Angel of Ioren
Friendly Skeptic
I totally agree with you here Angelo.
The fact still remains that there is something I just don't understand about why those who believe they exist as intelligent E.T. backed craft cannot come to grips with, and that is the fact that we are a planet which has been here for billions of years. Taking that into consideration and the fact that UFO's throughout time immemorial on this earth have been supposedly visiting us, and have been painted on walls, in paintings, eye witnessed, etc., that not one photo, alien visitor, or actual event which can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that they in fact exist....has in fact happened.
For this very reason I stay open to the idea that we have no clue as to what they are...I call them demonic....others call them just Unidentified Flying Objects without the Alien hyperbole added in. And those that do would be 100% correct over my theory because I don't have any proof that what is happening is Demonic. Therefore in my statements here and always I imbibe the, "I don't know for sure", or the, "I believe", or the ever loving, "possibility" that they are what I feel they are.
In conclusion to this, to call them "extra-terrestrial" and also "Alien/intelligent" in the same context is an of itself nonsensical for the very reason I cannot call them demonic with any authority other than my faith alone, which isn't verifiable or in any way proof.
So it would be a really nice gesture for all those who BELEIVE that U.F.O.'s are "alien intelligent" driven to please allow for the "I Believe", or, "I don't know for sure", or the ever loving, "Possibility" when they are commenting here or anywhere as well. In that way we can all agree to disagree without stepping on each others feet, getting angry, and then having me say stupid name callings such as "Alien Wannabe's", and "Marvin the Martians", etc. It gets us nowhere to do this and I don't believe that Gene developed all of this here to fight. I believe he did so for everyone contributing and just viewing or listening to come together and learn and be entertained by a subject we are all very interested in.
Ohhh and before I forget...This is the new me so just get used to it!
I'm of the opinion that they are most likely mis-identified known "things" such as weather, airplanes, military crafts, celestial bodies, etc...