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Carol Rainey (Mrs. Budd Hopkins)

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May we see the 3 hour uncut video?

That's within Linda's discretion, not mine.

There are numerous excerpts of it through out Linda's website. Each of the excerpts are single pieces of film, not numerous clips edited together.
They are presented where necessary in order to prove certain points in the papers I've written.


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My history with the ufo phenomenon goes back to the 1950's. I was there - meaning as a reader of all the old books (that continue to be referenced) in present time as they came out (and very pulpy they were, too) - and as someone who read the newspaper articles, like about Betty and Barney Hill, since it happened in the general area where I lived. I am well-acquainted with Donald Keyhoe - I read his work as a young person. I am generally acquainted with most of the high-profile cases. I am well aware of how sensational all this was back then and how thin a soup it was, too - and how crazy people went with it. It really was unhinging people. I am equally aware of how that surprisingly thin soup is being stewed to make a broth with questionable ingredients. Roswell comes to mind - I was actually in the area, as it happens, when someone in Roswell came up with the bright idea in the 1990's to mount the museum to jump-start a stagnant local economy.

I'm a Fortean from way-back, but life does move on. Hopefully we do learn something from our youthful meanderings.

It oft-times feels like Constance requires a resume of 'proof' that one is 'credentialed' to talk about this stuff. It's interesting that you as well are going down that road - or maybe you have always been on that road. This suggests that there is a 'canon' that one must be steeped in - that comes perilously close to being a doctrinal test. Just saying what this could look like, or be experienced like.

Why 'LOL'? What is it that serious questions must be greeted with 'LOL'? Why must one's background be scoured as though there is a 'ticket' for legitimate entry to the discussion? It's a strange world the UFO world has turned into - almost like a religion, with gatekeepers keeping track of language (I recall the UFO versus UAP discussions). Books read. Hmmm.

Are you really suggesting that I need to be a true-believer to be present on this forum? Or this thread? I'm sure you're not.

Look at this video - and see how weak the 'science' is of those making the speculations. What appears in the video is being interpreted in a very narrow way with no logical reason to be going down that path. 'Vortex'? 'Popping into view' near the moon? Sensational statements like this obscure rather than enlighten - and lead the scientifically ill-informed down dubious pathways. If you look at the comments words like 'portal' and 'wormhole' are getting used. Do the users of those words understand the history of such words? Probably not. Do they understand they are playing with unrealities? Not likely.

After the video, I supply another explanation -

Invisible (UFO) Vortex Filmed In Full Spectrum
TEXT: "Published on Apr 28, 2015: This clip shows what looks like a vortex popping into view near the moon. It was filmed with two cameras and is not visible in the visible light spectrum. An auto lighting technique was used with a full spectrum camera to capture this footage."

He says he was viewing "not in the visible spectrum", in infa-red and ultraviolet. A physicist's wild guess: Some type of ionizing cosmic ray impacting the ionosphere, briefly creating a mini-aurora at the impact site, with the assumption that the light emission from an aurora can be anywhere on the EM spectrum, and shouldn't be limited to visible light.

Which 'answer' do you find more stimulating? The sensational suggestion of a vortex 'popping open' near the moon - with the science fiction baggage that the word 'vortex' drags along with it? Or the science-informed suggestion? I find the latter more stimulating. I want to know how the universe works. Part of knowing that, though, is understanding people and how they think.

Anyway, a healthy question and answer seems a reasonable expectation on the forum. I will continue to hope.
Seriously Tyger, the LOL was in reference to your "boredom" on the topic. The "have you read some books" was in reference to whether you understood why I would see the topic as serious vs. mythology or any other reference one might give this subject that doesn't find it credible. Blog wherever you like, enjoy yourself and speak freely. I think I'll take a break now. Enjoy.
Reading the material at this link you provided above

Five Rebuttals to George Hansen Contained in the Journal of Parapsychology - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

I was impressed by the involvement of major parapsychology researchers evaluating aspects of the Cortile case for the Journal of Parapsychology, especially Gertrude Schmeidler and Edward Kelly. The pdf you also linked concerning Schmeidler's extensive contributions to psi and pk investigations is linked again here for anyone interested in pursuing her research:

Gertrude Schmeidler: http://www.lindacortilecase.com/uploads/2/9/1/0/2910920/gs.pdf

Your own work in summarizing analyses of the Cortile case by major researchers in parapsychology has been incredibly thorough and informative, in fact exemplary. Everyone interested in the paranormal should read all of it, and I'm going to obtain copies of the journal publications you summarize. I just want to express my personal gratitude for all your efforts.
Reading the material at this link you provided above

Five Rebuttals to George Hansen Contained in the Journal of Parapsychology - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

I was impressed by the involvement of major parapsychology researchers evaluating aspects of the Cortile case for the Journal of Parapsychology, especially Gertrude Schmeidler and Edward Kelly. The pdf you also linked concerning Schmeidler's extensive contributions to psi and pk investigations is linked again here for anyone interested in pursuing this research:

Gertrude Schmeidler: http://www.lindacortilecase.com/uploads/2/9/1/0/2910920/gs.pdf

Your own work in bringing together analyses of the Cortile case by major researchers in parapsychology has been incredibly thorough and informative, in fact exemplary. Everyone interested in the paranormal should read all of it, and I'm going to obtain copies of the journal publications you summarize. I just want to express my personal gratitude for all your efforts.

Thank you very much Constance. I appreciate your kind support greatly.

I hope you find the material of interest. I update Linda's website with new data and documentation whenever possible.

In regards to the five rebuttals contained in the Journal of Parapsychology, they were regarding Hansen's critiquing
efforts of a Parapsychology case. What the five rebuttals show is his modus operandi of clumsily attacking cases on
unfounded claims and false data. The five rebuttals put into perspective what Hansen does and how he does it.

Many Thanks


Sean F. Meers
Seriously Tyger, the LOL was in reference to your "boredom" on the topic. The "have you read some books" was in reference to whether you understood why I would see the topic as serious vs. mythology or any other reference one might give this subject that doesn't find it credible. Blog wherever you like, enjoy yourself and speak freely. I think I'll take a break now. Enjoy.
My feeling is that the 'story' spun around abductions is boring (as in lacking in dynamic real-life cause-and-effect), and often simple-minded. That last is harsh, I know, but a really good science fiction writer can come up with far more intriguing and well-put-together story lines than some of these abduction stories (which come across as thinly veiled stories of self, or outright fantasy daydreams).

As for the 'have you read some books' it is clear you have particular books in mind. I don't know what books those might be that would lead someone to seriously consider 'suppression' as a viable reason why the Cortile witnesses would be afraid. I still don't have an answer to that question - and that answer is pivotal as the reasoning is that we don't have more witnesses coming forward because they are afraid.
. . .
In regards to the five rebuttals contained in the Journal of Parapsychology, they were regarding Hansen's critiquing
efforts of a Parapsychology case. What the five rebuttals show is his modus operandi of clumsily attacking cases on
unfounded claims and false data. The five rebuttals put into perspective what Hansen does and how he does it.

Thanks for the clarification. Do you know whether any of those articles are accessible online? If not, I can obtain them easily enough.
In this snippet, the handwriting analysis is looked at - but for me what is a stand-out (since I teach art - among other things) are the similarities between the art (crayon) renderings of the incident - right down to the size of the paper - between two witnesses. This alone casts enormous doubt on the existence of the witnesses. (Add to that the fact that few people 'sketch' with crayon. Few people have access to crayon.)

No matter how I look at this 'incident' - it is a house-of-cards. The problems with 'the case' are glaring imo.

A Key Witness in the Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case rev 022214

TEXT: "Published on Feb 22, 2014: Newly revised, "A Key Witness" is an excerpt from a documentary in progress,"Priests of High Strangeness." It is filmmaker Carol Rainey's uniquely personal journey into the heart of a human enigma—the UFO abduction phenomenon. Shot over ten years of marriage to a leading UFO investigator, Rainey's film is a detective story and a story of love that goes awry during the couple's pursuit of answers to an otherworldly mystery."
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1996 Budd Hopkins Hears of New Danger from Linda Cortile rev 022214
TEXT: "Published on Feb 22, 2014: Newly revised, this is excerpt #2 from the rough cut of "Priests of High Strangeness: Co-Creation of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon." Producer/Director: Carol Rainey. The series of excerpts focuses on the controversial research techniques used by some well-known alien abduction investigators. Their subjects certainly are having inexplicable and baffling experiences and the researchers do offer the therapeutic, healing benefits that come from any empathetic, willing listener.

"But what have we actually learned about the phenomenon? The how, the why, the who, the where, and when? Coming out of the humanities and arts, the few researchers making the most lurid claims are simply extrapolating far beyond what their actual data or evidence can support. The tools used--primarily hypnotic memory retrieval--are also so unreliable that the testimony based on hypnosis is not allowed in the U.S. courts. Linda Cortile, main subject of the book "Witnessed," has stated on several occasions that 80-85% of her memories of alien abduction were retrieved during hypnosis sessions. Her interactions with investigator Budd Hopkins are at the heart of this 18 minute segment."
1996 Symbols Revealed as Evidence of Alien Abduction rev 022014
TEXT: "Published on Feb 21, 2014: A newly revised excerpt from director Carol Rainey's documentary "Priests of High Strangeness: Co-Creation of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon." On 2/21/14. This segment shows Budd Hopkins revealing strikingly similar symbols that numerous abductees have reported seeing aboard alien spacecraft. Rainey looks at whether faulty research methods may have invalidated the use of these abductee drawings as evidence for the phenomenon."

This is Carol Rainey's response to a poster of the above video -
"Adam, No need to feel sorry for me. I observed abduction research up close and personal for 10 years; so I have certainly “looked into it.” But I came from a background of working with research scientists, which Budd did not. I found that most methods used by UFO researchers to be not only lacking in protocols, but also often lacking in ethics.

"You are simply incorrect to assume that I find individuals’ anomalous experiences to be invalid. That is not at all what I believe, nor is that what this excerpt from a longer documentary is saying. In the longer film, which is coming when funding is secured and a book completed, you will see that I also believe Budd was a good-hearted person who intended to help people marginalized by their experiences. I am simply, in this excerpt, using this one example of abduction research to illustrate the problems that continue to plague a field that cannot discipline itself or hold its researchers to any protocols that would be acceptable by mainstream scientists.

"Yes, experience is a valid way of knowing. John Mack was a dearly beloved friend of mine, with whom I discussed such issues for years. You, however, are denying the validity of my experiences as an insider in this field for ten years. That’s quite ironic, don’t you think
When a Poster States: "Alien Anductions are real, you are a miserable hypocrite."
Rainey's response: "I did not say they were not real. Before resorting to childish name calling, please review what I actually said. You have developed major assumptions about a longer film you have not seen and you seem to have invented, whole cloth, a picture of me which is not justified by the actual video or my words. So your motive is unclear; the thinking process even less clear."

Another Poster States: "It amazed me when I posted these series of videos in a number of groups on facebook. I was attacked and in many of the groups the videos were taken down. It was then I began to understand how Many, many, many people in the UFO community are so committed to ufolore that anyone like Carol who shines a light on what actually goes on behind the scenes; they just can't handle it. And of course Budd; The darling, the Prince of ufology, how dare you question his methods. hmm I despair. Carol thanks for your work, its refreshing to see that there are people who are ready to cast a critical eye on the methods employed by researchers within this field. We all know that abduction is a real phenomenon, what we don't know is that many researchers knowingly or not will go to lengths to support this reality using questionable methods which ultimately brings ufology into disrepute. I am very suspect of most so-called researchers and self-styled UFO experts. The lies, the mud slinging, the claims and of course the book sales. I despair! It is no wonder ufology has made no in roads into the mainstream today. It is no wonder Ufology hasn't gotten its act together over the years."
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I see a very different Budd Hopkins in this video - where he does a hard-hitting interview with Lt Col Corso - than what I saw of Budd Hopkins with Linda Cortile in the foregoing videos. Puzzling.

Budd Hopkins & Lt Col Corso at San Marino, 1998 v3

TEXT: "Published on Feb 4, 2014: Two controversial UFO researchers, Budd Hopkins and Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso (Ret) tangle at the 1998 San Marino conference. Hopkins is looking for proof of the startling claims made in 'The Day After Roswell,' a new book that Corso co-authored with William Birnes. It arguably has as many skeptics and critics as does Hopkins' own recent book, 'Witnessed,' an account of the Linda Cortile abduction case."
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Anyway, I'm with Leslie Kean on this - we don't know what is afoot, though the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) is a reasonable one, we do not know what the mystery cases really are. I agree. Given the distances within the universe, I want to see their (ET's) propulsion system. ;) I suspect so would the military.

But all that said does not then mean one should drop all careful reasoning and normal rules of evidence. The Cortile Case is an example - and here I agree with Carol Rainey (from what I have seen) - of how 'caught up' someone (like Budd Hopkins) can get in something they want to be true, and lose all perspective. Carol Rainey is making excellent points, hard as they may be to hear.

All that said, I say no more.
Now I'm just having to repeat myself at this point.

The existence of the witnesses, apart from Dan, is well established. Their identities have been established and they have been met by other
researchers and case witnesses. The lazy, ignorant argument that they are concoctions of someone's mind is false.

The argument that Budd Hopkins was credulous in his investigation of the case is also false. As I pointed out earlier I documented seventeen
reality tests that he performed throughout his investigation.

(Page 99 - 122 of "Critique Rejected" by Sean F. Meers).

What is proved by the reality tests is that Hopkins was not taking anything on faith alone and was actively seeking independent verification for
the claims made in Linda's case.

In addition to this there were at least six separate instances during Linda’s September 21, 1991 hypnosis session conducted by Budd Hopkins in
which Hopkins tested her suggestibility. There were at least four separate instances during Linda’s November 25, 1991 pre-hypnosis interview
in which Hopkins tested her suggestibility. There were at least seven separate instances during Linda’s November 25, 1991 hypnosis session
conducted by Budd Hopkins in which he tested her suggestibility. Linda did not take up any of his suggestions in any of these instances, nor did
Linda alter her account to fit them. All up seventeen documented tests of Linda's suggestibility by Budd Hopkins, none of which she failed.

(Page 31 - 39 of "Inaccuracies from Eve Lorgen's Chapter on the Linda Cortile Case" by Sean F. Meers).

What this boils down to is that Hopkins sought independent verification whenever it was possible and that Linda was not in the slightest way
able to be led under hypnosis.

Carol Rainey purported Roger Rubin to be a forensic document examiner. He is not, Rubin is a Graphologist, which is a pseudoscience.
He was not qualified to perform a forensic document examination.

Carol Rainey is not an objective researcher of Budd Hopkins or the Cortile case. Her bias, lies and viciousness towards Hopkins, Cortile and myself
are well documented. If you'd bother to read the rebuttals you would become familiar with more of her lies about the case. If you wish evidence
of this, and evidence on the inaccuracies of her video excerpts, I recommend the following.

Case Related Hate Mail - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

Subjective Critics of the Case - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

Inaccuracies from Carol Rainey’s Video “A Key Witness in the Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case” - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

Inaccuracies from Carol Rainey’s Video “Budd Hopkins Hears of New Danger in the Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case” - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

New Lies from Carol Rainey Regarding the Linda Cortile Case - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

Results from a Legitimate Forensic Document Examination - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

If you wish to continue ignoring the information and rebuttals I'm providing, and keep citing the videos so be it. I'm not repeating myself again and
I'm not going to waste time sharing documented facts with those who choose to ignore them.

I do not mind what anyone thinks about the case, that is any individual's prerogative. My only pet peeve in regards to the matter is the deliberate,
willful ignorance of the facts.

If heavily edited video excerpts (comprised of multiple segments of film sewn together) accompanied by unsubstantiated, derogatory claims from a
demonstrably biased source, are what is considered to be compelling evidence by some of these posters, then there is no reason for me to waste my
time on them.



P.S. I also recommend Budd Hopkins' rebuttals to Carol Rainey. Ones which he had to spend precious time crafting in the final months of his life
due to Rainey's vindictive timing.

Deconstructing the Debunkers - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

Comparison of Handwriting and Drawing Samples - The Linda Cortile UFO Abduction Case Website

The second rebuttal includes Hopkins evaluation of the drawings, which he was qualified to do as an abstract artist.
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Sean, you go high-dudgeon pretty quickly. What's that about? As far as I can see there has been nothing but courtesy extended to you on this thread. There have been differences of opinion, and definitely some posters do not accept your analysis. Faced with the latter you actually state: "there is no reason for me to waste my time on them." Hmmm.....your way or the highway? :cool:

You also are adamant that your analysis is pristine, without blemish - and you accuse others of all manner of stuff - like 'hate mail'. What I see is no swear words, some 'colorful' provocative language, yes, but 'hate'? Your 'evidence for being abused by Carol Rainey is also thin imo. You go to a high-pitch rather quickly, as demonstrated here on this thread, so I am inclined to question what all this is about.

As for spouses divorced - and one feeling betrayed and ill-used by the other (I could see Budd Hopkins feeling stung quite deeply) - do you really want to get in between that? Carol will have her issues and Budd will have his. So what she wrote you with intensity - you honestly think that your sharing these e-mails proves anything about Rainey other than that she is a woman with hurt feelings, saying stuff people do in the heat of separation and divorce? Not everyone is a paragon. BTW - Gene made a good point, but in fairness, do we really know if Rainey knew how ill Budd Hopkins was when she published her videos? I don't think we can. She also may have thought that to publish the videos after his death - if she knew he was that ill - was a kind of cowardly thing to do. Just some ideas. In a way there would be no winning in her situation, with the message she felt she needed to bring.

If Cortile can be all traumatized and still give valid information - in your view - then why cannot Carol Rainey - traumatized by her marriage 'whatever' - being 'scorned' - also give good information and analysis? You can't have it be that Cortile can be right-on-the-ball while pretty emotional, and have Carol Rainey be without credence because she's emotional. How does this work?

You state: "unsubstantiated, derogatory claims from a demonstrably biased source, are what is considered to be compelling evidence by some of these posters" - well, I get the point, you don't like Carol Rainey. But if you are disagreed with - if your pov, your analysis, is not accepted, you get pretty flustered. Rainy is stating her points pretty clearly, no matter how emotional you find her in an e-mail exchange. (That exchange says more about you btw than it does her).

Rainey seems to substantiate what she is saying - and what she is basically saying is that investigation protocols were not followed by Budd Hopkins in the Cortile Case. She correctly states her view that Hopkins was 'too caught up' in the case, and she demonstrates why she has this view. She makes a compelling case. She substantiates her claim. Is it derogatory? It's for sure a criticism.

What is the derogatory part? Well, the Budd Hopkins who nailed LT Col Corso in an interview was not the same man being believing and accepting with Cortile - one could see that in the back-and-forth he had with Cortile about the attempted kidnapping of Cortile by someone in a van. Then there's the hypnosis - the whole case is riddled with problems. You state: "The argument that Budd Hopkins was credulous in his investigation of the case is also false." That is your opinion. To which you are entitled. It can be said equally so, based on a fairly lengthy - and painful to watch - video of Hopkins and Cortile talking - that he was credulous. ('Painful' in the sense that Cortile comes across as having issues, and seems to be embroidering her story as she speaks - it is difficult to watch her).

You are simply unable to accept other viewpoints respectfully, as with this: "The lazy, ignorant argument that they are concoctions of someone's mind is false." I guess that puts everyone in their place. :rolleyes:

The only area that is dicey - I will agree - is the claims regarding the financial arrangement. However, Rainey tells a persuasive narrative. It is only her say-so, of course, and she is not providing video of actual documents, just generic screen shots to make her point. However, what she spins makes perfect sense as the details she gives would reasonably be the conditions of such a contract. I would bet that Hopkins - and by extension Cortile - expected a film deal. I am likely one of the few who would not fault them for having that hope. I would also not fault Cortile for wanting a bit of the action - after all, it is her story. (In this I do not require abductees with a rousing good story to somehow have to pass the Snow White Test - never touching 'filthy lucre'. Though in this regard, Cortile should have just written a screenplay and hawked it to the SciFy Channel - could have made a decent bundle that way).

As for Roger Rubin - the forensic document examiner - his response to you was professional, and he gave the caveats that apply for all forensic document examiners. This is not a big deal. The same caveats would apply to the forensic document examiner you used. He was also not using psychological graphology in his analysis - which is the graphology that some consider a 'pseudoscience'. He was using forensic graphology - which he states he was trained in, and is why he identified himself as a forensic document examiner to the camera. You stated: "Carol Rainey purported Roger Rubin to be a forensic document examiner. He is not, Rubin is a Graphologist, which is a pseudoscience. He was not qualified to perform a forensic document examination." You have slurred some facts: Rubin identified himself as a forensic graphologist, and he also indicated in his e-mail to you that he is trained in forensic graphology. In the video, Rubin was doing a forensic analysis of the two handwritings, not a personality analysis.

With the little bit I know about graphology, the kicker was with the capital letter 'H' - and the real kicker was with the number '2'. The fact is that there was too little of the secondary handwriting to make a complete forensic analysis - and your forensic analyst should have told you that. Based on what we see - there are aspects to both examples that are not exact but writing can be influenced by emotions on a given day, year, etc. There is enough similarity - like with the 'H' and the '2' to make the conclusion: 'same person wrote both' - tipping towards certainty - but as Rubin correctly states, there are caveats (both for his forensic analysis, and for your forensic analyst).

You write: "Carol Rainey is not an objective researcher of Budd Hopkins or the Cortile case. Her bias, lies and viciousness towards Hopkins, Cortile and myself are well documented." I am not really interested in this little drama you are stirring - traveling here to smear Rainey. Hopefully she's learned her lesson and no longer talks with you. As I have stated, Rainey can be seeing double when it comes to her ex, but she can still be making a valid critique.

You write: "If you'd bother to read the rebuttals you would become familiar with more of her lies about the case." Here's where I have to deliver some bad news, Sean - your rebuttals are a mixed bag. Also, just because a poster doesn't reference your rebuttals doesn't up-front signify anything but that they don't want to discuss them with you. Assuming someone 'hasn't bothered' is part of your curious righteous stance.

One more bit - Rainey left the drawings with an art appraiser - but even I can see a similarity in technique between the drawings. Very strange to have the same kind of color overlays done by two different people unless they had similar training in how to use crayons 'for effect'. That's possible, of course, but improbable for two random people to have such imo.

You wrote: "If you wish to continue ignoring the information and rebuttals I'm providing, and keep citing the videos so be it. I'm not repeating myself again and I'm not going to waste time sharing documented facts with those who choose to ignore them." Sadly your rebuttals are not always convincing, nor are they without error. I have given a few examples.

You wrote: "I do not mind what anyone thinks about the case, that is any individual's prerogative." That's good to know. :rolleyes:

You wrote: "My only pet peeve in regards to the matter is the deliberate, willful ignorance of the facts." Well, there we are - your facts. the willful, deliberate ignorance of your facts, your spin, your hate. That's what it looks like.

You wrote: "Peace, Sean" If you say so. :rolleyes:

P.S. I also recommend Budd Hopkins' rebuttals to Carol Rainey. Ones which he had to spend precious time crafting in the final months of his life due to Rainey's vindictive timing.

The second rebuttal includes Hopkins evaluation of the drawings, which he was qualified to do as an abstract artist.

There I will not even go, because it should be clear with anyone with a critical eye what is going on. I'd say just let it alone. Remember Budd Hopkins nailing Lt Col Corso in the video Carol Rainey also put up - this is the kind of clarity he was capable of, and that she saw and is honoring in that video, I think. Probably was the man she fell in love with.

Anyway, I make it my business to stay out of couple squabbles. 'Nuf said.
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Sean, you go high-dudgeon pretty quickly. What's that about? As far as I can see there has been nothing but courtesy extended to you on this thread. There have been differences of opinion, and definitely some posters do not accept your analysis. Faced with the latter you actually state: "there is no reason for me to waste my time on them." Hmmm.....your way or the highway? :cool:

You also are adamant that your analysis is pristine, without blemish - and you accuse others of all manner of stuff - like 'hate mail'. What I see is no swear words, some 'colorful' provocative language, yes, but 'hate'? Your 'evidence for being abused by Carol Raimy is also thin imo. You go to a high-pitch rather quickly, as demonstrated here on this thread, so I am inclined to question what all this is about.

As for spouses divorced - and one feeling betrayed and ill-used by the other (I could see Budd Hopkins feeling stung quite deeply) - do you really want to get in between that? Carol will have her issues and Budd will have his. So what she wrote you with intensity - you honestly think that your sharing these e-mails proves anything about Raimy other than that she is a woman with hurt feelings, saying stuff people do in the heat of separation and divorce? Not everyone is a paragon. BTW - Gene made a good point, but in fairness, do we really know if Rainy knew how ill Budd Hopkins was when she published her videos? I don't think we can. She also may have thought to publish the videos after his death - if she knew he was that ill - was a kind of cowardly thing to do. Just some ideas.

If Cortile can be all traumatized and still give valid information - in your view - then why cannot Carol Raimy - traumatized by her marriage 'whatever' - being 'scorned' - also give good information and analysis? You can't have it be that Cortile can be right-on-the-ball while pretty emotional, and have Carol Raimy be without credence because she's emotional. How does this work?

You state: "unsubstantiated, derogatory claims from a demonstrably biased source, are what is considered to be compelling evidence by some of these posters" - well, I get the point, you don't like Carol Raimy. But if you are disagreed with - if your pov, your analysis, is not accepted, you get pretty flustered. Rainy is stating her points pretty clearly, no matter how emotional you find her in an e-mail exchange. (That exchange says more about you btw than it does her).

Rainy seems to substantiate what she is saying - and what she is basically saying is that investigation protocols were not followed by Budd Hopkins in the Cortile Case. She correctly states her view that Hopkins was too 'caught up' in the case, and she demonstrates why she has this view. She makes a compelling case. She substantiates her claim. Is it derogatory? It's for sure a criticism.

What is the derogatory part? Well, the Budd Hopkins who nailed LT Col Corso in an interview was not the same man being believing and accepting with Cortile - one could see that in the back-and-forth he had with Cortile about the attempted kidnapping of Cortile by someone in a van. Then there's the hypnosis - the whole case is riddled with problems. You state: "The argument that Budd Hopkins was credulous in his investigation of the case is also false." That is your opinion. To which you are entitled. It can be said equally so, based on a fairly lengthy - and painful to watch - video of Hopkins and Cortile talking - that he was credulous. ('Painful' in the sense that Cortile comes across as having issues, and seems to be embroidering her story as she speaks - it is difficult to watch her).

You are simply unable to accept other viewpoints respectfully, as with this: "The lazy, ignorant argument that they are concoctions of someone's mind is false." I guess that puts everyone in their place. :rolleyes:

The only area that is dicey - I will agree - is the claims regarding the financial arrangement. However, Rainy tells a persuasive narrative. It is only her say-so, of course, and she is not providing video of actual documents, just generic screen shots to make her point. However, what she spins makes perfect sense as the details she gives would reasonably be the conditions of such a contract. I would bet that Hopkins - and by extension Cortile - expected a film deal. I am likely one of the few who would not fault them for having that hope. I would also not fault Cortile for wanting a bit of the action - after all, it is her story. (In this I do not require abductees with a rousing good story to somehow have to pass the Snow White Test - never touching 'filthy lucre'. Though in this regard, Cortile should have just written a screenplay and hawked it to the SciFy Channel - could have made a decent bundle that way).

As for Roger Rubin - the forensic document examiner - his response to you was professional, and he gave the caveats that apply for all forensic document examiners. This is not a big deal. The same caveats would apply to the forensic document examiner you used. He was also not using psychological graphology in his analysis - which is the graphology that some consider a 'pseudoscience'. He was using forensic graphology - which he states he was trained in, and is why he identified himself as a forensic document examiner to the camera. You stated: "Carol Rainey purported Roger Rubin to be a forensic document examiner. He is not, Rubin is a Graphologist, which is a pseudoscience. He was not qualified to perform a forensic document examination." You have slurred some facts: Rubin identified himself as a forensic graphologist, and he also indicated in his e-mail to you that he is trained in forensic graphology. In the video, Rubin was doing a forensic analysis of the two handwritings, not a personality analysis.

With the little bit I know about graphology, the kicker was with the capital letter 'H' - and the real kicker was with the number '2'. The fact is that there was too little of the secondary handwriting to make a complete forensic analysis - and your forensic analyst should have told you that. Based on what we see - there are aspects to both examples that are not exact but writing can be influenced by emotions on a given day, year, etc. There is enough similarity - like with the 'H' and the '2' to make the conclusion of 'same person wrote both' tipping towards certainty - but as Rubin correctly states, there are caveats (both for his forensic analysis, and for your forensic analyst).

You write: "Carol Rainey is not an objective researcher of Budd Hopkins or the Cortile case. Her bias, lies and viciousness towards Hopkins, Cortile and myself are well documented." I am not really interested in this little drama you are stirring - traveling here to smear Rainy. Hopefully she's learned her lesson and no longer talks with you. As I have stated, Rainy can be seeing double when it comes to her ex, but she can still be making a valid critique.

You write: "If you'd bother to read the rebuttals you would become familiar with more of her lies about the case." Here's where I have to deliver some bad news, Sean - your rebuttals are a mixed bag. Also, just because a poster doesn't reference your rebuttals doesn't up-front signify anything but that they don't want to discuss them with you. Assuming someone 'hasn't bothered' is part of your curious righteous stance.

One more bit - Rainy left the drawings with an art appraiser - but even I can see a similarity in technique between the drawings. Very strange to have the same kind of color overlays done by two different people unless they had similar training in how to use crayons 'for effect'. That's possible, of course, but improbable for two random people to have such imo.

You wrote: "If you wish to continue ignoring the information and rebuttals I'm providing, and keep citing the videos so be it. I'm not repeating myself again and I'm not going to waste time sharing documented facts with those who choose to ignore them." Sadly your rebuttals are not always convincing, nor are they without error. I have given a few example.

You wrote: "I do not mind what anyone thinks about the case, that is any individual's prerogative." that's good to know. :rolleyes:

You wrote: "My only pet peeve in regards to the matter is the deliberate, willful ignorance of the facts." Well, there we are - your facts. the willful, deliberate ignorance of your facts, your spin, your hate. That's what it looks like.

You wrote: "Peace, Sean" If you say so. :rolleyes:

There I will not even go, because it should be clear with anyone with a critical eye what is going on. I'd say just let it alone. Remember Budd Hopkins nailing Lt Col Corso in the video Carol Rainy also put up - this is the kind of clarity he was capable of, and that she saw and is honoring in that video, I think. Probably was the man she fell in love with.

Anyway, I make it my business to stay out of couple squabbles. 'Nuf said.
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