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I think Lance will be back. Matter of fact even though I made an attempt (however crude) at sarcasm I think he would have "Thanked me" for that useful post.Sometime I think folks might benifit from backing away and thinking about things for a minute. I have never understood how anybody who is so sure that all paranormal is bunk could enjoy a paranormal show or board. But, to each his own and I do enjoy honest open minded skeptism. I pratice it. However, I would have zero tolerance and zero interest in joining a board about James Randi or Richard Dawkins. I woulnd't torture myself with their snarky silly and simplistic brand of skeptiscm. Just as I woulnd't subject myself to a silly paranormal board if I was sure it was all junk. But, to each his own and I think this will all work out.
The guest's answer to my question was the most ridiculous I have ever heard as to why there are no good pictures of UFOs in an age when everyone has a camera with them.
Well, I tried to understand Mr. Bennett, but he sounded like Dudley Moore as Arthur if Arthur had a mouthful of bread pudding that he refused to swallow for a couple of hours. What I could understand didn't make too much sense. I think the guy was loaded. I'm pretty sure I heard him say, "I'm going to have another drink." at one point. I think Chris caught that too.
Actually, if you listen to the answer, the full extended answer, I think it makes sense and I think you would agree with him at least in part. He actually alludes to the fact these things exist primarily as our misperception and misconception of something else. His story of the cargo cult and the label on the can was meant to illustrate that our perception most likely is in no way representational of its actual nature. Now, you can go any which way you want with that (everything from mistaken identity to earth lights) but I cannot argue with it as it stands.
I enjoyed the show and the fellow's delivery for the most part.
I'm assuming you've never read a Richard Dawkins book if you say "simplistic brand of skeptiscm." Read his book and get back to me. Although he can be barbed at times, his writing and prose is fantastic. Also, if you have ever used the word "meme," you should thank Dawkins, as he coined it. You may not agree with his conclusions, but he supports them and his supporting arguments are FAR from simplistic.
He said it was lemonade. He was coughing throughout the episode, which I excised; he's publicist said he'd been ill for a while. I wouldn't assume anything else, other than the fact that I couldn't understand much of what he said either.
I'd be happy to see something that I know had not been faked. A "raw" photo or video would go a long way. I just did not like his explanation, in that it has to do with the difficulty of catching something that moves between dimensions.
There is lots of good photos of UFO's showing objects that look like saucers triangles and so on, from the past and present, but Angel would a raw photograph even a video honestly change your mind about the UFO subject. If you claim yes. I have to say I don't believe you!
Well Colin was just giving his opinion, if he said this is the case I have prove of it, then fine rightly i agree question his opinion more. Personally, Maybe I am used to hearing lot of English Accents on TV, but Colin came across alright to me. I found him to be intelligent person and insightful especially half way through the interview, deep thinkers, can and are often misunderstood.
He said it was lemonade. He was coughing throughout the episode, which I excised; he's publicist said he'd been ill for a while. I wouldn't assume anything else, other than the fact that I couldn't understand much of what he said either.
I have said many times that I have no problem saying I'm wrong or being convinced of something if the proof is right. Who are you to tell me what I would say? That's a little unfair. Show me something clear, like an unaltered HD video or a good RAW photo, and I would have no problem saying that it's something special. Blurry pictures and lights in the sky will not cut it though.
he sounded like a likeable grandpa on fermented Lemonade needing a hearing aid
There are indeed photographs of Unidentified Flying Objects.
Project Hessdalen has taken several, some with special cameras rigged for spectrographic analysis.
The Skylab III UFO photo is another one. There are a few others I think are true unknowns as well.
But yes, if UFOs were as prevalent as many speculate or claim, you would think that more photographs of them would be available. However, I think at this point any potential real photos from the man in the street would be indistinguishable from faked ones, making the quest for a genuine UFO photograph an impossible task.
Thanks for those Rick. I know there are things that have been seen that remain unknown. I only have a problem when we jump to conclusions about what they may be.