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Command Sergeant Major James Norton Claims PROOF of UFOs!

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
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[Here we go again! Another claim of found crashed UFO metal. How much do you want to bet that nothing ever comes from this story? --Chris]

Command Sergeant Major James Norton Claims PROOF of UFOs!
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager


John Vasquez, author of ‘Incident at Fort Benning’ contacted me and told me he has a reliable source of the incident at Fort Benning, Georgia. That reliable source is Command Sergeant Major James Norton, who is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama.

James Norton was a buck sergeant (E-5) at the time when he witnessed an eerie encounter with UFOs and the military on September 14, 1977. He was sent to the range a little before midnight along with 12 to 1300 troops to perform live fire with their new weapons systems called JAWS (Joint Attack Weapons System). The Secretary of the Army at the time was actually at the range.

He remembers when they started the live fire and all of a sudden there were orbs in the night sky. The next thing he saw was lasers crisscrossing through the sky. The command of ‘cease fire’ was heard, because there was something down range. Military helicopters appeared out of nowhere. Explosions were heard. Orbs in the night sky were changing a variety of different colors. A triangle shaped UFO showed up. The soldiers around Norton were in shock.

After the incident many soldiers became ill. Every soldier was briefed that if they were to disclose any information from this night, they would be court martialed and sent to Leavenworth. When Norton obtained his medical records it disclosed that his illness was of unknown origin, his temperature was 104, he was placed in a steel tub for 2 days in ice water, to bring his temperature down.

He had a memory lapse or as we know it in UFO lore, it is also callled missing time. He could not remember how he was on the range and later found himself in the woods. There was a lot of time disorientation. During a hypnosis session, he learned he was abducted and taken aboard a craft. Medical experiments were conducted and samples were taken from his body.

After the incident two jets came in what were white washed, no numbers were on the jets. The jets were there to collect UFO crash site debris. This is the important part to read from this article:

Norton picked up a metallic piece from the crash site that has strange hieroglyphics on it. This metallic piece cannot be burned. A hacksaw will not cut it, if you bend it, it will go back to its original shape. Norton has this metallic piece BURIED AT HIS PROPERTY! Norton is willing and ready to show this evidence to some credible UFOlogists and to the media! Norton claims he has proof of UFOs being real, with this solid piece of evidence that he held onto since the incident!!

As I continued my interview with Norton, he told me the post was closed for a while after the incident. The military helicopters that were shot down during the incident, were never reported to the FAA. He was burned from a mysterious red substance from this incident. Norton is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama and describes how they experiment with biological and chemical substances on this base and something else is going on. There is UFO activity at this base, it seems that our military is test flying UFOs over the base. Norton has incredible night vision footage of UFOs of all colors taken on the base. He has footage of a UFO going from one horizon to another horizon in a mere 2 seconds. He has video footage of a triangle shaped UFO that hovers over the base, no sound being emitted. He has all of this video footage for any credible UFOlogist to review!

To contact James Norton, please contact me at 916 203 7503 and I will place you in direct contact with Norton via his cell phone.

Norton has the evidence, now it’s time to let the public know the TRUTH about UFOs, let’s see Norton’s evidence!
I'm listening to Kevin Smith interview this guy on youTube.

Gene, Chris, You should try to get this guy on.

One of the best UFO witness stories I've heard in quite some time.
That was a good listen. However, I do have concerns. He seems to have a bunch of information. Granted, the scenarios he paints would allow him to be in a position to "in the loop" where the actual event is concerned. But, having a Marine friend close to Obama that is willing to share that Obama is planning disclosure is... troubling.

If he is a CSM then in my book he earns instant credibility. They do not just give that rank out to morons, buffoons, chronic liars, and the mentally challenged. So if he is lying, there is going to be some serious blowback. Maybe or maybe not from officialdom, but certainly from his peers.

Anyway, it would be interesting to get Stan Friedman's take on him though.

I have a bunch of questions, concerns, and truth be told also some hopes. But overall that famous Star Wars line just keeps popping in my head.
"I got a bad feeling about this."

A DD-214 would be nice. He is in the reserves under active status but he should have received an older one that should be sufficient to check parts of his story. I would like to place that under a microscope. in the end this will be decided by the material and the number of affidavits and witnesses willing to come forward and discuss it. I hope that happens but i am not holding my breath.
This one calls for the paracast and darkmatters investigation. Also Mr Kevin Smith did a good show on it and thanks for your service. Lets not forget Mr Kevin Smith is a former International Police Officer who served his nation in Bosina , East Timor and other places.
The guy speaks of chemical experimentation and the military testing objects above the base:

"Norton is now stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama and describes how they experiment with biological and chemical substances on this base and something else is going on. There is UFO activity at this base, it seems that our military is test flying UFOs over the base. Norton has incredible night vision footage of UFOs of all colors taken on the base. He has footage of a UFO going from one horizon to another horizon in a mere 2 seconds. He has video footage of a triangle shaped UFO that hovers over the base, no sound being emitted. He has all of this video footage for any credible UFOlogist to review!"

Is this E.T. or terrestrial? Well he said he was abducted and taken aboard the craft....are we to assume it was by E.T. or what?

I would love to hear this guy in a setting like the Paracast, if only to confirm whether he is an oddball or telling the truth.

If he has the metal Gene, please ask him to bring it along.....
Hmmm. Bait. I wonder who's gonna bite.
Ah yes. The lure of the physical.

Y'know if anyone who claimed to have evidece of this kind ever presented it, or presented it at the same time as they made the claim I'd faint. It would be so unprecidented an event as to be more astounding than actual contact.
I wouldn't claim i was disinterested in this story of a alleged battle that occurred between the US Military and non-humans in 1977, but i would have the believe he is lying, until such time, the evidence that is alleged to be hidden away somewhere is shown and seen by everyone interested in seeing it.

I think we have to be cautious here due to nature of the claims been made by this man.

It also was Interesting to hear though there has been some correspondence between Stanton Friedman and Norton. So Stanton may in the close future reveal what he knows to someone like a UFO radio-show host, for example, or he may even write an opinion piece on it and post it up on the internet for everyone to view and see, and Stanton may a possibility even post a video about what he makes of these claims, and give his own personal assessment on this narrative. If Norton life and military background can be substianted and verified, and if the story is still gaining widespread popularity among the UFO community in the future. I think this will have an effect that Stanton will give his opinion on it, but all of this is ahead in the future, so we just have to wait and see if it does happen like? . .

I hope it not true either train who wants to fight a war with aliens, but it seems from his story we have a habit of opening fire on nonhuman craft out of fear to the unknown. As Norton alleged here we'd fired first, and it was his opinion, these craft only showed up to observe not engage us in hostile takeover and action.

The story was told in way that would consider some of us to be be open-minded to what happened to him, but his story ain't and can't be viewed in the same same way, as a story which can be backed up with some other informational or physical evidence to consider. I not sure if he has this alleged physical evidence like i said before just have to wait and see.

​ I see a number of flaws in his story, but here is just two for consideration.

Norton alleged a 40-45 minute firefight battle between us and them.

1*He alleged it took only one RPG-Rocket weapon direct strike against the hull of the UFO to bring it right down to the ground, so if the US military were firing everything they had at these UFO's close to an hour, and considering the UFO had no protection for their ships seemly, as it again only took one direct hit before crashing to the ground from the impact of that rocket. Explain to me why this battle went on so long?

After'all remember again it only took one direct hit to bring a UFO down according to him and like how many bullets and rockets would there have been fired in a 45 minute period if this had happened? Either the US military are a shitty shot and missed their target often here, or the amount of time this battle went on for is wrong and not accurate, or he is lying?

2* Did I hear right him saying he was abducted alongside some of his men during the battle and the aliens experimented on him. Honestly truly would this be the right time for aliens to carry out medical procedures while their craft are in a tense battle outside with humans? I don't get it!
There are two other guys telling pretty much the same kind of story.

Well, if he is for real then we should see more documentation and perhaps some more people coming forward.

Both John Vanquez and Norton could be bullshitting each other just to save face and protect the story? However I do take your point aboard, and agree two people have know gone on record claiming this happened at Fort Benning, but the only thing that keeps me interested in the story, is him alleging prove this happened, but were is this evidence, the evidence will confirm his story, so get it out there for everyone to have a look at, what is the hold up?

But this story could cause a panic in some cities and towns, and I don't think, humanity would cope well with hearing we have have been fighting real battles with aliens from other planets. I think Norton said he was trying to get some of the other servicemen involved in the alleged UFO incident to come forward.
Interesting but an extremely hard interview to listen to. The pace of the interview was at a snails pace and he constantly needed to be prodded to expand on his "Yes Sir" answers and really didn't explain much. I've never seen this show before but to me it seemed that Kevin did all the talking and just got a "Yes Sir" most of the time.

He seemed very simple to me and I can't understand, for what I take on his intellect, how he could hold such a position in the US Forces.

He says he answers every phone call so why not have an answering machine take the call after a couple of seconds and there's more proof.
Well, there are a lot of things about the interview that seem odd. At any rate, he should be able to supply the documentation to back his story up. If he doesn't and others don't come forward, I imagine that will be the tell.
There are some odd points in his testimony he says in answer to why did they start firing these laser beams "yes sir because we started firing on them", KS asks " so we started firing on them first" answer "yes sir"
but then he says one of our helicopters got shot down

Then the next day and i quote "the post commander called all of us there that wasnt injured......."
He states the post commander told "us".........
but later claims he was injured, his med recs show he was injured....

There are little inconsistancies in his testimony.

i would love to see the paracast interview him, with these inconsistancies in mind
Another point raised in this interview is one i often think about.
He says he saw two different types of body, one 4 foot tall, the other 8 foot tall, its funny how we assume this means two different types,
Yet if we go to a shopping mall anywhere in the world you will see 3 foot tall humans, walking with 6 foot tall humans...........
But we dont draw the same conclusion
What's holding Vasquez from verifying this evidence himself? Curious "hype-inducing" feel to this "release," especially considering he wrote one of the few works on this purported event.