Regarding consciousness:
Here is a Hebrew program from Israel that I found on youtube about a little Druze boy called “O’Neal” in the north of Israel who, at a little after two years old, instead of starting to speak Arabic words like his parents and family and village, started talking in English with a bit of a UK accent.
The producers of this episode of the show,
P’nim Ah’mee’tee’yote, presented the evidence for a possible case of reincarnation. During the course of the show, the producers interviewed four professionals, a career nurse-midwife, an education administrator, a brain researcher / clinical psychologist, and a speech therapist / linguist. The first two were well acquainted with the boy and were thoroughly convinced the case is genuine. The last two were very surprised about what they saw of the case. The speech therapist / linguist actually tested the boy and concluded that somehow, he’d developed very good language skills in English, but was noticeably deficient in his Arabic development, even though the Druze village is Arabic speaking. The producers tried to find a rational way to explain the situation, but the case remained tantalizingly unexplained. The producers also even interviewed a spiritual medium, but of course she offered no critical check for the idea of reincarnation.
For those who need to brush up on their Near Eastern religious groups, the Druze are a centuries-old offshoot of Islam that after many centuries have turned into their own peculiar religion. Reincarnation is very much a part of their worldview. Druze are found in Israel, Lebanon, Syria. Druze are loyal to any government they find themselves under. Druze in Israel speak Hebrew well, a language akin to Arabic, and the interviews are in Hebrew. Druze serve in Israel’s army and take part in Israeli politics too.
The program
P’nim Ah’mee’tee’yote is a regular series in Israel that has been going for at least five seasons and covers all kinds of topics, some of them on the
para side of the normal. I suppose it might be compared to something like Sixty Minutes, except that its about 35 minutes long, and that just doesn’t have a real ring to it as far as a name goes.
The boy, and some other people, occasionally speak English during the program that you’d understand. I decided for your edification, to translate and transcribe the show, and it’s accurate enough to understand what is going on here. It is attached. I’ve added many time stamps so you can check the video at the time if you like. I suggest reading the attached transcript before watching the video if you want to watch it.
To me the case looks legitimate for a
para-normal explanation, even though I am not a proponent of reincarnation. I would explain it with so-called incorporeal entities who influence humans with all manner of paranormal phenomena and who have directly influenced the child in a range of ways. Admittedly, final proof for any paranormal view is lacking, as is a “rational” explanation. YMMV.