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Colin Bennett - June 12, 2011

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I didn't listen to this interview as of yet. But, from what I've heard both pro and con this man seems to be interesting.


Please listen to the radio broadcast and then tell me if you don't think this guy is so far out there, that looney tunes is the only way one can honestly rate his entire production. It wasn't his "beliefs" that I was commenting on, but instead his format, style, and overall knowledge of both E.T.'s, the paranormal, and so many other topics, I find it hard to actually stop from laughing as I write this.

I in no way am arguing that some of what he said might have had a little bit of relevancy, but all together and in the context of the entire production, Porky Pig above says it best.
Well, I guess I'm gonna have to try and find some time this week or at least this coming weekend to listen. Then I'll get back to you. :cool:
It is hard to listen to so far. Sounds like Gene had a full time job keeping him on topic. At least during this first part.
It is hard to listen to so far. Sounds like Gene had a full time job keeping him on topic. At least during this first part.

I had actually thought about splicing out Bennet and inserting interview ozzie osbourne to see if anyone would notice:
