I truly am concerned about the fact Lazar schooling and educational background, couldn't be substantiated. To this alone would be enough to discredit Lazar claims, and for some people in the UFO field, it was enough. But there is more to Lazar, than meets the eye. He is still somewhat a mystery to me still to this day. Here is my take on his unique story.
*Lazar, and his alleged educational background*
Stanton Friedman has debunked Lazar, as he could not find any record of him at MIT or CalTech.. No diploma, no photo of Lazar in any of the yearbooks, no memberships in professional organizations, no papers .. " Get the picture?
We do know George Knapp has contacted the very same Schools, that Lazar claimed he attended, and all said, they never heard of him? Lazar credibility straightaway has and had to be called into question, as his claims here are not panning out for him here!!
*Lazar alleged he once worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)*
Stanton version of why Lazar was in the photobook of LANL. The phonebook included Employees of "DOE" and an outside Contractor, "Kirk Meyer" and K/M followed Lazar name in the phonebook. This proved Lazar worked for Kirk Meyer not LANL!!
I Stanton Checked this out/ probably by phone call or email, but he does not confirm how he contacted the personal department at LANL to get this information.
But Stanton has in my opinion left out some crucial elements in his debunking of Lazar, having worked for LANL.
1* Los Alamos National Laboratory, as it now turns out had been economical with the truth when first contacted by UFO researchers enquring about Lazar have worked at LANL
/Quote"We've no record of anyone called Robert Lazar on file.
George knapp "Due diligence" however later determined that to be a false record. As his name was found in the 1982 phonebook of LANL.
If he worked for "Kirk Meyer" not LANL. He still would require a certain level of education, above standard to have worked at Kirk Meyer. So Bob must have attended an above standard College or University somewhere in the United States? Lazar would have to have some job references before being employed, meaning he has work experience. As well as an educational background, before ever being hired by the management staff of Kirk Meyer.
His employers contracted him to LANL, as they'd believed, Bob had the ability to keep up with the work going on out there. So this is my opinion would be a testament to his ability and work ethic. It does not matter, if you don't believe or trust Lazar about his UFO claims. We do know. He has worked on site at Los Alamos Laboratory, as nobody in UFO research or elsewhere, has denied he hasn't!!..
2* Lazar claimed he met DR Edward Teller Hungarian born- American theorectical Physicist at lecture of his, held at Los Alamos Laboratory.
Bob had been in some local Paper/frontpage having build a "JET CAR" and this all happened before he made any of his bizarre UFO claims. The paper also claimed he was working out a LANL.
Allegedly according to Bob/ Dr Teller was reading his story from the paper that printed it. Bob* I saw him reading my story outside he was sitting on a wall"
'I decided to have chat, and he responded in kind back to me. Tha chat happened June 28TH 1982 .
Years later Bob sent Mr Teller his CV as he was looking for a new job. Mr Teller allegedly recommended Lazar for work at AREA51.He was vetted by acompany called EG&G first, then EG&G sent him to S4-Area51 for six months..
It will be impossible for anyone to confirm he had meeting wth DR Teller for sure at Los Alamos, or that he recommended Bob for Work at AREA51. But we do have a fascinating, but rare video of Mr Teller been asked these very questions. Dr Teller responded in afashion that I personally wouldn't have expected, if Bob was a telling lies about him.
The transcript of the video the reporter asking DR Teller/ do you know Bob Lazar?..
DR TELLER* Look in my opinion is not interesting. I don't intend to answer it!! If you ask me that Question(do I know Bob Lazar) again on "Camera" I will shout up, and sit silently. Your not going to get an answer from me on that.
The video is prove Dr Teller does not know Lazar in some capacity. I don't know why he is denying knowing him? I don't care about what Dr Teller does know, and doesn't know about spacecraft at S4. But his silence and anger is very telling, he does know Lazar the signs are obvious to even a small child.
There is only so much you can post in one post. But there is other puzzling items like the alleged "Payslip" Bob got from the Department of Naval Intelligence. People have commented on the very low pay showing. For 1989 not sure/ how bad '958 dollars' would be for an average employee in the United States 22 years ago?...
He wasn't a big time scientist media personality or anything like that. I don't think, he was getting 958 dollars a week for fixing a light, or been the janitor at Area51. It only one "Payslip" so it wil be hard to judge his actual earnings over that year, but the payslip would fit the timeline for when Dr Teller allegedly recommended Bob for a Job at AREA51, that would have been late Nov 1988...
Plus Knapp found out from other people who'd worked at Area51. Bob had worked at Area51 for a time. Plus the video of the UFO allegedly seen at Area51. Were Bob said there would a test flight of one of the UFOs, at a certain time and on certain day. It happened as he said it would. So that if true suggests he knows more then what the average worker at Area51does!!
All this in combination with other stuff does make this case interesting for me personally. Lazar could be full of it. But usually a person, that is full of it, never has anything worthwhile to show us, to back up their outrageous claims!!!..
I do wonder, if Bob is part of some intelligence apparatus to confuse the American people, and their enemies abroad? The project that was a secret in 1988/ was the F117 stealth fighter, not sure, if that was secret enough to bring him in to spread UFO disinformation. I simply don't believe Lazar made it all up he is a complete fraud, but just can't believe his story about UFOs and Aliens at Area51-S4 too either.. I might giving this case too much credit, but this case plays out like UFO disinformation to me in so many ways.