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its my life to live, or shorten, we cant all be shrewd and clean, and live an extra boring decade..

A hard but true fact of life. But take note: cannabis will eventually kill Willie Nelson.

A good read re this thread is "Storming Heaven, LSD and the American Dream" , by Jay Stephens.

I would just say we have tarred a number of distinct topics here with a very broad brush. But I doubt trying to dissect these arguments yet again would yield more light than heat.
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Three days till 4/20. :D

No substance, taken for it's mind-altering effects has caused more trouble than alcohol. I used to laugh when shows on TV would do stories about mad drug fiends on PCP killing people! Like anyone needs PCP.
Just ask the police, as the social workers, ask the lawyers and the doctors. I've seen it, been affected by it, fell victim because of it and lost family because of alcohol. If we managed to rid the world of alcohol but legalised all 'drugs' I bet things would improve in the UK anyway.
Some history is always handy.....

LINK: Cary in the Sky with Diamonds | Vanity Fair

There is some mighty scrambled social history here - Esalen CIA? The rewriting of the past has begun, I see. Paganism a conspiracy? For pity's sake. I hardly know what to say - except that some Boomers need to start writing their memoirs to set the record straight, or at least supply some ballast to the fanciful stuff being generated with the passage of time.

I have to agree with Trained - I have seen nothing good come of drug use of the kind that is being discussed here. Herbology - Herbal Medicine - is quite another matter.
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Adults have to make honest and informed choices about what they put in their bodies. All I really meant to convey was that the risks shouldn't be romanticized or glossed over. Individual experiences vary greatly, some find their way, while others lose it. Stand out on the Venice Beach boardwalk on any given morning to get a glimmer of the breadth of it.
Audio clip from the private talk, 2 minutes (I think at the CIA-soaked Esalen Institute or Standford Research Institute, I don't remember which): http://www.gnosticmedia.com/audio/TerenceMcKenna_admits_he_was_agent.mp3
Keep in mind when reading McKenna that he was controlled by Wall Street's government intel agencies.[...]
Terence said: And certainly when I reached La Chorerra in 1971 I had a price on my head by the FBI, I was running out of money, I was at the end of my rope. And then THEY recruited me and said, “you know, with a mouth like yours there’s a place for you in our organization”. And I’ve worked in deep background positions about which the less said the better. And then about 15 years ago they shifted me into public relations and I’ve been there to the present.
The above IS CLASSIC " The Joker " Trickster BS...

Listening to the audio linked above PROVES McKenna is merely playing with his audience in a "Trickster Mode".

Terence is FLAT OUT playing The Joker Card.

THE JOKE IS ON YOU BUD... :D ...for being toooo "literally dogmatic" with the written word to believe McKenna is an employed pawn of whatever 3 Letter Conspiracy Theory you're dealing in! Nuts! Seriously. Think about it...

No doubt Terrence may have been facing trumped-up charges that he had to avoid by being out of the country for years more than he planned, but you've "been had" when you can't even listen to the audio and understand what I KNOW Terence is doing and meaning. Even the audio gives context to the quote above to understand Terence is simply joking using "the conspiracy theory" Joker Card and Totally BS'ing! LoL :)
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Terence said: And certainly when I reached La Chorerra in 1971 I had a price on my head by the FBI, I was running out of money, I was at the end of my rope. And then THEY recruited me and said, “you know, with a mouth like yours there’s a place for you in our organization”. And I’ve worked in deep background positions about which the less said the better. And then about 15 years ago they shifted me into public relations and I’ve been there to the present.
The above IS CLASSIC " The Joker " Trickster BS...

Listening to the audio linked above PROVES McKenna is merely playing with his audience in a "Trickster Mode".

Terence is FLAT OUT playing The Joker Card.

THE JOKE IS ON YOU BUD... :D ...for being toooo "literally dogmatic" with the written word to believe McKenna is an employed pawn of whatever 3 Letter Conspiracy Theory you're dealing in! Nuts! Seriously. Think about it...

No doubt Terrence may have been facing trumped-up charges that he had to avoid by being out of the country for years more than he planned, but you've "been had" when you can't even listen to the audio and understand what I KNOW Terence is doing and meaning. Even the audio gives context to the quote above to understand Terence is simply joking using "the conspiracy theory" Joker Card and Totally BS'ing! LoL :)

I call total bullshit on you, as when cornered, you have completely edited your post to state the contrary to your previous position in the attempt of avoiding embarrassment. This speaks volumes to your character, and credibility. You may think that your cute, clever, and funny. I think its childish, immature, and disgusting. You want to play these games? Then go somewhere else where they won't notice.
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I call total bullshit on you, as when cornered, you have completely edited your post to state the contrary to your previous position in the attempt of avoiding embarrassment. This speaks volumes to your character, and credibility. You may think that your cute, clever, and funny. I think its childish, immature, and disgusting. You want to play these games? Then go somewhere else where they won't notice.
You have A LOT of misplaced venom in your bite! I'm not manipulating anything whatsoever, period. And, I mean period.

The point of my post WAS/IS exactly as it IS NOW. Sorry, you can't untangle that with your snide remarks that are misrepresenting my post 100%. I meant exactly what it says now, and just because I arranged or changed some wording has NOTHING to do with being deceptive, PERIOD. Buzzzz Off...

I'm just making certain my post is more clarified and makes sense, which has nothing to do with your false jerky assertions.
I should point out that Terence McKenna had ideas he professed that were completely irrational and definitely had to do with the 2 week overdose on 'shrooms.

Terence's Timewave Theory was a true sign that overdosing on 'shrooms can implant insane ideas that won't go away even 20+ years later!!! He said it was his greatest idea that was truly unique and novel and was given to him by the 'shrooms.

And, the 'shrooms told him every Human family on Planet Earth should have only one child, though Terence had two children himself. From this sort of thinking Terence also thought there should be only one man per three women, because men are just too violent and domineering to be equal in number with women.

Terence was both brilliant and a flawed Human being that believed the 'shrooms told him "the truth". He was the messenger of the 'shrooms... but taking those extreme overdose amounts proves how dangerous and delusional that can be. At least his brother Dennis seems to be "nearly normal" from that similar 2 week overdose they both took on the 'shrooms.
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Listening to the audio linked above PROVES McKenna is merely playing with his audience in a "Trickster Mode".

Your theory might be plausible if not for all the hard documentation of the weaponized anthropology programs that McKenna and company were hired to conduct during that era.

You really should educate yourself about them, especially if you intend to argue they did not exist.

A good place to start is my Paracast Forum thread here: Weaponized Anthropology, Entheogens, & Feudalism | The Paracast Community Forums
Your theory might be plausible if not for all the hard documentation of the weaponized anthropology programs that McKenna and company were hired to conduct during that era.
I did see your thread you linked too. Have you got anything more than that audio ALSO from McKenna too??? I mean, seriously, you can NOT rely on that for anything you're proposing. Any proof Terence was on the spooky payroll???

Were there proven criminal charges pending with a Warrant for Arrest against Terence? I know he said that he remained outside the USA for years longer than he planned to, but I've seen no elaboration about that having to do with criminal charges that then co-opt him as a what... DMT pusher conspiracy theory or ???

Alcohol is far more dangerous and weaponized than DMT or mushrooms will ever be, period. Terence is a perfect example of what can happen if one overdoses on the 'shrooms, which were then merged LATER with crazy SyFy AI ideas and Timewave theory too.

Somebody in Seattle was using McKenna for "the age of machines" Bull Sheeit, but those ROOTS come from his childhood fantasies and intensive reading of Science Fiction. He would promote those ideas from his own formative youth merged with going "nuts" on the overdose with his brother Dennis for 2 weeks. That has NOTHING to do with the 3 letter spooks...
You have A LOT of misplaced venom in your bite! I'm not manipulating anything whatsoever, period. And, I mean period.

The point of my post WAS/IS exactly as it IS NOW. Sorry, you can't untangle that with your snide remarks that are misrepresenting my post 100%. I meant exactly what it says now, and just because I arranged or changed some wording has NOTHING to do with being deceptive, PERIOD. Buzzzz Off...

I'm just making certain my post is more clarified and makes sense, which has nothing to do with your false jerky assertions.

Your a bullshitter and a liar, and have been caught...period!
Your a bullshitter and a liar, and have been caught...period!
Just read posts 53, 54, and 56.

Essentially, you can not accept the meaning of what I'm consistently writing, and you need a chill pill or your head examined for reading comprehension and meaning purposes.

Are you on something besides being angry? Weaponized Alcohol? You're having a bad trip here on Planet Earth? :D
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Yeah, you could say I'm angry. Only because of not replying to your post, quoting in conversation so that you wouldn't be able to weasel out of your lie.
Yeah, you could say I'm angry. Only because of not replying to your post, quoting in conversation so that you wouldn't be able to weasel out of your lie.
You have angered yourself, because I am not lying or weaseling out of anything. Are you seriously nuts? I think so. It's obvious you misread the meaning of my post that I changed a few words in it, within a few short minutes or less, just to clarify its original purpose and meaning. Now, I've explained this to you rationally several times, and you reply by calling me a liar, etc. You're simply mistaken. The Edit Link is there for a reason, so mistakes can be corrected or clarifications made. You're being A PSYCHO about this.

I suggest at this point you stop replying, repeating yourself over and over, as you are wasting everyone's time reading this thread. It is very rude and trollish for you to go on this way. Please post useful information that is on-topic for this thread. Calling someone a liar and weasel is not adding useful information or staying on-topic.