The commentator following your comment at the page you linked for us cited this google forum as the inspiration for the piece you cited concerning 'definitions' in systems thinking. Here's a helpful post from that forum, but the more detailed and analytic posts preceding and following it are essential in order to grasp the universe of discourse concerning being and meaning in which these cyberneticists are necessarily participating.
Janet Singer
"Duane - Very good points. Communities of practice don't rely on 'definitions' per se: they rely on building up experience with examples of language in use. Dictionaries can help bootstrap this learning for newcomers/outsiders, but part of the way they do this is by juxtaposing etymologies, synonyms, examples in use, etc., to provide a sense of the 'family' of meanings for a term.
Specifying exact definitions is useful only to the extent that the language use needs to be controlled, e.g., from 'somewhat controlled' in a voluntary standard to 'strictly controlled' in a machine ontology. So in defining 'system', the question becomes to what extent is the goal developing appreciation for families of meaning across communities of practice vs attempting to develop a controlled vocabulary. The SPF was targeted at the former goal, and there looseness was an essential part of the design. For the latter goal, how strictly controlled it should be and what approach to take depends on the intended use.
Steve - I agree. If we want to co-locate multiple meanings in one coherent scheme, a pragmatic process philosophy meta theory is the way to go. (This is in line with John Sowa's foundational use of the work of Peirce and Whitehead.)"
Google Groups
NOTE: at that link scroll down to the post by David Ing to reach the thread I'm referring to. Further note: I can't get google to track back to the thread. Will try to remedy that later tonight. Pity. That thread is very informative.
I also followed the link provided by another of the commentators on your cited page to this source:
Metasystem Transitions in Biology
and following further links within that site arrived at the page from which I extract the following paragraphs. At this point I have to stop reading and leave for the evening but I will return to see what others have to say given these additional orientations to thinking about systems, both engineered and occurring in nature. As I see it, systems theory and complexity theory are now essential as our species pursues further understanding of the natural world within which we engineer computational mechanisms and seek understanding of the structures of consciousness.
"...complexity is a measure of how difficult it is to understand how a system will behave or to predict the consequences of changing it. It occurs when there is no simple relationship between what an individual element does and what the system as a whole will do, and when the system includes some element of adaptation or problem solving to achieve its goals in different situations. It can be affected by objective attributes of a system such as by the number, types of and diversity of system elements and relationships, or by the subjective perceptions of system observers due to their experience, knowledge, training, or other sociopolitical considerations. This view of complex systems provides insight into the kind of system for which systems thinking and a systems approach is essential.
Complexity and Engineered Systems
The different perspectives on complexity are not independent when considered across a systems context. Both problem situations and potential solutions may contain subjective and objective complexity; structural complexity of a system-of-interest (SoI) may be related to dynamic complexity when the SoI also functions as part of a wider system in different problem scenarios. People are involved in most system contexts, as system elements and as part of the operating environment. People are also involved with systems throughout the lifetimes of those systems.
Sheard and Mostashari (Sheard and Mostashari 2011) show the ways different views of complexity map onto product system, service system and enterprise system contexts, as well as to associated development and sustainment systems and project organizations. Ordered systems occur as system components and are the subject of traditional engineering. It is important to understand the behaviors of such systems when using them in a complex system. One might also need to consider both truly random or chaotic natural or social systems as part of the context of an engineered system. The main focus for systems approaches is organized complexity, the ways we choose to structure system elements to help manage and mitigate both objective and subjective complexity.
Sillitto (Sillitto 2009) considers the link between the types of system complexity and system architecture. The ability to understand, manage and respond to both objective and subjective complexity be they in the problem situation, the systems we develop or the systems we use to develop and sustain them is a key component of the Systems Approach Applied to Engineered Systems and hence to the practice of systems engineering."
Complexity - SEBoK
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