J. Randall Murphy
Yes, I believe this is more than a concept and that there are entities out there that can be pretty bad mofos. I just strongly question the generally accepted explanations for their origins, purpose, etc.
Your approach to the phenomena is IMO the most reasonable one that anyone can take. In the same way that we have insufficient evidence to conclude with absolute certainty that UFOs are ET, we cannot conclude that the phenomena that gives rise to belief in demons is connected with a civilization of evil entities living in a fiery realm. Interestingly, there are some people who have connected the two concepts and concluded that UFOs are transports from Hell piloted by demons. As wacko as that sounds, if we remove the religious stereotyping, it actually works out to being one of the most reasonable explanations for genuine manifestations of the phenomena.
The reason I say that is because when we remove all the religious stereotyping, what we're left with aren't transports from Hell, but aliens with high technology. But why would they engage in such odd behavior? The most obvious reason would be to study human psychology. Imagine being on the other side of the glass ( metaphorically ) clandestinely observing the reactions of humans to experiments where the subjects ( us ) are given a stimulus without any apparent logical cause. Suddenly we come up with all kinds of strange supernatural explanations. These explanations are what have given rise to major religions. By studying our reactions they're studying how our species has been conditioned for thousands of years by what have been traditionally interpreted as mystical forces.