This will surely be an unpopular post and certainly I will be lambasted for it, but the interview with Greer was much different than I thought it would be. Let me say that I’m not defending the validity of all Greers claims but what was a setup for him didn’t turn out as expected IMO. I expected hot pokers in the eyes from beginning to end if it even got that far. And I was looking forward to it. I was surprised at the result.
I don’t know what to make of “free energy”. It would seem that if it is possible, probably we would know by now. But at the same time it would be very upsetting to the world order. So as far as the 3 million bucks is concerned, couldn’t a contract be drawn up whereby Greer would not be able to see ANY of that money himself. For that matter couldn’t it be that Greer doesn’t see any money period from any money making endeavor?? If the scientists are willing to sit in a meeting and be seen and probably identified shouldn’t someone at least have a meeting to see if there is someone behind the curtain?? Is there any iota of a chance that other energy sourcing is actually possible??
But to move on to the sneak attack on the second hour. I really thought Greer answered the questions by David and Jeremy surprisingly well. And I’m shocked to even see myself writing something of this effect about someone I knew was a complete sham.
The mess with Cliff Stone and the like: I don’t know that the Disclosure project itself was responsible for the release of all these documents, but it has had an impact, for better or worse. The problem is the varying mix of cons and allegedly true stories. His answer was that the point of the project was to have people that would testify, under oath, under penalty of perjury that what they were saying was true. Perjury is a BIG thing with raw consequences. As stupid as Stone is, he was willing to go through this. And how would Greer be able to differentiate between a seemingly ridiculous testimony from a Salas one?? There isn’t any evidence either way with hardly any of these witnesses.
We know the deal with high strangeness, and probably believe the strangeness to be true, but we dismiss it when it comes out in a public forum. If people are willing to go to jail for telling a fabricated story what is anyone to do about it?? Again, the project was to identify people that would be under penalty for lying. Whats a country doctor to do with this type of testimony? I thought the answer made sense. It doesn’t make Stones story true, but it sets up dire consequences for lying. And it puts the premise of “Look at all these people and their willingness to face great consequences for lying. Maybe we should investigate this UFO “nonsense”. Look here are the people and the testimony”. It seems a bit different than throwing them all against the wall and seeing what sticks as Jeremy eluded to which was a great question.
Alien baby: I didn’t know much about this before hand. I thought there was some living entity that Greer was babysitting or something. He clarified the situation and said it may even be a hoax, albeit a good one.
Attempted contact and CSETI: Yes we may be murderous monkeys, but seriously, do we all have to join the mindset that we may never change?? Is there anything wrong in thinking perhaps someday we may become peaceful even if it is a sham? When Ritzmann says we may actually contact “them” and bring them in to our world we think this is fine, but when Greer attempts the same thing, and it is very controversial as he said, we all bitch about the money involved. So what. If people want to pay, so be it. Again can we design this so Greer never sees a dime out of it? How can we say it is OK for Jeff to invite these things, but when Greer does it in a group setting involving money it is a sham?? On to the money. (no offense Jeff)
Money: This is the biggest criticism against him, yet we don’t even ask the questions around it?? Dr Greer what about the money?? I can’t believe he didn’t get asked this question, and we rail him afterwards about something he couldn’t even answer to. I don’t know how this question was left out of the conversation. IMO this IS the conversation. He needs to answer up about this.
Don’t get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for David, Gene, Jeff, and so on. But I think maybe Greer was expected to fall flatter on his face. His answers, although filibuster-like, were better than forecasted. I thought that maybe David was a little out of character, and was determined to pounce and attack as was Jeremy and I was surprised at Greers retorts. I still don’t know about him and am more perplexed than I should be. I don’t think he is delusional. So that leaves either he is a liar or is gullible or is trying for some truth. Or a combination of all of these. It seems to me that even Dolan gives Greer some credibility, which makes me even more confused.
Sorry I haven’t read the 150+ posts, but I’m sure my take on this is incredibly unpopular and normally I’m a little more level headed. There are a lot more questions to be asked and certainly answered, but I don’t know that the story is over. What will we see this fall as Greer implied some “evidence” is coming out involving CSETI??
It’s embarrassing to even write this long post because I’ve long ago dismissed him. And sure I’ve got more to look into.
Alright, I’m ready to get my ass handed to me.
I don’t know what to make of “free energy”. It would seem that if it is possible, probably we would know by now. But at the same time it would be very upsetting to the world order. So as far as the 3 million bucks is concerned, couldn’t a contract be drawn up whereby Greer would not be able to see ANY of that money himself. For that matter couldn’t it be that Greer doesn’t see any money period from any money making endeavor?? If the scientists are willing to sit in a meeting and be seen and probably identified shouldn’t someone at least have a meeting to see if there is someone behind the curtain?? Is there any iota of a chance that other energy sourcing is actually possible??
But to move on to the sneak attack on the second hour. I really thought Greer answered the questions by David and Jeremy surprisingly well. And I’m shocked to even see myself writing something of this effect about someone I knew was a complete sham.
The mess with Cliff Stone and the like: I don’t know that the Disclosure project itself was responsible for the release of all these documents, but it has had an impact, for better or worse. The problem is the varying mix of cons and allegedly true stories. His answer was that the point of the project was to have people that would testify, under oath, under penalty of perjury that what they were saying was true. Perjury is a BIG thing with raw consequences. As stupid as Stone is, he was willing to go through this. And how would Greer be able to differentiate between a seemingly ridiculous testimony from a Salas one?? There isn’t any evidence either way with hardly any of these witnesses.
We know the deal with high strangeness, and probably believe the strangeness to be true, but we dismiss it when it comes out in a public forum. If people are willing to go to jail for telling a fabricated story what is anyone to do about it?? Again, the project was to identify people that would be under penalty for lying. Whats a country doctor to do with this type of testimony? I thought the answer made sense. It doesn’t make Stones story true, but it sets up dire consequences for lying. And it puts the premise of “Look at all these people and their willingness to face great consequences for lying. Maybe we should investigate this UFO “nonsense”. Look here are the people and the testimony”. It seems a bit different than throwing them all against the wall and seeing what sticks as Jeremy eluded to which was a great question.
Alien baby: I didn’t know much about this before hand. I thought there was some living entity that Greer was babysitting or something. He clarified the situation and said it may even be a hoax, albeit a good one.
Attempted contact and CSETI: Yes we may be murderous monkeys, but seriously, do we all have to join the mindset that we may never change?? Is there anything wrong in thinking perhaps someday we may become peaceful even if it is a sham? When Ritzmann says we may actually contact “them” and bring them in to our world we think this is fine, but when Greer attempts the same thing, and it is very controversial as he said, we all bitch about the money involved. So what. If people want to pay, so be it. Again can we design this so Greer never sees a dime out of it? How can we say it is OK for Jeff to invite these things, but when Greer does it in a group setting involving money it is a sham?? On to the money. (no offense Jeff)
Money: This is the biggest criticism against him, yet we don’t even ask the questions around it?? Dr Greer what about the money?? I can’t believe he didn’t get asked this question, and we rail him afterwards about something he couldn’t even answer to. I don’t know how this question was left out of the conversation. IMO this IS the conversation. He needs to answer up about this.
Don’t get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for David, Gene, Jeff, and so on. But I think maybe Greer was expected to fall flatter on his face. His answers, although filibuster-like, were better than forecasted. I thought that maybe David was a little out of character, and was determined to pounce and attack as was Jeremy and I was surprised at Greers retorts. I still don’t know about him and am more perplexed than I should be. I don’t think he is delusional. So that leaves either he is a liar or is gullible or is trying for some truth. Or a combination of all of these. It seems to me that even Dolan gives Greer some credibility, which makes me even more confused.
Sorry I haven’t read the 150+ posts, but I’m sure my take on this is incredibly unpopular and normally I’m a little more level headed. There are a lot more questions to be asked and certainly answered, but I don’t know that the story is over. What will we see this fall as Greer implied some “evidence” is coming out involving CSETI??
It’s embarrassing to even write this long post because I’ve long ago dismissed him. And sure I’ve got more to look into.
Alright, I’m ready to get my ass handed to me.