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Dr. Steven Greer --> Here we go ...

Free episodes:

david is so ready to start a fight/get his pointin... he only comes across as abrasive, not insightful.
-like when he jumps on greer stating (in what seemed a pretty pompous tone) that 'the pop. of the US is only 300 million not 600'... when greer wasn't even saying that... small example, but it seems to happen throughout the interview...
-dave gets on greer about 'tesla supressing himself', when greer isn't saying that at all, he's talking about his other papers (unpublished/stolen by FBI)
-in the thread here david mentions (with vitriol) about fusion's antiquation it's not that greer is dismissing it but is saying the the electrogravitic energy leapfrogs it, makes it unecessary... in the same way that there would be no use to explore coal energy anymore. again seems like d's really trying to pick a fight.
-greer said if dave's guy is a serious investor he could meet the scientist involved; not so much a problem that greer wouldn't mention them on air. dave wouldn't mention his guy either, and dave's guy is probably in the public eye-- greer's scientists certainly aren't, and in fact have worked in the defence/secret/covert world.
-as regards whether greer or the two other people mentioned on greer's team are themselves qualified engineers doesn't matter-- they are a team that is to hire & assemble the engineers & experts, in the same way that a restauranteur (or some guys wanting to start a bar) would hire a manger, a chef, a sommelier, etc.
-and by the way, it's an interview-- greer is on the show to talk, not listen. why are listeners complaining about that-- especially as dave inserts a lot about his own stuff in-- he editorializes often (i.e. when he talks about his friend with money... that's a long monologue.)

-& not too surprised at greer's 'if he exists' comments on david's friend... obviously he realizes it's an unfriendly interview...

anyway it would be great for dave to go with his investor and see if he can meet greer's scientists... then we could see if greer's guys are legit.

-and btw that link to the article about greer posted at the beginning of this thread (the 'beyond the...') immediately undercuts itself when describing the 'simian head' of greer and that he 'looks like a shaved sasquatch'... the tone of the article is as irritating as bill o'reilly's, and it's just as hard to get past... name-calling is never effective persuasion technique, at least outside of the schoolyard.

btw i'm not a greer acolyte-- i have some reservations (tho the disclosure project seemed okay), nor am i a biedny basher... it just seemed in this interview db is only too ready to fight

and yes, let the flaming of moi begin!

Pretty well said. I agree on a point by point basis.

I also read the article, and while it made Greer look egotistical and cheap, it wasn't as damning as I'd been lead to believe.

Do you remember when Al Gore, when debating Georg W., would get all exasperated and snippy? That kind of behavior didn't do Gore (a hero of mine) any favors. People love or hate Rush Limbaugh because he's arrogant and always correct in his mind--I can't listen to him, but I understand the nature of discourse has gone down the road of arrogance and dismissiveness. I'm more a fan of Tavis Smiley's civility.
Thanks for all the feedback, everyone.

From now on we'll make sure to only interview people we look up to, and agree with, totally and completely. I will not ask questions that are more than 5 words long. I will behave respectfully, regardless of HOW MUCH CRAP is spewing from the mouth of the guest.

That article on Greer was GREAT, it made him look FABULOUS, he's a HERO of the UFO AGE.

This is the best paranormal show on the internets, finally somebody is taking the subject seriously! And Greer is an asshat, and deserves to be exposed for it!

Too bad they are so quick to criticize and closed to being criticized. This episode had flaws, but nobody's perfect. Get over it/yourself.

This is the part where you say you are not paid to do it, you do it for your own enlightenment, and don't let the door hit me in the butt... and all of the fanboys agree. And I rebut that we are not paid to comment/critique, do it for my own enlightenment, and am going to say what I want...even if it means banning.

The problems with this epiosode have been very well laid out (no need to beat a dead horse), take them or leave them.
Actually, this Greer episode - and don't worry, we won't waste any more time with this guy again - was done for fun. Sometimes, it's good to just take a charlatan and yell at him - a cathartic scream of sorts - and not every episode of The Paracast can be great, or even good. I felt better about sharing the planet with Greer after we were done recording the show, it was a good outlet for frustration.

Meanwhile, there have been some very nice emails - as well as some nasty ones - and, as the kids say, it's all good.

And what's with all the "banning" noise - go ahead, tell us we suck, we won't ban you.


I dunno which is worse, being banned, or being told by the hosts of the show "don't let the door hit you in the ass", which you have basically told me and others in the past. Some deserve it, but many were just critiquing.

Greer deserved to be railroaded by all means, but it could have been done better by either a) doing it in such a polite/non-confrontational way as to make him look like the fool, or b) doing what you did at the end of the show to him directly.

That's my take, and I do love what you guys do in general.
I'll say this... I REALLY wanted to confront him with the magazine article, but we ran out of time. I wanted to get his reaction to what I feel is a well-researched, quite damning piece about him, but it didn't happen.

You're damned if you do, damned if you don't. We go to easy on the guy, we're too hard on him, you can't please everyone - or even anyone.

I've seen this guy make a mockery of the UFO field - if you weren't there for his X-Con shtick, perhaps it's hard to understand just how frustrated it made me feel - and I was in a confrontational state of mind, I readily admit to it. I think this guy is a scam artist, taking people's money and preying on their ignorance and desire to believe. I detest these predators, and want to impede their efforts. I didn't like his condescending, smug attitude, it didn't bring out the best in me, it's true.

So sue me, tell us we suck, what the hell.

Meanwhile, in all seriousness, it's nice to know that many of you care enough to take the time to comment, at least you're listening and reacting. That's good enough for me.

I'm sure everyone will like next week's show better.

David Biedny said:
I'm sure everyone will like next week's show better.

That would be Stanton Friedman right? Interviews with him will always be interesting. I don't really buy a lot of the stuff he believes in but he's still rational.
But I keep wondering if he'll call you out (on air) about all the impressions you do of him! That would be hilarious :P
Oh for chrissakes...


We have a nice chat, and then I inform him there's a Jinn living in his beard. He freaks out, and Greer squirts mustard on an aardvark.

David Biedny said:
I've seen this guy make a mockery of the UFO field - if you weren't there for his X-Con shtick, perhaps it's hard to understand just how frustrated it made me feel - and I was in a confrontational state of mind, I readily admit to it. I think this guy is a scam artist, taking people's money and preying on their ignorance and desire to believe. I detest these predators, and want to impede their efforts. I didn't like his condescending, smug attitude, it didn't bring out the best in me, it's true.

I am so in the same boat on this, that's why I would have preferred "b) attack the fucker" too :)

David Biedny said:
Meanwhile, in all seriousness, it's nice to know that many of you care enough to take the time to comment

That's exactly why I personally comment here, I do care. I do believe you guys have the best chance of taking UFOlogy where it needs to go, and honestly that is a huge undertaking that would be tough for anyone to do alone. You are handling it well.

You have my support.
I work out of my home, and I listen to a lod of podcasts, but the Paracast is my favorite. I, like I imagine a lot of people, get a feeling of investment in it, even though I know that's a false sense of entitlement, and I'm a disposable listener in actuality. 90% of the time you guys do a great job.

I know right now you feel defensive, because its a damned if you do/damned if you don't situation with a guest like Greer. It's true, you don't get paid, and I don't know when I came to believe this show was the paranormal equivalent of the Diane Reem Show or Fresh Air.

I'm glad you guys continue to educate, and provide a forum for old guys like me to share my observations. Thanks.
David why not advise youre wealthy friend to invest in orion project. As its only 3 million he can give Greer the money and and then hell have no excuse than to either reveal his scientists and get on with the anti grav job, or basically give it up as a scam.

Stanton is a gentleman, and he'd never call us out on such things. He is, by the way, fully aware of what we're up to. One week, I made a comment about something he said in our weekly newsletter, and his response (which we published in a subsequent issue) was in my Inbox within days.
I hope the Friedman dimensional issue has been squashed for good in this episode, as I think it was inflated a bit personally.
Here's the problem:

"anyway it would be great for dave to go with his investor and see if he can meet greer's scientists... then we could see if greer's guys are legit."

And here:

"I think this guy is a scam artist...."

No, Dave, you don't just think he's a scam artist, he ACTUALLY IS ONE. And so, no he shouldn't try to set up a meeting with Greer's "scientists." Stop giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because he was attacked after the show? We were hostile during the show? Waaaah! He's a scam artist! Wake up!

There's no ifs ands or buts. So you agree with him about free energy devices? Of course! That's the nature of the scam! He's going to tell you what you want to hear and then sell you the answer. More precisely, as someone pointed out, he's going to sell you the future...it's never going to come, at least not through him. Just keep sending that salvation money year after year.

Alien babies, people! Wake the fuck up!

Know what would happen if any of you were beamed into a ship and the ship went translucent and you found yourself floating in outer space? You'd freak out like a damned animal. Ever go swimming in the deep, deep ocean? Scary. Know what's scarier? FLOATING IN OUTER SPACE.

Is that something you mention on your way to the next paragraph about your life story with zero emotion other than how magnificent it was?

Can you imagine writing of yourself that aliens chose you because they knew you were pure of heart? Especially at 18 when the last thing your heart is is pure?

Seriously? Do you put ANY stock in this guy?

Well gee, I agree with him about free energy too. I also agree with televangelists that heaven sounds pretty good. Who should I sympathize with first?

This guy is asking for millions of dollars from you and me. You don't think he should be called out? You try talking conversationally with a man who rambles on and on as a defense mechanism so that you can't question him. You try talking normally to a man who says "First of all, there were 18 things wrong with your question." He's a smug little fart of a hoaxer and personally, I wish Dave had shit down his throat. It's not my show; not my place to do that but I was oh so close. I hope there's no next time. I hope it was enough that he just goes away, but he won't. There's always an apologist or two out there willing to forgive all of the lies and deflection and unnamed good friends and colleagues and "working with presidential candidates" vomit.

It's times like these where you think you're doing people a service exposing charlatans and they turn around and say, "No thanks. I want to get reamed. At least there's hope in that," that I think this place is doomed and we want it that way.

Idiocracy, indeed.
valiens said:
This guy is asking for millions of dollars from you and me. You don't think he should be called out? You try talking conversationally with a man who rambles on and on as a defense mechanism so that you can't question him. You try talking normally to a man who says "First of all, there were 18 things wrong with your question." He's a smug little fart of a hoaxer and personally, I wish Dave had shit down his throat. It's not my show; not my place to do that but I was oh so close. I hope there's no next time. I hope it was enough that he just goes away, but he won't. There's always an apologist or two out there willing to forgive all of the lies and deflection and unnamed good friends and colleagues and "working with presidential candidates" vomit.

Ok Jeremy, your turn - get him on your show!! ;)
David Biedny said:
I'll say this... I REALLY wanted to confront him with the magazine article, but we ran out of time. I wanted to get his reaction to what I feel is a well-researched, quite damning piece about him, but it didn't happen.

I wonder how that would have gone.

Probably easy to say: "That article, which appeared in a travel magazine, was written by an ardent main stream media debunker. The author has made a living belittling what he calls "subcultures"". Probably something like that.

And nothing else to really say about it. We can't defend the author in any kind've of substantive way.

At best, the article just shows him in a really bad light. I can't recall anything in it that was a real "smoking gun". (There was an account of money changing hands in secret, but I didn't get that.)

I'd bet Greer would have a good explanation for everything.

In my opinion, Greer has collected money from thousands of folks and delivered *nothing* substantial at all. That is all we really need to know.

By the way, I want to reiterate that I thought the interview was done expertly and I enjoyed it. Only the part after Greer dropped off made me feel a little queasy --- it just didn't seem "fair" somehow. That's just straight-from-the-heart feedback, it doesn't reflect anything else.

I wouldn't change anything about the show.

I expect (hope!) the episodes make me feel one way or the other! Delighted, angry, queasy, curious, ... :D
GSB said:
David why not advise youre wealthy friend to invest in orion project. As its only 3 million he can give Greer the money and and then hell have no excuse than to either reveal his scientists and get on with the anti grav job, or basically give it up as a scam.


Friends do not advise friends to waste 3 million dollars just to prove a point! 3 Fkn million dollars! Think what that money could do for a homespun veteran's association sending needed articles to the poor soldiers whose patriotism got them sent to hell on earth (Iraq). Think what 3 million could do for soup kitchens, etc. I guess I don't think the point of proving Greer a scam is worth wasting 3 million dollars. Not in a world that needs that money so desperately for worthy folk caught in desperate situations. :mad: