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Can Anyone Explain The Purpose For These "Camps"?

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The concentration camps throughout America are many, and thousands of boxcars with shackles are possibly waiting to transport countless souls to these camps to be persecuted and terminated for their faith and resistance to Satan's agenda for this nation.

FEMA officials have already boasted openly to various Pastors that, when martial law is declared in America, they are going to seize their belief organizations (all quite "legally") and turn them into command posts for their bases of operation! The foreign troops (Russian, German, Chinese and others) trained to arrest you (even at many of our own military bases such as Fort Polk, LA) and transport you to these detention camps number well over 2,000,000.

German Bundeswehr/Luftwaffe (Army/Air Force) soldiers are present in America and Canada by the thousands and are stationed in over one hundred bases and facilities, and have boasted openly, both in Germany and America, that they are in America for the hour of martial law. They have admitted to some that they will NOT have a problem performing what they have been sent to do: arresting and firing upon American citizens!

And to add to this, AWACS from Germany are now present in America, to patrol our airspace in anticipation of widespread uprising under coming martial law. The military has admitted that they will deploy chem-bio weapons to help weaken the resolve of the American Patriot to resist the UN/NATO New World Order takeover of our nation. CIA insiders have admitted that many of these detention camps are also termination camps, and the Church in America is one of the major targets of removal and elimination under martial law.
It is not inconceivable that, in the future, you will see uncompromised followers of Christ arrested, transported to boxcars filled with shackles, to be transported to one of the many documented gassing/crematory facilities to be persecuted and slain for their unwavering confession of their faith and refusal to compromise their beliefs in God. It is also conceivable that you will witness them being dragged out and tortured for the mass public executions anticipated of those deemed "resisters of the New World Order."

And if you deem yourself to be a committed believer in Christ, Constitutionalist, Patriot, etc. it is truly possible to find yourself among them. There may soon be coming an hour in which the blood of the martyrs of Jesus Christ will flow in the streets and detention camps of America.

There may soon be coming a time in which the skies above designated detention/ termination camps will be blackened with the smoke of cremated bodies of those end-time saints who will refuse to bow the knee to Satan and his New World Order, who will remain faithful unto God and Jesus Christ even unto death. And that such smoke will arise as sweet incense into the nostrils of the Lord of Sabaoth, as a true testimony of those who gave their lives for God and the testimony of Jesus Christ and "loved not their lives even unto the death." And it is not inconceivable that you may be among them!
When you think about it....is there no better way even to this day than to transport mass amounts of people from one place to another by the use of boxcars and trains? Creepy.

The same tools the Nazis used back in the day are still the most efficient form of transportation for mass amounts of people.
MagentaCandle said:
Remember: your liberties that come from believening Christ did NOT originate nor come from the US government! They come from Almighty God. It is God Himself that has given you this marvelous liberty through faith in Jesus Christ. The state did not give it to you, and the state cannot take it away. Now, we know it is a spiritual liberty, that we have been set free from the power of rebellion through faith in Jesus Christ. But what we experience in the spiritual must also be manifested into the physical realm as well, for it to be true liberty in the fullest sense.


MagentaCandle said:
People in America, will you not realistically prepare your hearts for the coming hour of the cup of testing, persecution and martyrdom that all of Christ's follwers in America may end up drinking of for prophecy to be fulfilled?

No thanks, I'm not thirsty right now.

MagentaCandle said:
The concentration camps throughout America are many...

Show us one.

MagentaCandle said:
FEMA officials have already boasted openly to various Pastors that, when martial law is declared in America, they are going to seize their belief organizations (all quite "legally") and turn them into command posts for their bases of operation!

Uh huh.

MagentaCandle said:
The foreign troops (Russian, German, Chinese and others) trained to arrest you (even at many of our own military bases such as Fort Polk, LA) and transport you to these detention camps number well over 2,000,000.

2,000,000? To arrest me? Yep, that sounds about right.

MagentaCandle said:
And to add to this, AWACS from Germany are now present in America, to patrol our airspace in anticipation of widespread uprising under coming martial law.

Yep, yep, because nothing is more useful during a civilian uprising than an AWACS. Need lots of AWACS. From Germany.

MagentaCandle said:
It is not inconceivable that, in the future, you will see uncompromised followers of Christ arrested, transported to boxcars filled with shackles, to be transported to one of the many documented gassing/crematory facilities...

Document one please?

MagentaCandle said:
There may soon be coming a time in which the skies above designated detention/ termination camps will be blackened with the smoke of cremated bodies of those end-time saints who will refuse to bow the knee to Satan and his New World Order, who will remain faithful unto God and Jesus Christ even unto death. And that such smoke will arise as sweet incense into the nostrils of the Lord of Sabaoth, as a true testimony of those who gave their lives for God and the testimony of Jesus Christ and "loved not their lives even unto the death." And it is not inconceivable that you may be among them!

"Nostrils of the Lord?"

MagentaCandle said:
When you think about it....is there no better way even to this day than to transport mass amounts of people from one place to another by the use of boxcars and trains? Creepy.


MagentaCandle said:
The same tools the Nazis used back in the day are still the most efficient form of transportation for mass amounts of people.

Funny, as I was reading your last few posts I was thinking about tools.
Seems obvious to me that all true patriots and Christians should immediately flee to Canada. If God has given this prophetic vision of what is going to happen to Christians in this country, you'd think they'd pack up the SUV or motorhome and head for Ontario. Pat Robertson should be leading the caravan.
Fastwalker said:
Seems obvious to me that all true patriots and Christians should immediately flee to Canada. If God has given this prophetic vision of what is going to happen to Christians in this country, you'd think they'd pack up the SUV or motorhome and head for Ontario. Pat Robertson should be leading the caravan.

That would kill my desire to move to Canada. Tell them to go someone else. Thanks.
i wonder....... the clues are there

magentacandle red candle coloured candles are used in occult practises

seems to take a perverted delight in telling the "good christians" they are going to get taken away and killed.

i reckon its a real satanist getting cheap thrills, by trying to put the wind up the god botherers....
Paranormal Packrat said:
Fastwalker said:
Seems obvious to me that all true patriots and Christians should immediately flee to Canada. If God has given this prophetic vision of what is going to happen to Christians in this country, you'd think they'd pack up the SUV or motorhome and head for Ontario. Pat Robertson should be leading the caravan.

That would kill my desire to move to Canada. Tell them to go someone else. Thanks.

How about the Australian outback. A shame to waste all that empty space.

How about it Mike? Pleeeeese take them!

Aussi, aussi, aussi! Oy, oy, oy!
mike said:
i wonder....... the clues are there

magentacandle red candle coloured candles are used in occult practises

seems to take a perverted delight in telling the "good christians" they are going to get taken away and killed.

i reckon its a real satanist getting cheap thrills, by trying to put the wind up the god botherers....

Mike, I am assuming your post above was serious. I can only tell you emphatically that I believe Magentacandle (or whatever) is 100% serious. Here in the USA this belief system of the impending End Times and persecution of Christians (which MUST occur via Revelations) is very big. Drop over to Coast to Coast - they actually had a Bible thumping minister as the guest the other night named Irwin Baxter, who for 20+ years has been making a living telling everyone that the sky is about to fall. There's a big market here for such beliefs. I don't claim to understand the psychological payoff, unless the people who subscribe to this are basically very unhappy and just want everything to come to an end, with THEM as the glorious victims. They may have accomplished nothing in this material world (which is fine with me) but they feel bad about it, and cherish the idea of being top dogs when the "revolution" via Jesus Christ comes. In their belief system, suffering for Jesus equates to brownie points. They prove their love and faith via suffering and sacrifice (a very Catholic theme - trust me on that one!). Remember the old movies with Christians proudly walking out into the Roman Coleseum to be eaten by lions? God loves that sort of thing.

The USA is a very very very wacky place from a religious viewpoint. Perhaps an outsider, like an Australian journalist, needs to check it out. There are secret compounds for the Elect, the Remnant, the Saved, the Pure, the Goofy all around the country. Texas seems to be a favorite spot though. Believe me, what Magenta is spouting is basic Christian belief in the USA for fundamentalists. Shocking but quite true. And they attack more mainline churches that instead speak of the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, since they don't want to hear all that wimpy crap! They want revenge, destruction of the world, to get their persecution going and over with, then their mansion in heaven. And they want it NOW, damn it! ::)
what can i say, you guys do get more than your fair share of the crazy stuff, youd have thought "bible the sequel" as discovered by J smith would have held you over for a thousand years.

then theres this

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/gZk265xF9Iw&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/gZk265xF9Iw&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

as for shipping them to Australia, thanks alot we are busy trying to send the ones we do have back lol

Superstition has to be one of the funniest things about us.
you have to laugh or it will make you cry
Magenta Candle hasn't posted in awhile. Maybe he/she took my advice and fled the country before the anti-christ sends a black semi-truck (with a crematorium in the back) to pick her up and take her to a Christian concentration camp. Meanwhile, back on planet Earth....