strange experiences when I was a young man, all told it's been near 18 years and I have never heard these two words used in reference to the UFO phenomenon before now. Naturally, I'm curious and I love coming across new information so any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Here you go.​
Oh boo hoo, grow a set and man up.
Like you did not think that picture wouldn't be insulting to me?
Hmm insensitive too.

Do you think me a fool that does not know what a balloon looks like or how they move when un-tethered and aloft?
I am a, avid sky watcher, and have been one all my life.
Not that I was looking for UFO, I have always loved the infinite beauty of the sky that's all.
That may be why I'm always the one that brings the unusual to the attention of the pedestrians about me.
These things emit, not reflect a glow, then change form and number as they go.
They stop and hover then wait till you see them or somehow call your attention to them.
Sometimes they respond to your words and yes at times even to your thoughts.
Balloons don't do that.
At night they'll shine like stars and at times even pretend to be stars of a constellation then suddenly they'll slowly start moving, dart off, fade out or turn off.
They'll flash, pulse or "Power up" as some call in to each other or when hit by hand held lasers.
They are alive and intelligent.
This has been reported and recorded all over the damned world for years.
For Petesake stop looking for easy answers and just start looking at what's there before your closed mind and eyes.
In fact don't look, see.
"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee
I am not going to comment on the videos, except to say that it looks to me like the video recorder is in the low lux mode which should not be used in daylight. You are correct, there are spheres that sometimes appear to be stars. Last summer I was looking at what I thought was a bright star. It wasn't a star, it started to move rapidly. The spheres do sometimes flare up emitting a pure white light when targeted by a laser. I have observed it, as have others. They are under intelligent control. I don't know what they are, or what is inside of them. Neither do you. They could be remote controlled, artificial intelligence, an inorganic life form. If we were to assume they are a life form; we would also have to conclude that nature developed field propulsion. In any case, the jury is still out as to what these things are.
This is the excellent work of GB a young man from my Moonstruck Group.
There are things going on in the skies of NYC and the world that you do not hear about on the news.
You need to get your cams and your asses out of the house and look up!
To hell with Greer!!
Discloser is happening NOW above your heads!!!
Believing Is Seeing.​
"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon," Bruce Lee​
Posey Gilbert​
"I am not going to comment on the videos, except to say that it looks to me like the video recorder is in the low lux mode which should not be used in daylight. You are correct, there are spheres that sometimes appear to be stars. Last summer I was looking at what I thought was a bright star. It wasn't a star, it started to move rapidly. The spheres do sometimes flare up emitting a pure white light when targeted by a laser. I have observed it, as have others. They are under intelligent control. I don't know what they are, or what is inside of them. Neither do you. They could be remote controlled, artificial intelligence, an inorganic life form. If we were to assume they are a life form; we would also have to conclude that nature developed field propulsion. In any case, the jury is still out as to what these things are." In my last reply I was referring to this video. One of those days. I was going to the dump, had the truck loaded, and discovered there is something wrong with the ignition. I said hell with it and took a shower. That other video does look like one of those freaking spheres. Here is a video I shot of a jet. It is in low lux mode. Don't know what the 2nd object is.
This is the excellent work of GB a young man from my Moonstruck Group.
There are things going on in the skies of NYC and the world that you do not hear about on the news.
You need to get your cams and your asses out of the house and look up!
To hell with Greer!!
Discloser is happening NOW above your heads!!!
Believing Is Seeing.​
"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon," Bruce Lee​
Posey Gilbert​
Interesting video. I don't think we are looking at balloons. One problem is that people shooting video don't have the proper equipment. The equipment required to obtain clear high resolution images at high magnification is very expensive. People expect to see crystal clear video of spaceships like they have seen in science fiction movies. I have never seen a gleaming metallic spaceship. UFOs do generate energy fields, and light. I suspect the UFO phenomenon goes beyond our definition of technology.
"I am not going to comment on the videos, except to say that it looks to me like the video recorder is in the low lux mode which should not be used in daylight. You are correct, there are spheres that sometimes appear to be stars. Last summer I was looking at what I thought was a bright star. It wasn't a star, it started to move rapidly. The spheres do sometimes flare up emitting a pure white light when targeted by a laser. I have observed it, as have others. They are under intelligent control. I don't know what they are, or what is inside of them. Neither do you. They could be remote controlled, artificial intelligence, an inorganic life form. If we were to assume they are a life form; we would also have to conclude that nature developed field propulsion. In any case, the jury is still out as to what these things are." In my last reply I was referring to this video. One of those days. I was going to the dump, had the truck loaded, and discovered there is something wrong with the ignition. I said hell with it and took a shower. That other video does look like one of those freaking spheres. Here is a video I shot of a jet. It is in low lux mode. Don't know what the 2nd object is.
That there are living biological energetic entities living in our skies have been known for centuries they were rediscovered in and filmed in the late forties and fifties by Wilhelm Reich the discoverer of Orgone energy the life force, and the creator of the Orgone energy accumulators, the Cloud buster, and Orgone therapy.
It was while he was using his Cloud busters that Reich discovered the energetic life forms later called Sky Creatures or Critters by Trevor James Constable below were attracted to the life force drawn in by his device.
Books you might like to read.
A good documentary to see some of their actual footage
These things are animals and not aliens nor craft.
They are one of the oldest life forms in the universe.
They are The Elementals.
To see other Picts and read more on Nonts see my article
Now as for your statement,
"They are under intelligent control. I don't know what they are, or what is inside of them. Neither do you."

Well, Entschuldigen Sie bitte!
What I do know is that I have had these damned things come into my home and I have had first hand experiences with them.
Have you?
I have dealt with them since childhood even before I knew what the hell they were.
These things aren't under intelligent control but are intelligent beings onto themselves.
I have had real abductions and visitations that were soon followed by attempted fake abductions and visitations by these things.
These fake abductions and visitations were designed only for the purpose of scaring me shitless, not that they are demons or evil.
They are no more evil for doing what they do, than is a mosquito for doing what it does, or you for eating steak or live vegetables in the salad, and I'll leave it there.
Anyone that are taping the real deal will tell you that they drain their batteries, and soon afterwards they start having electrical problems, and poltergeist activity about their homes.
It runs with the territory when you mess with them, or you are psychic or celibate.

"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee
That there are living biological energetic entities living in our skies have been known for centuries they were rediscovered in and filmed in the late forties and fifties by Wilhelm Reich the discoverer of Orgone energy the life force, and the creator of the Orgone energy accumulators, the Cloud buster, and Orgone therapy.
It was while he was using his Cloud busters that Reich discovered the energetic life forms later called Sky Creatures or Critters by Trevor James Constable below were attracted to the life force drawn in by his device.
Books you might like to read.
A good documentary to see some of their actual footage in is called
"Overlords Of The UFOs "
These are animals and not aliens nor craft.
They are one of the oldest life forms in the universe.
They are The Elementals.
To see other Picts and read more on Nonts see my article
Now as for your statement,
"They are under intelligent control. I don't know what they are, or what is inside of them. Neither do you."

Well, Entschuldigen Sie bitte!
What I do know is that I have had these damned things come into my home and I have had first hand experiences with them.
Have you?
I have dealt with them since childhood even before I knew what the hell they were.
These things aren't under intelligent control but are intelligent beings onto themselves.
I have had real abductions and visitations that were soon followed by attempted fake abductions and visitations by these things.
Fake abductions and visitations designed only for the purpose of scaring me shitless, not that they are demons or evil.
They are no more evil for doing what they do, than is a mosquito for doing what it does, or you for eating steak or live vegetables in the salad, and I'll leave it there.
Anyone that are taping the real deal will tell you that they drain their batteries, and soon afterwards they start having electrical problems, and poltergeist activity about their homes.
It runs with the territory when you mess with them, or you are psychic or celibate.

"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee
Posey, I can only relate to what I have experienced and witnessed. Your perception of reality is different than mine.
Posey, I can only relate to what I have experienced and witnessed. Your perception of reality is different than mine.

True my friend, so true.
Actually it seems we are more alike than not.
My perception of reality was shaped as was yours, by my experiences.
I share them in hope to find others like me not to gain or change anyones belief systems.
Stick to and trust that path you are on and your truth will find you.

True my friend, so true.
Actually it seems we are more alike than not.
My perception of reality was shaped as was yours, by my experiences.
I share them in hope to find others like me not to gain or change anyones belief systems.
Stick to and trust that path you are on and your truth will find you.

I think I picked the wrong video the 2nd time. That happens sometimes when you're burnt out and jump into the middle of a thread. If my brain could record a DVD disk of what has happened in the last 2 years, I would send it to you. Because that is about the only way I could relate where I'm coming from. It would help if I fully understood it myself.
I think I picked the wrong video the 2nd time. That happens sometimes when you're burnt out and jump into the middle of a thread. If my brain could record a DVD disk of what has happened in the last 2 years, I would send it to you. Because that is about the only way I could relate where I'm coming from. It would help if I fully understood it myself.

Give it time, it'll come.

Well, while it probably is quite true that many of us on this forum may be experts concerning the subject of "gas bags," I still think the simple Mylar balloon explanation fits best.
Well, while it probably is quite true that many of us on this forum may be experts concerning the subject of "gas bags," I still think the simple Mylar balloon explanation fits best.
I will expound on the subject. Conducting UFO research is not the purpose of this forum. Like I stated, most people don't have the proper equipment to shoot videos of UFOs. Even with the right equipment you can't go off half-cocked and get good results. You have to know what you are doing. Many people look at low resolution poor quality videos, and are quick to say it is this or it is that; in many instances it is uncertain. No amount of pictures or videos will prove anything to anybody. If a person has never seen a real anomalous aerial object first hand, how would they know what it is they are looking at? I have pictures and video, but I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody. I want to move forward with what I'm doing, and do something constructive. Trying to tear something down, be it real or not, is not going to accomplish anything. Moreover, I am the son of a Mule Skinner, so there!
Well, while it probably is quite true that many of us on this forum may be experts concerning the subject of "gas bags," I still think the simple Mylar balloon explanation fits best.

Until you know better stay with that thought.
Believe me, what you don't know will get you a good nights sleep.
Sweet dreams my friend.
"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."​
Bruce Lee​
Here is the thing. The objects in the video in the first post of this thread display the characteristics of balloons in flight or in a couple of instances reflections. A video with the "tether incident" has also been posted to the thread which has been proven to be camera artifacts.

Baring new evidence related to these videos I have to say that there is nothing in these images that would cause me to think they were anything extraordinary about them. Certainly there is nothing that I can see that would make me think they are living creatures of some kind. Does someone have a time stamp where the evidence for these objects being living creatures is in those videos?

Posey, your experiences, whatever their source, were undoubtedly traumatic. However, you have made numerous appeals for us to believe your unsupported claims and conclusions about paranormal events and creatures you claimed to have encountered using easily debunked photographs, videos and as collaborating evidence, known frauds and hoaxes. What are we to think? Should we just accept your word and ignore those facts?
I will expound on the subject. Conducting UFO research is not the purpose of this forum. Like I stated, most people don't have the proper equipment to shoot videos of UFOs. Even with the right equipment you can't go off half-cocked and get good results. You have to know what you are doing. Many people look at low resolution poor quality videos, and are quick to say it is this or it is that; in many instances it is uncertain. No amount of pictures or videos will prove anything to anybody. If a person has never seen a real anomalous aerial object first hand, how would they know what it is they are looking at? I have pictures and video, but I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody. I want to move forward with what I'm doing, and do something constructive. Trying to tear something down, be it real or not, is not going to accomplish anything. Moreover, I am the son of a Mule Skinner, so there!
Until you know better stay with that thought.
Believe me, what you don't know will get you a good nights sleep.
Sweet dreams my friend.
"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."​
Bruce Lee​

It was a joke guys!!! You know, forum "experts," "gas bags," Get it???? Apparently not. Geez, lighten up a little!!!!
Here is the thing. The objects in the video in the first post of this thread display the characteristics of balloons in flight or in a couple of instances reflections. A video with the "tether incident" has also been posted to the thread which has been proven to be camera artifacts.

Baring new evidence related to these videos I have to say that there is nothing in these images that would cause me to think they were anything extraordinary about them. Certainly there is nothing that I can see that would make me think they are living creatures of some kind. Does someone have a time stamp where the evidence for these objects being living creatures is in those videos?

Posey, your experiences, whatever their source, were undoubtedly traumatic. However, you have made numerous appeals for us to believe your unsupported claims and conclusions about paranormal events and creatures you claimed to have encountered using easily debunked photographs, videos and as collaborating evidence, known frauds and hoaxes. What are we to think? Should we just accept your word and ignore those facts?

As I have said in this forum many times before, I don't post for your belief.
Pro or con they cannot validate or invalidate what I have experienced and know to be true.
All that you can offer here is your opinion, but as you know opinions are like assholes everyone has one, and for the most part they are all full of shit.
Me not being a proctologist I have no interest in your opinions.
It's your experiences I am interested in.
Thanks for sharing.

"Look at the moon not at the finger that points to the moon."
Bruce Lee
I will expound on the subject. Conducting UFO research is not the purpose of this forum. Like I stated, most people don't have the proper equipment to shoot videos of UFOs. Even with the right equipment you can't go off half-cocked and get good results. You have to know what you are doing. Many people look at low resolution poor quality videos, and are quick to say it is this or it is that; in many instances it is uncertain. No amount of pictures or videos will prove anything to anybody. If a person has never seen a real anomalous aerial object first hand, how would they know what it is they are looking at? I have pictures and video, but I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody. I want to move forward with what I'm doing, and do something constructive. Trying to tear something down, be it real or not, is not going to accomplish anything. Moreover, I am the son of a Mule Skinner, so there!

Well said.
It was a joke guys!!! You know, forum "experts," "gas bags," Get it???? Apparently not. Geez, lighten up a little!!!!
Well, this subject can get on your nerves. It's not like taking pictures of dolphins. I'm just frustrated to the max because I'm trying to get funding, and there is a good chance that will happen, but I have to wait until they let me know. In the meantime I will have to use the consumer grade video recorder I have.
Well, this subject can get on your nerves. It's not like taking pictures of dolphins. I'm just frustrated to the max because I'm trying to get funding, and there is a good chance that will happen, but I have to wait until they let me know. In the meantime I will have to use the consumer grade video recorder I have.

Mine is so old they don't make batteries for it any more.:(