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Dr. Steven Greer --> Here we go ...

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Greer is no different from any Christian or Muslim fundamentalist. Hes Americas version of Billy Meir. His group is comprised of people that just want to be part of something so they latch onto this New age space brother, Galactic federation tripe, that when you really look at is no different from the crazy crap the Christians and Muslims are shilling.

Nobody has an Alien baby, if their was a baby, Greer and his people would probably be dead or locked away somewhere after the Govt took possession of it. Make no mistake they would do that in a second.

I'm not sure which is more disturbing. The fact that Greer has a horde of followers that PAY to experience his delusions or that Fastwalker wants to spoon with him.
A good con which Greer is IMO would know when and where to spew his shit. A very deluded person might think he is seeing one of his patients and an alien or see a space ship in an MRI for an extreme example. If nothing else Greer, if he is doing any kind of deluded things to his patients, his licence could be in trouble.

I know this isn't a rock-solid arguement but if I said he just feels or seems like Con vs being just deluded that wouldn't go over too well on this forum.

I don't exactly trust the medical establishment either. In Greer's case if he got sued too many times for being delueded somebody in the medical field would notice. Oh I forgot Greer knows everyone important and just tells his people or his aliens to make it go away.
Just in case if the original article text will be deleted from the server, this is the article David mentioned at the wrap-up session after the show. Yes, this article being posted on this thread before but I just want to put here the PDF copy, just in case:-)


Mothra said:
Greer is no different from any Christian or Muslim fundamentalist. Hes Americas version of Billy Meir. His group is comprised of people that just want to be part of something so they latch onto this New age space brother, Galactic federation tripe, that when you really look at is no different from the crazy crap the Christians and Muslims are shilling.

Nobody has an Alien baby, if their was a baby, Greer and his people would probably be dead or locked away somewhere after the Govt took possession of it. Make no mistake they would do that in a second.

I'm not sure which is more disturbing. The fact that Greer has a horde of followers that PAY to experience his delusions or that Fastwalker wants to spoon with him.

Hey! :mad:

I was only willing to get laid in the pursuit of the truth! While I was doing it with Greer, I'd be thinking of David and Gene. Hmmmm....that didn't come out right. Let's just say I'd be doing it for The Paracast.:D

Now if Greer would only do it with me if I wore a Grey Alien mask, then I might have to reconsider how kinky I really am. Coming from Los Angeles adds an automatic level of kinkiness to a person, but making love to Greer while he calls me Voltar from the Planet Reticulae One might spoil the moment.
Oh, fer heaven's sake! I was joking. People have been denouncing Greer in rather nasty terms. I just wanted to be original, e.g., "givinng my body for the betterment of Truth and The Paracast". I would not really do anything with Greer. Sorry I got too close to the edge of what is considered proper. Aliens from other planets or dimensions? Hey, yeah! Let's theorize and contemplate and obsess on that issue and how truly strange aliens might be.

But........Bi-sexual humans? Yuck! I don't want to hear about that - please keep it to yourself. How funny. And you guys REALLY think you are ready for aliens? It is too funny.
Fastwalker said:
Now if Greer would only do it with me if I wore a Grey Alien mask, then I might have to reconsider how kinky I really am. Coming from Los Angeles adds an automatic level of kinkiness to a person, but making love to Greer while he calls me Voltar from the Planet Reticulae One might spoil the moment.

A) Eeeeeeeew. In the privacy of your own home dude, not on public forums.

B) Greer doesn't believe greys give people anal probes, remember?
I'm not a Greer fan and his droning on and on had me fast-forwarding throughout. And I generally like David's intellect, but his emotional rant after the interview was pretty juvenile. The psychoanalysis of his personality, like the threads "proving" his lies, was just petty and unprofessional.

I was hoping for a well-researched interview, where you present him with his own quotes and examples that he has given before, and ask him to explain or name names, and then call him out if he doesn't. I'm disappointed that the show consisted of Greer's blather and our guys' rants.

I look forward to Stanton Friedman, a man who has earned a great deal of respect (but nonthless hope that you don't let him drone on as well). ;)
Manu said:
I'm disappointed that the show consisted of Greer's blather and our guys' rants.

I look forward to Stanton Friedman, a man who has earned a great deal of respect (but nonthless hope that you don't let him drone on as well). ;)

I dunno: as dB asserted earlier, to some extent Our Heroes have earned the right to rant once in a while. Sure, they could do it off the air or in private, but at some point there's value in letting people see a little righteous indignation. For one thing, it's good to know I (and I suspect many other listeners would feel the same way) am not alone in going "This guy is a @$!#$%%!"

I too am looking forward to Stan. He's a bit set in his ways with the ETH, but he's jovial and has done homework and cites sources. All good things. Plus he worked for Westinghouse in Pittsburgh and that's bonus points!

I enjoyed the Greer rant. How cool would it be to hear more broadcasters say what they really think. Here are somethings you might hear:

Bob Costas: "The WNBA? What's next,the little people's olympics?"

Tim Russert: "Well, Al Gore came off pretty arrogant and aggressive but man, George Bush just seems really dumb, do you think people will actually vote for this guy?"

Just kidding of course :)
I know one thing, we're not going to get anywhere listening or even discussing the likes of Greer. Everyone seems to agree he's a complete charlatan and thief.

So then let's MOVE THE F@$K ON ALREADY!
Wouldn't it be funny if after all this shit there is a news flash on CNN tomorrow that some emergency room doctor had solved the energy crisis?

Of course this will never happen, but man that would crack me up. On the other hand, it would also make me start to question my own reality!

I think the picture Jeremy paints could be accurate, of course we don't know Greer personally and aren't shrinks. But his book depicts a horrible childhood and also paints him as this 'chosen' one like Luke Skywalker, so he seems to have a messiah complex. By the way, in his book he biked like 500 miles in a day, surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.

Having seen him in person and having a state of the art in Gaydar technology Greer's mannerisms were 100% without a doubt in my mind Gay, which wouldn't normally matter except that he's married and has kids, which would mean that indeed he has been living a lie.

Of course this is all speculation, but that's what message boards are for. Over time I think he is becoming more and more a caricature of himself.
Hey Guys,

I actually liked the show you did with Greer...

You asked fair questions and he did a decent job of answering most of them...

There is one thing I still don't get,though,and that's why they don't release the footage they have...
I've seen the Gulf Breeze footage from 92',which shows 3-4 objects in formation over a beach,and another one taken together with a local UFO group in Mexico,in 94'...
Like any footage of suspected UFO's,they wouldn't prove the ETH of UFO's,though...

In other news;
I may be the only one on the forum that's actually been on a couple of CSETI trainings,and although I still have alot of questions about things Greer and CSETI have done over the years - I DID actually see a few objects that I have a hard time finding prosaic explanations for...

Cosmic Ejaculator 1814
Greer, Salla and their ilk have BS guru wannabe complexes like L. Ron Hubbard did and know there's a market to grab some tax free, rapidly depreciating greenbacks.

End of story.
Dr. Steven Greer --> Here we go ...

Hey Guys,

I actually liked the show you did with Greer...

You asked fair questions and he did a decent job of answering most of them...

There is one thing I still don't get,though,and that's why they don't release the footage they have...
I've seen the Gulf Breeze footage from 92',which shows 3-4 objects in formation over a beach,and another one taken together with a local UFO group in Mexico,in 94'...
Like any footage of suspected UFO's,they wouldn't prove the ETH of UFO's,though...

In other news;
I may be the only one on the forum that's actually been on a couple of CSETI trainings,and although I still have alot of questions about things Greer and CSETI have done over the years - I DID actually see a few objects that I have a hard time finding prosaic explanations for...

Cosmic Ejaculator 1814

I'm thinkin Ally went on one. Not sure though.
Dr. Steven Greer --> Here we go ...

I have seen him speak at conferences about three times but I would NEVER pay that much for that amout of bull shit.